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These are 2 measures for improving security of cookies. One is used to not send the cookie over HTTP (only HTTPS) and the other tells the browser to disallow client-side code accessing the cookie.
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import { SessionConfigurationBuilder } from "../src/lib/configuration/SessionConfigurationBuilder";
import { AppConfiguration } from "../src/lib/configuration/Configuration";
import { GlobalDependencies } from "../types/Dependencies";
import ExpressSession = require("express-session");
import ConnectRedis = require("connect-redis");
import Sinon = require("sinon");
import Assert = require("assert");
describe("test session configuration builder", function () {
it("should return session options without redis options", function () {
const configuration: AppConfiguration = {
access_control: {
default_policy: "deny",
any: [],
users: {},
groups: {}
ldap: {
url: "ldap://ldap",
user: "user",
password: "password",
groups_dn: "ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com",
users_dn: "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com",
group_name_attribute: "",
groups_filter: "",
mail_attribute: "",
users_filter: ""
logs_level: "debug",
notifier: {
filesystem: {
filename: "/test"
port: 8080,
session: {
domain: "example.com",
expiration: 3600,
secret: "secret"
regulation: {
max_retries: 3,
ban_time: 5 * 60,
find_time: 5 * 60
storage: {
local: {
in_memory: true
authentication_methods: {
default_method: "two_factor",
per_subdomain_methods: {}
const deps: GlobalDependencies = {
ConnectRedis: Sinon.spy() as any,
ldapjs: Sinon.spy() as any,
nedb: Sinon.spy() as any,
session: Sinon.spy() as any,
speakeasy: Sinon.spy() as any,
u2f: Sinon.spy() as any,
winston: Sinon.spy() as any,
dovehash: Sinon.spy() as any
const options = SessionConfigurationBuilder.build(configuration, deps);
const expectedOptions = {
secret: "secret",
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: true,
cookie: {
secure: true,
httpOnly: true,
maxAge: 3600,
domain: "example.com"
Assert.deepEqual(expectedOptions, options);
it("should return session options with redis options", function () {
const configuration: AppConfiguration = {
access_control: {
default_policy: "deny",
any: [],
users: {},
groups: {}
ldap: {
url: "ldap://ldap",
user: "user",
password: "password",
groups_dn: "ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com",
users_dn: "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com",
group_name_attribute: "",
groups_filter: "",
mail_attribute: "",
users_filter: ""
logs_level: "debug",
notifier: {
filesystem: {
filename: "/test"
port: 8080,
session: {
domain: "example.com",
expiration: 3600,
secret: "secret",
redis: {
host: "redis.example.com",
port: 6379
regulation: {
max_retries: 3,
ban_time: 5 * 60,
find_time: 5 * 60
storage: {
local: {
in_memory: true
authentication_methods: {
default_method: "two_factor",
per_subdomain_methods: {}
const RedisStoreMock = Sinon.spy();
const deps: GlobalDependencies = {
ConnectRedis: Sinon.stub().returns(RedisStoreMock) as any,
ldapjs: Sinon.spy() as any,
nedb: Sinon.spy() as any,
session: Sinon.spy() as any,
speakeasy: Sinon.spy() as any,
u2f: Sinon.spy() as any,
winston: Sinon.spy() as any,
dovehash: Sinon.spy() as any
const options = SessionConfigurationBuilder.build(configuration, deps);
const expectedOptions: ExpressSession.SessionOptions = {
secret: "secret",
resave: false,
saveUninitialized: true,
cookie: {
secure: true,
httpOnly: true,
maxAge: 3600,
domain: "example.com"
store: Sinon.match.object as any
Assert((deps.ConnectRedis as Sinon.SinonStub).calledWith(deps.session));
Assert.equal(options.secret, expectedOptions.secret);
Assert.equal(options.resave, expectedOptions.resave);
Assert.equal(options.saveUninitialized, expectedOptions.saveUninitialized);
Assert.deepEqual(options.cookie, expectedOptions.cookie);
Assert(options.store != undefined);
}); |