James Elliott 70ab8aab15
fix(web): show appropriate default and available methods (#2999)
This ensures that; the method set when a user does not have a preference is a method that is available, that if a user has a preferred method that is not available it is changed to an enabled method with preference put on methods the user has configured, that the frontend does not show the method selection option when only one method is available.
2022-03-28 12:26:30 +11:00

362 lines
10 KiB

package middlewares
import (
// NewRequestLogger create a new request logger for the given request.
func NewRequestLogger(ctx *AutheliaCtx) *logrus.Entry {
return logging.Logger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
"method": string(ctx.Method()),
"path": string(ctx.Path()),
"remote_ip": ctx.RemoteIP().String(),
// NewAutheliaCtx instantiate an AutheliaCtx out of a RequestCtx.
func NewAutheliaCtx(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx, configuration schema.Configuration, providers Providers) (*AutheliaCtx, error) {
autheliaCtx := new(AutheliaCtx)
autheliaCtx.RequestCtx = ctx
autheliaCtx.Providers = providers
autheliaCtx.Configuration = configuration
autheliaCtx.Logger = NewRequestLogger(autheliaCtx)
autheliaCtx.Clock = utils.RealClock{}
return autheliaCtx, nil
// AutheliaMiddleware is wrapping the RequestCtx into an AutheliaCtx providing Authelia related objects.
func AutheliaMiddleware(configuration schema.Configuration, providers Providers) RequestHandlerBridge {
return func(next RequestHandler) fasthttp.RequestHandler {
return func(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
autheliaCtx, err := NewAutheliaCtx(ctx, configuration, providers)
if err != nil {
autheliaCtx.Error(err, messageOperationFailed)
// AvailableSecondFactorMethods returns the available 2FA methods.
func (ctx *AutheliaCtx) AvailableSecondFactorMethods() (methods []string) {
methods = make([]string, 0, 3)
if !ctx.Configuration.TOTP.Disable {
methods = append(methods, model.SecondFactorMethodTOTP)
if !ctx.Configuration.Webauthn.Disable {
methods = append(methods, model.SecondFactorMethodWebauthn)
if ctx.Configuration.DuoAPI != nil {
methods = append(methods, model.SecondFactorMethodDuo)
return methods
// Error reply with an error and display the stack trace in the logs.
func (ctx *AutheliaCtx) Error(err error, message string) {
// SetJSONError sets the body of the response to an JSON error KO message.
func (ctx *AutheliaCtx) SetJSONError(message string) {
b, marshalErr := json.Marshal(ErrorResponse{Status: "KO", Message: message})
if marshalErr != nil {
// ReplyError reply with an error but does not display any stack trace in the logs.
func (ctx *AutheliaCtx) ReplyError(err error, message string) {
b, marshalErr := json.Marshal(ErrorResponse{Status: "KO", Message: message})
if marshalErr != nil {
// ReplyUnauthorized response sent when user is unauthorized.
func (ctx *AutheliaCtx) ReplyUnauthorized() {
ctx.RequestCtx.Error(fasthttp.StatusMessage(fasthttp.StatusUnauthorized), fasthttp.StatusUnauthorized)
// ReplyForbidden response sent when access is forbidden to user.
func (ctx *AutheliaCtx) ReplyForbidden() {
ctx.RequestCtx.Error(fasthttp.StatusMessage(fasthttp.StatusForbidden), fasthttp.StatusForbidden)
// ReplyBadRequest response sent when bad request has been sent.
func (ctx *AutheliaCtx) ReplyBadRequest() {
ctx.RequestCtx.Error(fasthttp.StatusMessage(fasthttp.StatusBadRequest), fasthttp.StatusBadRequest)
// XForwardedProto return the content of the X-Forwarded-Proto header.
func (ctx *AutheliaCtx) XForwardedProto() (proto []byte) {
proto = ctx.RequestCtx.Request.Header.PeekBytes(headerXForwardedProto)
if proto == nil {
if ctx.RequestCtx.IsTLS() {
return protoHTTPS
return protoHTTP
return proto
// XForwardedMethod return the content of the X-Forwarded-Method header.
func (ctx *AutheliaCtx) XForwardedMethod() (method []byte) {
return ctx.RequestCtx.Request.Header.PeekBytes(headerXForwardedMethod)
// XForwardedHost return the content of the X-Forwarded-Host header.
func (ctx *AutheliaCtx) XForwardedHost() (host []byte) {
host = ctx.RequestCtx.Request.Header.PeekBytes(headerXForwardedHost)
if host == nil {
return ctx.RequestCtx.Host()
return host
// XForwardedURI return the content of the X-Forwarded-URI header.
func (ctx *AutheliaCtx) XForwardedURI() (uri []byte) {
uri = ctx.RequestCtx.Request.Header.PeekBytes(headerXForwardedURI)
if len(uri) == 0 {
return ctx.RequestCtx.RequestURI()
return uri
// BasePath returns the base_url as per the path visited by the client.
func (ctx *AutheliaCtx) BasePath() (base string) {
if baseURL := ctx.UserValueBytes(UserValueKeyBaseURL); baseURL != nil {
return baseURL.(string)
return base
// ExternalRootURL gets the X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Forwarded-Host headers and the BasePath and forms them into a URL.
func (ctx *AutheliaCtx) ExternalRootURL() (string, error) {
protocol := ctx.XForwardedProto()
if protocol == nil {
return "", errMissingXForwardedProto
host := ctx.XForwardedHost()
if host == nil {
return "", errMissingXForwardedHost
externalRootURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", protocol, host)
if base := ctx.BasePath(); base != "" {
externalBaseURL, err := url.Parse(externalRootURL)
if err != nil {
return "", err
externalBaseURL.Path = path.Join(externalBaseURL.Path, base)
return externalBaseURL.String(), nil
return externalRootURL, nil
// XOriginalURL return the content of the X-Original-URL header.
func (ctx *AutheliaCtx) XOriginalURL() []byte {
return ctx.RequestCtx.Request.Header.PeekBytes(headerXOriginalURL)
// GetSession return the user session. Any update will be saved in cache.
func (ctx *AutheliaCtx) GetSession() session.UserSession {
userSession, err := ctx.Providers.SessionProvider.GetSession(ctx.RequestCtx)
if err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Error("Unable to retrieve user session")
return session.NewDefaultUserSession()
return userSession
// SaveSession save the content of the session.
func (ctx *AutheliaCtx) SaveSession(userSession session.UserSession) error {
return ctx.Providers.SessionProvider.SaveSession(ctx.RequestCtx, userSession)
// ReplyOK is a helper method to reply ok.
func (ctx *AutheliaCtx) ReplyOK() {
// ParseBody parse the request body into the type of value.
func (ctx *AutheliaCtx) ParseBody(value interface{}) error {
err := json.Unmarshal(ctx.PostBody(), &value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to parse body: %w", err)
valid, err := govalidator.ValidateStruct(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to validate body: %w", err)
if !valid {
return fmt.Errorf("Body is not valid")
return nil
// SetJSONBody Set json body.
func (ctx *AutheliaCtx) SetJSONBody(value interface{}) error {
b, err := json.Marshal(OKResponse{Status: "OK", Data: value})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to marshal JSON body: %w", err)
return nil
// RemoteIP return the remote IP taking X-Forwarded-For header into account if provided.
func (ctx *AutheliaCtx) RemoteIP() net.IP {
XForwardedFor := ctx.Request.Header.PeekBytes(headerXForwardedFor)
if XForwardedFor != nil {
ips := strings.Split(string(XForwardedFor), ",")
if len(ips) > 0 {
return net.ParseIP(strings.Trim(ips[0], " "))
return ctx.RequestCtx.RemoteIP()
// GetOriginalURL extract the URL from the request headers (X-Original-URL or X-Forwarded-* headers).
func (ctx *AutheliaCtx) GetOriginalURL() (*url.URL, error) {
originalURL := ctx.XOriginalURL()
if originalURL != nil {
parsedURL, err := url.ParseRequestURI(string(originalURL))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse URL extracted from X-Original-URL header: %v", err)
ctx.Logger.Trace("Using X-Original-URL header content as targeted site URL")
return parsedURL, nil
forwardedProto, forwardedHost, forwardedURI := ctx.XForwardedProto(), ctx.XForwardedHost(), ctx.XForwardedURI()
if forwardedProto == nil {
return nil, errMissingXForwardedProto
if forwardedHost == nil {
return nil, errMissingXForwardedHost
var requestURI string
scheme := forwardedProto
scheme = append(scheme, protoHostSeparator...)
requestURI = string(append(scheme,
append(forwardedHost, forwardedURI...)...))
parsedURL, err := url.ParseRequestURI(requestURI)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse URL %s: %v", requestURI, err)
ctx.Logger.Tracef("Using X-Fowarded-Proto, X-Forwarded-Host and X-Forwarded-URI headers " +
"to construct targeted site URL")
return parsedURL, nil
// IsXHR returns true if the request is a XMLHttpRequest.
func (ctx AutheliaCtx) IsXHR() (xhr bool) {
requestedWith := ctx.Request.Header.PeekBytes(headerXRequestedWith)
return requestedWith != nil && strings.EqualFold(string(requestedWith), headerValueXRequestedWithXHR)
// AcceptsMIME takes a mime type and returns true if the request accepts that type or the wildcard type.
func (ctx AutheliaCtx) AcceptsMIME(mime string) (acceptsMime bool) {
accepts := strings.Split(string(ctx.Request.Header.PeekBytes(headerAccept)), ",")
for i, accept := range accepts {
mimeType := strings.Trim(strings.SplitN(accept, ";", 2)[0], " ")
if mimeType == mime || (i == 0 && mimeType == "*/*") {
return true
return false
// SpecialRedirect performs a redirect similar to fasthttp.RequestCtx except it allows statusCode 401 and includes body
// content in the form of a link to the location.
func (ctx *AutheliaCtx) SpecialRedirect(uri string, statusCode int) {
if statusCode < fasthttp.StatusMovedPermanently || (statusCode > fasthttp.StatusSeeOther && statusCode != fasthttp.StatusTemporaryRedirect && statusCode != fasthttp.StatusPermanentRedirect && statusCode != fasthttp.StatusUnauthorized) {
statusCode = fasthttp.StatusFound
u := fasthttp.AcquireURI()
ctx.Response.Header.SetBytesV("Location", u.FullURI())
ctx.SetBodyString(fmt.Sprintf("<a href=\"%s\">%s</a>", utils.StringHTMLEscape(string(u.FullURI())), fasthttp.StatusMessage(statusCode)))