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synced 2024-09-14 22:47:21 +07:00
In order to redirect the user after authentication, Authelia uses rd query parameter provided by the proxy. However an attacker could use phishing to make the user be redirected to a bad domain. In order to avoid the user to be redirected to a bad location, Authelia now verifies the redirection URL is under the protected domain.
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47 lines
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import Bluebird = require("bluebird");
import WithDriver from '../helpers/with-driver';
import FillLoginPageWithUserAndPasswordAndClick from '../helpers/fill-login-page-and-click';
import WaitRedirected from '../helpers/wait-redirected';
import VisitPage from '../helpers/visit-page';
import ValidateTotp from '../helpers/validate-totp';
import AccessSecret from "../helpers/access-secret";
import LoginAndRegisterTotp from '../helpers/login-and-register-totp';
* Given john has registered a TOTP secret,
* When he validates the TOTP second factor,
* Then he has access to secret page.
describe('Validate TOTP factor', function() {
describe('successfully login as john', function() {
before(function() {
const that = this;
return LoginAndRegisterTotp(this.driver, "john", true)
.then(function(secret: string) {
that.secret = secret;
describe('validate second factor', function() {
before(function() {
const secret = this.secret;
if(!secret) return Bluebird.reject(new Error("No secret!"));
const driver = this.driver;
return VisitPage(driver, "https://login.example.com:8080/?rd=https://admin.example.com:8080/secret.html")
.then(() => FillLoginPageWithUserAndPasswordAndClick(driver, 'john', 'password'))
.then(() => ValidateTotp(driver, secret))
.then(() => WaitRedirected(driver, "https://admin.example.com:8080/secret.html"));
it("should access the secret", function() {
return AccessSecret(this.driver);