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synced 2024-09-14 22:47:21 +07:00
This changes the way XML HTTP requests are handled on the verify endpoint so that they are redirected using a 401 instead of a 302/303.
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package handlers
import (
func isURLUnderProtectedDomain(url *url.URL, domain string) bool {
return strings.HasSuffix(url.Hostname(), domain)
func isSchemeHTTPS(url *url.URL) bool {
return url.Scheme == "https"
func isSchemeWSS(url *url.URL) bool {
return url.Scheme == "wss"
// parseBasicAuth parses an HTTP Basic Authentication string.
// "Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==" returns ("Aladdin", "open sesame", true).
func parseBasicAuth(header, auth string) (username, password string, err error) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(auth, authPrefix) {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("%s prefix not found in %s header", strings.Trim(authPrefix, " "), header)
c, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(auth[len(authPrefix):])
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
cs := string(c)
s := strings.IndexByte(cs, ':')
if s < 0 {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("Format of %s header must be user:password", header)
return cs[:s], cs[s+1:], nil
// isTargetURLAuthorized check whether the given user is authorized to access the resource.
func isTargetURLAuthorized(authorizer *authorization.Authorizer, targetURL url.URL,
username string, userGroups []string, clientIP net.IP, method []byte, authLevel authentication.Level) authorizationMatching {
level := authorizer.GetRequiredLevel(
Username: username,
Groups: userGroups,
IP: clientIP,
authorization.NewObjectRaw(&targetURL, method))
switch {
case level == authorization.Bypass:
return Authorized
case level == authorization.Denied && username != "":
// If the user is not anonymous, it means that we went through
// all the rules related to that user and knowing who he is we can
// deduce the access is forbidden
// For anonymous users though, we cannot be sure that she
// could not be granted the rights to access the resource. Consequently
// for anonymous users we send Unauthorized instead of Forbidden
return Forbidden
case level == authorization.OneFactor && authLevel >= authentication.OneFactor,
level == authorization.TwoFactor && authLevel >= authentication.TwoFactor:
return Authorized
return NotAuthorized
// verifyBasicAuth verify that the provided username and password are correct and
// that the user is authorized to target the resource.
func verifyBasicAuth(header string, auth []byte, targetURL url.URL, ctx *middlewares.AutheliaCtx) (username, name string, groups, emails []string, authLevel authentication.Level, err error) { //nolint:unparam
username, password, err := parseBasicAuth(header, string(auth))
if err != nil {
return "", "", nil, nil, authentication.NotAuthenticated, fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse content of %s header: %s", header, err)
authenticated, err := ctx.Providers.UserProvider.CheckUserPassword(username, password)
if err != nil {
return "", "", nil, nil, authentication.NotAuthenticated, fmt.Errorf("Unable to check credentials extracted from %s header: %s", header, err)
// If the user is not correctly authenticated, send a 401.
if !authenticated {
// Request Basic Authentication otherwise
return "", "", nil, nil, authentication.NotAuthenticated, fmt.Errorf("User %s is not authenticated", username)
details, err := ctx.Providers.UserProvider.GetDetails(username)
if err != nil {
return "", "", nil, nil, authentication.NotAuthenticated, fmt.Errorf("Unable to retrieve details of user %s: %s", username, err)
return username, details.DisplayName, details.Groups, details.Emails, authentication.OneFactor, nil
// setForwardedHeaders set the forwarded User, Groups, Name and Email headers.
func setForwardedHeaders(headers *fasthttp.ResponseHeader, username, name string, groups, emails []string) {
if username != "" {
headers.Set(headerRemoteUser, username)
headers.Set(headerRemoteGroups, strings.Join(groups, ","))
headers.Set(headerRemoteName, name)
if emails != nil {
headers.Set(headerRemoteEmail, emails[0])
} else {
headers.Set(headerRemoteEmail, "")
// hasUserBeenInactiveTooLong checks whether the user has been inactive for too long.
func hasUserBeenInactiveTooLong(ctx *middlewares.AutheliaCtx) (bool, error) { //nolint:unparam
maxInactivityPeriod := int64(ctx.Providers.SessionProvider.Inactivity.Seconds())
if maxInactivityPeriod == 0 {
return false, nil
lastActivity := ctx.GetSession().LastActivity
inactivityPeriod := ctx.Clock.Now().Unix() - lastActivity
ctx.Logger.Tracef("Inactivity report: Inactivity=%d, MaxInactivity=%d",
inactivityPeriod, maxInactivityPeriod)
if inactivityPeriod > maxInactivityPeriod {
return true, nil
return false, nil
// verifySessionCookie verifies if a user is identified by a cookie.
func verifySessionCookie(ctx *middlewares.AutheliaCtx, targetURL *url.URL, userSession *session.UserSession, refreshProfile bool,
refreshProfileInterval time.Duration) (username, name string, groups, emails []string, authLevel authentication.Level, err error) {
// No username in the session means the user is anonymous.
isUserAnonymous := userSession.Username == ""
if isUserAnonymous && userSession.AuthenticationLevel != authentication.NotAuthenticated {
return "", "", nil, nil, authentication.NotAuthenticated, fmt.Errorf("An anonymous user cannot be authenticated. That might be the sign of a compromise")
if !userSession.KeepMeLoggedIn && !isUserAnonymous {
inactiveLongEnough, err := hasUserBeenInactiveTooLong(ctx)
if err != nil {
return "", "", nil, nil, authentication.NotAuthenticated, fmt.Errorf("Unable to check if user has been inactive for a long time: %s", err)
if inactiveLongEnough {
// Destroy the session a new one will be regenerated on next request.
err := ctx.Providers.SessionProvider.DestroySession(ctx.RequestCtx)
if err != nil {
return "", "", nil, nil, authentication.NotAuthenticated, fmt.Errorf("Unable to destroy user session after long inactivity: %s", err)
return userSession.Username, userSession.DisplayName, userSession.Groups, userSession.Emails, authentication.NotAuthenticated, fmt.Errorf("User %s has been inactive for too long", userSession.Username)
err = verifySessionHasUpToDateProfile(ctx, targetURL, userSession, refreshProfile, refreshProfileInterval)
if err != nil {
if err == authentication.ErrUserNotFound {
err = ctx.Providers.SessionProvider.DestroySession(ctx.RequestCtx)
if err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Error(fmt.Errorf("Unable to destroy user session after provider refresh didn't find the user: %s", err))
return userSession.Username, userSession.DisplayName, userSession.Groups, userSession.Emails, authentication.NotAuthenticated, err
ctx.Logger.Warnf("Error occurred while attempting to update user details from LDAP: %s", err)
return userSession.Username, userSession.DisplayName, userSession.Groups, userSession.Emails, userSession.AuthenticationLevel, nil
func handleUnauthorized(ctx *middlewares.AutheliaCtx, targetURL fmt.Stringer, isBasicAuth bool, username string, method []byte) {
var (
statusCode int
redirectionURL string
friendlyUsername string
friendlyRequestMethod string
switch username {
case "":
friendlyUsername = "<anonymous>"
friendlyUsername = username
if isBasicAuth {
ctx.Logger.Infof("Access to %s is not authorized to user %s, sending 401 response with basic auth header", targetURL.String(), friendlyUsername)
ctx.Response.Header.Add("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"Authentication required\"")
// Kubernetes ingress controller and Traefik use the rd parameter of the verify
// endpoint to provide the URL of the login portal. The target URL of the user
// is computed from X-Forwarded-* headers or X-Original-URL.
rd := string(ctx.QueryArgs().Peek("rd"))
rm := string(method)
switch rm {
case "":
friendlyRequestMethod = "unknown"
friendlyRequestMethod = rm
if rd != "" {
switch rm {
case "":
redirectionURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s?rd=%s", rd, url.QueryEscape(targetURL.String()))
redirectionURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s?rd=%s&rm=%s", rd, url.QueryEscape(targetURL.String()), rm)
switch {
case ctx.IsXHR() || !ctx.AcceptsMIME("text/html") || rd == "":
statusCode = fasthttp.StatusUnauthorized
switch rm {
case fasthttp.MethodGet, fasthttp.MethodOptions, "":
statusCode = fasthttp.StatusFound
statusCode = fasthttp.StatusSeeOther
if redirectionURL != "" {
ctx.Logger.Infof("Access to %s (method %s) is not authorized to user %s, responding with status code %d with location redirect to %s", targetURL.String(), friendlyRequestMethod, friendlyUsername, statusCode, redirectionURL)
ctx.SpecialRedirect(redirectionURL, statusCode)
} else {
ctx.Logger.Infof("Access to %s (method %s) is not authorized to user %s, responding with status code %d", targetURL.String(), friendlyRequestMethod, friendlyUsername, statusCode)
func updateActivityTimestamp(ctx *middlewares.AutheliaCtx, isBasicAuth bool, username string) error {
if isBasicAuth || username == "" {
return nil
userSession := ctx.GetSession()
// We don't need to update the activity timestamp when user checked keep me logged in.
if userSession.KeepMeLoggedIn {
return nil
// Mark current activity.
userSession.LastActivity = ctx.Clock.Now().Unix()
return ctx.SaveSession(userSession)
// generateVerifySessionHasUpToDateProfileTraceLogs is used to generate trace logs only when trace logging is enabled.
// The information calculated in this function is completely useless other than trace for now.
func generateVerifySessionHasUpToDateProfileTraceLogs(ctx *middlewares.AutheliaCtx, userSession *session.UserSession,
details *authentication.UserDetails) {
groupsAdded, groupsRemoved := utils.StringSlicesDelta(userSession.Groups, details.Groups)
emailsAdded, emailsRemoved := utils.StringSlicesDelta(userSession.Emails, details.Emails)
nameDelta := userSession.DisplayName != details.DisplayName
// Check Groups.
var groupsDelta []string
if len(groupsAdded) != 0 {
groupsDelta = append(groupsDelta, fmt.Sprintf("Added: %s.", strings.Join(groupsAdded, ", ")))
if len(groupsRemoved) != 0 {
groupsDelta = append(groupsDelta, fmt.Sprintf("Removed: %s.", strings.Join(groupsRemoved, ", ")))
if len(groupsDelta) != 0 {
ctx.Logger.Tracef("Updated groups detected for %s. %s", userSession.Username, strings.Join(groupsDelta, " "))
} else {
ctx.Logger.Tracef("No updated groups detected for %s", userSession.Username)
// Check Emails.
var emailsDelta []string
if len(emailsAdded) != 0 {
emailsDelta = append(emailsDelta, fmt.Sprintf("Added: %s.", strings.Join(emailsAdded, ", ")))
if len(emailsRemoved) != 0 {
emailsDelta = append(emailsDelta, fmt.Sprintf("Removed: %s.", strings.Join(emailsRemoved, ", ")))
if len(emailsDelta) != 0 {
ctx.Logger.Tracef("Updated emails detected for %s. %s", userSession.Username, strings.Join(emailsDelta, " "))
} else {
ctx.Logger.Tracef("No updated emails detected for %s", userSession.Username)
// Check Name.
if nameDelta {
ctx.Logger.Tracef("Updated display name detected for %s. Added: %s. Removed: %s.", userSession.Username, details.DisplayName, userSession.DisplayName)
} else {
ctx.Logger.Tracef("No updated display name detected for %s", userSession.Username)
func verifySessionHasUpToDateProfile(ctx *middlewares.AutheliaCtx, targetURL *url.URL, userSession *session.UserSession,
refreshProfile bool, refreshProfileInterval time.Duration) error {
// TODO: Add a check for LDAP password changes based on a time format attribute.
// See https://www.authelia.com/docs/security/threat-model.html#potential-future-guarantees
ctx.Logger.Tracef("Checking if we need check the authentication backend for an updated profile for %s.", userSession.Username)
if !refreshProfile || userSession.Username == "" || targetURL == nil {
return nil
if refreshProfileInterval != schema.RefreshIntervalAlways && userSession.RefreshTTL.After(ctx.Clock.Now()) {
return nil
ctx.Logger.Debugf("Checking the authentication backend for an updated profile for user %s", userSession.Username)
details, err := ctx.Providers.UserProvider.GetDetails(userSession.Username)
// Only update the session if we could get the new details.
if err != nil {
return err
emailsDiff := utils.IsStringSlicesDifferent(userSession.Emails, details.Emails)
groupsDiff := utils.IsStringSlicesDifferent(userSession.Groups, details.Groups)
nameDiff := userSession.DisplayName != details.DisplayName
if !groupsDiff && !emailsDiff && !nameDiff {
ctx.Logger.Tracef("Updated profile not detected for %s.", userSession.Username)
// Only update TTL if the user has a interval set.
// We get to this check when there were no changes.
// Also make sure to update the session even if no difference was found.
// This is so that we don't check every subsequent request after this one.
if refreshProfileInterval != schema.RefreshIntervalAlways {
// Update RefreshTTL and save session if refresh is not set to always.
userSession.RefreshTTL = ctx.Clock.Now().Add(refreshProfileInterval)
return ctx.SaveSession(*userSession)
} else {
ctx.Logger.Debugf("Updated profile detected for %s.", userSession.Username)
if ctx.Configuration.Logging.Level == "trace" {
generateVerifySessionHasUpToDateProfileTraceLogs(ctx, userSession, details)
userSession.Emails = details.Emails
userSession.Groups = details.Groups
userSession.DisplayName = details.DisplayName
// Only update TTL if the user has a interval set.
if refreshProfileInterval != schema.RefreshIntervalAlways {
userSession.RefreshTTL = ctx.Clock.Now().Add(refreshProfileInterval)
// Return the result of save session if there were changes.
return ctx.SaveSession(*userSession)
// Return nil if disabled or if no changes and refresh interval set to always.
return nil
func getProfileRefreshSettings(cfg schema.AuthenticationBackendConfiguration) (refresh bool, refreshInterval time.Duration) {
if cfg.LDAP != nil {
if cfg.RefreshInterval == schema.ProfileRefreshDisabled {
refresh = false
refreshInterval = 0
} else {
refresh = true
if cfg.RefreshInterval != schema.ProfileRefreshAlways {
// Skip Error Check since validator checks it
refreshInterval, _ = utils.ParseDurationString(cfg.RefreshInterval)
} else {
refreshInterval = schema.RefreshIntervalAlways
return refresh, refreshInterval
func verifyAuth(ctx *middlewares.AutheliaCtx, targetURL *url.URL, refreshProfile bool, refreshProfileInterval time.Duration) (isBasicAuth bool, username, name string, groups, emails []string, authLevel authentication.Level, err error) {
authHeader := HeaderProxyAuthorization
if bytes.Equal(ctx.QueryArgs().Peek("auth"), []byte("basic")) {
authHeader = HeaderAuthorization
isBasicAuth = true
authValue := ctx.Request.Header.Peek(authHeader)
if authValue != nil {
isBasicAuth = true
} else if isBasicAuth {
err = fmt.Errorf("Basic auth requested via query arg, but no value provided via %s header", authHeader)
if isBasicAuth {
username, name, groups, emails, authLevel, err = verifyBasicAuth(authHeader, authValue, *targetURL, ctx)
userSession := ctx.GetSession()
username, name, groups, emails, authLevel, err = verifySessionCookie(ctx, targetURL, &userSession, refreshProfile, refreshProfileInterval)
sessionUsername := ctx.Request.Header.Peek(HeaderSessionUsername)
if sessionUsername != nil && !strings.EqualFold(string(sessionUsername), username) {
ctx.Logger.Warnf("Possible cookie hijack or attempt to bypass security detected destroying the session and sending 401 response")
err = ctx.Providers.SessionProvider.DestroySession(ctx.RequestCtx)
if err != nil {
"Unable to destroy user session after handler could not match them to their %s header: %s",
HeaderSessionUsername, err))
err = fmt.Errorf("Could not match user %s to their %s header with a value of %s when visiting %s", username, HeaderSessionUsername, sessionUsername, targetURL.String())
// VerifyGet returns the handler verifying if a request is allowed to go through.
func VerifyGet(cfg schema.AuthenticationBackendConfiguration) middlewares.RequestHandler {
refreshProfile, refreshProfileInterval := getProfileRefreshSettings(cfg)
return func(ctx *middlewares.AutheliaCtx) {
ctx.Logger.Tracef("Headers=%s", ctx.Request.Header.String())
targetURL, err := ctx.GetOriginalURL()
if err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Error(fmt.Errorf("Unable to parse target URL: %s", err))
if !isSchemeHTTPS(targetURL) && !isSchemeWSS(targetURL) {
ctx.Logger.Error(fmt.Errorf("Scheme of target URL %s must be secure since cookies are "+
"only transported over a secure connection for security reasons", targetURL.String()))
if !isURLUnderProtectedDomain(targetURL, ctx.Configuration.Session.Domain) {
ctx.Logger.Error(fmt.Errorf("The target URL %s is not under the protected domain %s",
targetURL.String(), ctx.Configuration.Session.Domain))
isBasicAuth, username, name, groups, emails, authLevel, err := verifyAuth(ctx, targetURL, refreshProfile, refreshProfileInterval)
method := ctx.XForwardedMethod()
if err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error caught when verifying user authorization: %s", err))
if err := updateActivityTimestamp(ctx, isBasicAuth, username); err != nil {
ctx.Error(fmt.Errorf("Unable to update last activity: %s", err), messageOperationFailed)
handleUnauthorized(ctx, targetURL, isBasicAuth, username, method)
authorized := isTargetURLAuthorized(ctx.Providers.Authorizer, *targetURL, username,
groups, ctx.RemoteIP(), method, authLevel)
switch authorized {
case Forbidden:
ctx.Logger.Infof("Access to %s is forbidden to user %s", targetURL.String(), username)
case NotAuthorized:
handleUnauthorized(ctx, targetURL, isBasicAuth, username, method)
case Authorized:
setForwardedHeaders(&ctx.Response.Header, username, name, groups, emails)
if err := updateActivityTimestamp(ctx, isBasicAuth, username); err != nil {
ctx.Error(fmt.Errorf("Unable to update last activity: %s", err), messageOperationFailed)