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synced 2024-09-14 22:47:21 +07:00
This moves the OpenID Connect storage from memory into the SQL storage, making it persistent and allowing it to be used with clustered deployments like the rest of Authelia.
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package handlers
import (
// OpenIDConnectAuthorizationGET handles GET requests to the OpenID Connect 1.0 Authorization endpoint.
// https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#AuthorizationEndpoint
func OpenIDConnectAuthorizationGET(ctx *middlewares.AutheliaCtx, rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var (
requester fosite.AuthorizeRequester
responder fosite.AuthorizeResponder
client *oidc.Client
authTime time.Time
issuer string
err error
if requester, err = ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.Fosite.NewAuthorizeRequest(ctx, r); err != nil {
rfc := fosite.ErrorToRFC6749Error(err)
ctx.Logger.Errorf("Authorization Request failed with error: %+v", rfc)
ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.Fosite.WriteAuthorizeError(rw, requester, err)
clientID := requester.GetClient().GetID()
ctx.Logger.Debugf("Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' is being processed", requester.GetID(), clientID)
if client, err = ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.Store.GetFullClient(clientID); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, fosite.ErrNotFound) {
ctx.Logger.Errorf("Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' could not be processed: client was not found", requester.GetID(), clientID)
} else {
ctx.Logger.Errorf("Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' could not be processed: failed to find client: %+v", requester.GetID(), clientID, err)
ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.Fosite.WriteAuthorizeError(rw, requester, err)
if issuer, err = ctx.ExternalRootURL(); err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Errorf("Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' could not be processed: error occurred determining issuer: %+v", requester.GetID(), clientID, err)
ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.Fosite.WriteAuthorizeError(rw, requester, fosite.ErrServerError.WithHint("Could not determine issuer."))
userSession := ctx.GetSession()
var subject uuid.UUID
if subject, err = ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.Store.GetSubject(ctx, client.GetSectorIdentifier(), userSession.Username); err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Errorf("Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' could not be processed: error occurred retrieving subject for user '%s': %+v", requester.GetID(), client.GetID(), userSession.Username, err)
ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.Fosite.WriteAuthorizeError(rw, requester, fosite.ErrServerError.WithHint("Could not retrieve the subject."))
var (
consent *model.OAuth2ConsentSession
handled bool
if consent, handled = handleOIDCAuthorizationConsent(ctx, issuer, client, userSession, subject, rw, r, requester); handled {
extraClaims := oidcGrantRequests(requester, consent, &userSession)
if authTime, err = userSession.AuthenticatedTime(client.Policy); err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Errorf("Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' could not be processed: error occurred checking authentication time: %+v", requester.GetID(), client.GetID(), err)
ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.Fosite.WriteAuthorizeError(rw, requester, fosite.ErrServerError.WithHint("Could not obtain the authentication time."))
ctx.Logger.Debugf("Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' was successfully processed, proceeding to build Authorization Response", requester.GetID(), clientID)
oidcSession := oidc.NewSessionWithAuthorizeRequest(issuer, ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.KeyManager.GetActiveKeyID(),
userSession.Username, userSession.AuthenticationMethodRefs.MarshalRFC8176(), extraClaims, authTime, consent, requester)
ctx.Logger.Tracef("Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' creating session for Authorization Response for subject '%s' with username '%s' with claims: %+v",
requester.GetID(), oidcSession.ClientID, oidcSession.Subject, oidcSession.Username, oidcSession.Claims)
ctx.Logger.Tracef("Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' creating session for Authorization Response for subject '%s' with username '%s' with headers: %+v",
requester.GetID(), oidcSession.ClientID, oidcSession.Subject, oidcSession.Username, oidcSession.Headers)
if responder, err = ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.Fosite.NewAuthorizeResponse(ctx, requester, oidcSession); err != nil {
rfc := fosite.ErrorToRFC6749Error(err)
ctx.Logger.Errorf("Authorization Response for Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' could not be created: %+v", requester.GetID(), clientID, rfc)
ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.Fosite.WriteAuthorizeError(rw, requester, err)
if err = ctx.Providers.StorageProvider.SaveOAuth2ConsentSessionGranted(ctx, consent.ID); err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Errorf("Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' could not be processed: error occurred saving consent session: %+v", requester.GetID(), client.GetID(), err)
ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.Fosite.WriteAuthorizeError(rw, requester, fosite.ErrServerError.WithHint("Could not save the session."))
ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.Fosite.WriteAuthorizeResponse(rw, requester, responder)