Amir Zarrinkafsh de2c5836fd
[Buildkite] Introduce CI linting with golangci-lint and reviewdog (#832)
* [Buildkite] Introduce CI linting with golangci-lint and reviewdog

* Initial pass of golangci-lint

* Add gosimple (megacheck) recommendations

* Add golint recommendations

* [BUGFIX] Migrate authentication traces from v3 mongodb

* Add deadcode recommendations

* [BUGFIX] Fix ShortTimeouts suite when run in dev workflow

* Add unused recommendations

* Add unparam recommendations

* Disable linting on unfixable errors instead of skipping files

* Adjust nolint notation for unparam

* Fix ineffectual assignment to err raised by linter.

* Export environment variable in agent hook

* Add ineffassign recommendations

* Add staticcheck recommendations

* Add gocyclo recommendations

* Adjust ineffassign recommendations

Co-authored-by: Clement Michaud <>
2020-04-09 11:05:17 +10:00

56 lines
2.4 KiB

package commands
import (
func init() {
HashPasswordCmd.Flags().BoolP("sha512", "z", false, fmt.Sprintf("use sha512 as the algorithm (changes iterations to %d, change with -i)", schema.DefaultPasswordOptionsSHA512Configuration.Iterations))
HashPasswordCmd.Flags().IntP("iterations", "i", schema.DefaultPasswordOptionsConfiguration.Iterations, "set the number of hashing iterations")
HashPasswordCmd.Flags().StringP("salt", "s", "", "set the salt string")
HashPasswordCmd.Flags().IntP("memory", "m", schema.DefaultPasswordOptionsConfiguration.Memory, "[argon2id] set the amount of memory param (in MB)")
HashPasswordCmd.Flags().IntP("parallelism", "p", schema.DefaultPasswordOptionsConfiguration.Parallelism, "[argon2id] set the parallelism param")
HashPasswordCmd.Flags().IntP("key-length", "k", schema.DefaultPasswordOptionsConfiguration.KeyLength, "[argon2id] set the key length param")
HashPasswordCmd.Flags().IntP("salt-length", "l", schema.DefaultPasswordOptionsConfiguration.SaltLength, "set the auto-generated salt length")
var HashPasswordCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "hash-password [password]",
Short: "Hash a password to be used in file-based users database. Default algorithm is argon2id.",
Run: func(cobraCmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
sha512, _ := cobraCmd.Flags().GetBool("sha512")
iterations, _ := cobraCmd.Flags().GetInt("iterations")
salt, _ := cobraCmd.Flags().GetString("salt")
keyLength, _ := cobraCmd.Flags().GetInt("key-length")
saltLength, _ := cobraCmd.Flags().GetInt("salt-length")
memory, _ := cobraCmd.Flags().GetInt("memory")
parallelism, _ := cobraCmd.Flags().GetInt("parallelism")
var err error
var hash string
var algorithm string
if sha512 {
if iterations == schema.DefaultPasswordOptionsConfiguration.Iterations {
iterations = schema.DefaultPasswordOptionsSHA512Configuration.Iterations
algorithm = authentication.HashingAlgorithmSHA512
} else {
algorithm = authentication.HashingAlgorithmArgon2id
hash, err = authentication.HashPassword(args[0], salt, algorithm, iterations, memory*1024, parallelism, keyLength, saltLength)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error occurred during hashing: %s", err)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Password hash: %s", hash)
Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1),