mirror of https://github.com/0rangebananaspy/authelia.git synced 2024-09-14 22:47:21 +07:00
2018-03-29 23:09:29 +02:00

99 lines
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import {Given, When, Then, TableDefinition} from "cucumber";
import seleniumWebdriver = require("selenium-webdriver");
import Assert = require("assert");
import Fs = require("fs");
import Speakeasy = require("speakeasy");
import CustomWorld = require("../support/world");
import BluebirdPromise = require("bluebird");
import Request = require("request-promise");
When(/^I visit "(https:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9:%&._\/=?-]+)"$/, function (link: string) {
return this.visit(link);
When("I wait for notification to disappear", function () {
const that = this;
const notificationEl = this.driver.findElement(seleniumWebdriver.By.className("notification"));
return this.driver.wait(seleniumWebdriver.until.elementIsVisible(notificationEl), 15000)
.then(function () {
return that.driver.wait(seleniumWebdriver.until.elementIsNotVisible(notificationEl), 15000);
When("I set field {string} to {string}", function (fieldName: string, content: string) {
return this.setFieldTo(fieldName, content);
When("I clear field {string}", function (fieldName: string) {
return this.clearField(fieldName);
When("I click on {string}", function (text: string) {
return this.clickOnButton(text);
Given("I login with user {string} and password {string}",
function (username: string, password: string) {
return this.loginWithUserPassword(username, password);
Given("I login with user {string} and password {string} \
and I use TOTP token handle {string}",
function (username: string, password: string, totpTokenHandle: string) {
const that = this;
return this.loginWithUserPassword(username, password)
.then(function () {
return that.useTotpTokenHandle(totpTokenHandle);
Given("I register a TOTP secret called {string}", function (handle: string) {
return this.registerTotpSecret(handle);
Given("I use {string} as TOTP token", function (token: string) {
return this.useTotpToken(token);
Given("I use {string} as TOTP token handle", function (handle) {
return this.useTotpTokenHandle(handle);
When("I visit {string} and get redirected {string}",
function (url: string, redirectUrl: string) {
const that = this;
return this.driver.get(url)
.then(function () {
return that.driver.wait(seleniumWebdriver.until.urlIs(redirectUrl), 2000);
Given("I register TOTP and login with user {string} and password {string}",
function (username: string, password: string) {
return this.registerTotpAndSignin(username, password);
function endpointReplyWith(context: any, link: string, method: string,
returnCode: number) {
return Request(link, {
method: method
.then(function (response: string) {
Assert(response.indexOf("Error " + returnCode) >= 0);
return BluebirdPromise.resolve();
}, function (response: any) {
Assert.equal(response.statusCode, returnCode);
return BluebirdPromise.resolve();
Then("the following endpoints reply with:", function (dataTable: TableDefinition) {
const promises = [];
for (let i = 0; i < dataTable.rows().length; i++) {
const url: string = (dataTable.hashes() as any)[i].url;
const method: string = (dataTable.hashes() as any)[i].method;
const code: number = (dataTable.hashes() as any)[i].code;
promises.push(endpointReplyWith(this, url, method, code));
return BluebirdPromise.all(promises);