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synced 2024-09-14 22:47:21 +07:00
Use the polyfill version of u2f API provided by Google. https://github.com/mastahyeti/u2f-api This polyfill is at least compatible with Chrome and Firefox after enabling the U2F support. [HOWTO] Enable U2F in Firefox >= 57: Navigate to 'about:config' and search for 'u2f' option. Double-click on the line to toggle the option.
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// Base 64 using `-` and `_`, without trailing `=`.
// See:
// - https://fidoalliance.org/specs/fido-u2f-v1.2-ps-20170411/fido-u2f-javascript-api-v1.2-ps-20170411.html#key-words
// - https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-5
type WebSafeBase64<T> = string;
// Blob with fields
type BinaryEncoded<T> = string;
type URL = String;
type WebOrigin = URL;
type TrustedFacetsURL = URL;
// U2F Types
type Challenge = WebSafeBase64<string>;
type Typ = "navigator.id.getAssertion" | "navigator.id.finishEnrollment"
// TODO: Which fields are optional?
type ClientData = {
typ: Typ,
challenge: Challenge,
origin: WebOrigin
cid_pubkey: "unused"
type RegistrationData = {
keyHandle: string;
publicKey: string;
type SignatureData = {
type KeyHandle = string;
// Polyfill-specific types for `u2f-api-polyfill.d.ts` that are not defined in
// `u2f-api-polyfill` itself.
type AppID = TrustedFacetsURL; // A URL
type EncodedClientData = WebSafeBase64<ClientData>; // TODO
type EncodedRegistrationData = BinaryEncoded<RegistrationData>;
type EncodedSignatureData = BinaryEncoded<SignatureData>; // TODO
type ErrorMessage = string;
type EncodedKeyHandle = WebSafeBase64<KeyHandle>;
type PolyfillVersion = "U2F_V2"; // TODO: are other values supported?
type RequestID = number;
type Seconds = number;
// Types from `u2f-api-polyfill`.
export const EXTENSION_ID: string;
export enum MessageType {
U2F_REGISTER_REQUEST = "u2f_register_request",
U2F_REGISTER_RESPONSE = "u2f_register_response",
U2F_SIGN_REQUEST = "u2f_sign_request",
U2F_SIGN_RESPONSE = "u2f_sign_response",
U2F_GET_API_VERSION_REQUEST = "u2f_get_api_version_request",
U2F_GET_API_VERSION_RESPONSE = "u2f_get_api_version_response"
export enum ErrorCode {
OK = 0,
type U2FError = {
errorCode: ErrorCode,
errorMessage?: ErrorMessage
// TODO: What are the values?
export enum Transport {
type SignResponse = {
keyHandle: EncodedKeyHandle,
signatureData: EncodedSignatureData,
clientData: EncodedClientData
type RegisterRequest = {
version: PolyfillVersion,
challenge: Challenge
type RegisterResponse = {
version: PolyfillVersion,
challenge: Challenge,
EncodedregistrationData: EncodedRegistrationData,
clientData: EncodedClientData
type RegisteredKey = {
version: PolyfillVersion,
keyHandle: EncodedKeyHandle,
transports: Transport[],
appId?: AppID
type GetJsApiVersionResponse = {
js_api_version: number
// TODO: WrappedChromeRuntimePort_?
export function getMessagePort(
callback: (m: MessagePort) => void
): void;
// TODO: function formatSignRequest_ is not marked as private?
// TODO: function formatRegisterRequest_ is not marked as private?
// Default extension response timeout in seconds.
export const EXTENSION_TIMEOUT_SEC: Seconds;
// Dispatches an array of sign requests to available U2F tokens. If the JS API
// version supported by the extension is unknown, it first sends a message to
// the extension to find out the supported API version and then it sends the
// sign request.
export function sign(
appId: AppID | undefined,
challenge: Challenge | undefined,
registeredKeys: RegisteredKey[],
callback: (response: (U2FError | SignResponse)) => void,
timeout?: Seconds
): void;
// Dispatches an array of sign requests to available U2F tokens.
export const sendSignRequest: typeof sign;
// Dispatches register requests to available U2F tokens. An array of sign
// requests identifies already registered tokens. If the JS API version
// supported by the extension is unknown, it first sends a message to the
// extension to find out the supported API version and then it sends the
// register request.
export function register(
appId: AppID | undefined,
registerRequests: RegisterRequest[],
registeredKeys: RegisteredKey[],
callback: (response: (U2FError | RegisterResponse)) => void,
timeout?: Seconds
): void;
// Dispatches register requests to available U2F tokens. An array of sign
// requests identifies already registered tokens.
export const sendRegisterRequest: typeof register;
// Dispatches a message to the extension to find out the supported JS API
// version. If the user is on a mobile phone and is thus using Google
// Authenticator instead of the Chrome extension, don't send the request and
// simply return 0.
export function getApiVersion(
callback: (response: (U2FError | GetJsApiVersionResponse)) => void,
timeout?: Seconds
): void; |