James Elliott ad8e844af6
feat(totp): algorithm and digits config (#2634)
Allow users to configure the TOTP Algorithm and Digits. This should be used with caution as many TOTP applications do not support it. Some will also fail to notify the user that there is an issue. i.e. if the algorithm in the QR code is sha512, they continue to generate one time passwords with sha1. In addition this drastically refactors TOTP in general to be more user friendly by not forcing them to register a new device if the administrator changes the period (or algorithm).

Fixes #1226.
2021-12-01 23:11:29 +11:00

394 lines
19 KiB

package suites
import (
type CLISuite struct {
func NewCLISuite() *CLISuite {
return &CLISuite{CommandSuite: new(CommandSuite)}
func (s *CLISuite) SetupSuite() {
dockerEnvironment := NewDockerEnvironment([]string{
s.DockerEnvironment = dockerEnvironment
func (s *CLISuite) SetupTest() {
testArg := ""
coverageArg := ""
if os.Getenv("CI") == t {
testArg = "-test.coverprofile=/authelia/coverage-$(date +%s).txt"
coverageArg = "COVERAGE"
s.testArg = testArg
s.coverageArg = coverageArg
func (s *CLISuite) TestShouldPrintBuildInformation() {
output, err := s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "build-info"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Last Tag: ")
s.Assert().Contains(output, "State: ")
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Branch: ")
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Build Number: ")
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Build OS: ")
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Build Arch: ")
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Build Date: ")
r := regexp.MustCompile(`^Last Tag: v\d+\.\d+\.\d+\nState: (tagged|untagged) (clean|dirty)\nBranch: [^\s\n]+\nCommit: [0-9a-f]{40}\nBuild Number: \d+\nBuild OS: (linux|darwin|windows|freebsd)\nBuild Arch: (amd64|arm|arm64)\nBuild Date: (Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat), \d{2} (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) \d{4} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} [+-]\d{4}\nExtra: \n`)
s.Assert().Regexp(r, output)
func (s *CLISuite) TestShouldPrintVersion() {
output, err := s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "--version"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "authelia version")
func (s *CLISuite) TestShouldValidateConfig() {
output, err := s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "validate-config", "/config/configuration.yml"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Configuration parsed successfully without errors")
func (s *CLISuite) TestShouldFailValidateConfig() {
output, err := s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "validate-config", "/config/invalid.yml"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Error Loading Configuration: stat /config/invalid.yml: no such file or directory")
func (s *CLISuite) TestShouldHashPasswordArgon2id() {
output, err := s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "hash-password", "test", "-m", "32", "-s", "test1234"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Password hash: $argon2id$v=19$m=32768,t=1,p=8")
func (s *CLISuite) TestShouldHashPasswordSHA512() {
output, err := s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "hash-password", "test", "-z"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Password hash: $6$rounds=50000")
func (s *CLISuite) TestShouldGenerateCertificateRSA() {
output, err := s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "certificates", "generate", "--host", "*", "--dir", "/tmp/"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Certificate Public Key written to /tmp/cert.pem")
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Certificate Private Key written to /tmp/key.pem")
func (s *CLISuite) TestShouldGenerateCertificateRSAWithIPAddress() {
output, err := s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "certificates", "generate", "--host", "", "--dir", "/tmp/"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Certificate Public Key written to /tmp/cert.pem")
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Certificate Private Key written to /tmp/key.pem")
func (s *CLISuite) TestShouldGenerateCertificateRSAWithStartDate() {
output, err := s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "certificates", "generate", "--host", "*", "--dir", "/tmp/", "--start-date", "'Jan 1 15:04:05 2011'"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Certificate Public Key written to /tmp/cert.pem")
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Certificate Private Key written to /tmp/key.pem")
func (s *CLISuite) TestShouldFailGenerateCertificateRSAWithStartDate() {
output, err := s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "certificates", "generate", "--host", "*", "--dir", "/tmp/", "--start-date", "Jan"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Failed to parse start date: parsing time \"Jan\" as \"Jan 2 15:04:05 2006\": cannot parse \"\" as \"2\"")
func (s *CLISuite) TestShouldGenerateCertificateCA() {
output, err := s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "certificates", "generate", "--host", "*", "--dir", "/tmp/", "--ca"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Certificate Public Key written to /tmp/cert.pem")
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Certificate Private Key written to /tmp/key.pem")
func (s *CLISuite) TestShouldGenerateCertificateEd25519() {
output, err := s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "certificates", "generate", "--host", "*", "--dir", "/tmp/", "--ed25519"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Certificate Public Key written to /tmp/cert.pem")
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Certificate Private Key written to /tmp/key.pem")
func (s *CLISuite) TestShouldFailGenerateCertificateECDSA() {
output, err := s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "certificates", "generate", "--host", "*", "--dir", "/tmp/", "--ecdsa-curve", "invalid"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Failed to generate private key: unrecognized elliptic curve: \"invalid\"")
func (s *CLISuite) TestShouldGenerateCertificateECDSAP224() {
output, err := s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "certificates", "generate", "--host", "*", "--dir", "/tmp/", "--ecdsa-curve", "P224"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Certificate Public Key written to /tmp/cert.pem")
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Certificate Private Key written to /tmp/key.pem")
func (s *CLISuite) TestShouldGenerateCertificateECDSAP256() {
output, err := s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "certificates", "generate", "--host", "*", "--dir", "/tmp/", "--ecdsa-curve", "P256"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Certificate Public Key written to /tmp/cert.pem")
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Certificate Private Key written to /tmp/key.pem")
func (s *CLISuite) TestShouldGenerateCertificateECDSAP384() {
output, err := s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "certificates", "generate", "--host", "*", "--dir", "/tmp/", "--ecdsa-curve", "P384"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Certificate Public Key written to /tmp/cert.pem")
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Certificate Private Key written to /tmp/key.pem")
func (s *CLISuite) TestShouldGenerateCertificateECDSAP521() {
output, err := s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "certificates", "generate", "--host", "*", "--dir", "/tmp/", "--ecdsa-curve", "P521"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Certificate Public Key written to /tmp/cert.pem")
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Certificate Private Key written to /tmp/key.pem")
func (s *CLISuite) TestStorageShouldShowErrWithoutConfig() {
output, err := s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "schema-info"})
s.Assert().EqualError(err, "exit status 1")
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Error: A storage configuration must be provided. It could be 'local', 'mysql' or 'postgres', the configuration option storage.encryption_key must be provided\n")
output, err = s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "migrate", "history"})
s.Assert().EqualError(err, "exit status 1")
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Error: A storage configuration must be provided. It could be 'local', 'mysql' or 'postgres', the configuration option storage.encryption_key must be provided\n")
func (s *CLISuite) TestStorage00ShouldShowCorrectPreInitInformation() {
_ = os.Remove("/tmp/db.sqlite3")
output, err := s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "schema-info", "--config", "/config/"})
pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`^Schema Version: N/A\nSchema Upgrade Available: yes - version \d+\nSchema Tables: N/A\nSchema Encryption Key: unsupported \(schema version\)`)
s.Assert().Regexp(pattern, output)
patternOutdated := regexp.MustCompile(`Error: schema is version \d+ which is outdated please migrate to version \d+ in order to use this command or use an older binary`)
output, err = s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "totp", "export", "--config", "/config/"})
s.Assert().EqualError(err, "exit status 1")
s.Assert().Regexp(patternOutdated, output)
output, err = s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "encryption", "change-key", "--config", "/config/"})
s.Assert().EqualError(err, "exit status 1")
s.Assert().Regexp(patternOutdated, output)
output, err = s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "encryption", "check", "--config", "/config/"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Could not check encryption key for validity. The schema version doesn't support encryption.")
output, err = s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "migrate", "down", "--target", "0", "--destroy-data", "--config", "/config/"})
s.Assert().EqualError(err, "exit status 1")
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Error: schema migration target version 0 is the same current version 0")
output, err = s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "migrate", "up", "--target", "2147483640", "--config", "/config/"})
s.Assert().EqualError(err, "exit status 1")
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Error: schema up migration target version 2147483640 is greater then the latest version ")
s.Assert().Contains(output, " which indicates it doesn't exist")
output, err = s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "--config", "/config/", "migrate", "history"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "No migration history is available for schemas that not version 1 or above.\n")
output, err = s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "--config", "/config/", "migrate", "list-up"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Storage Schema Migration List (Up)\n\nVersion\t\tDescription\n1\t\tInitial Schema\n")
output, err = s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "--config", "/config/", "migrate", "list-down"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Storage Schema Migration List (Down)\n\nNo Migrations Available\n")
func (s *CLISuite) TestStorage01ShouldMigrateUp() {
output, err := s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "--config", "/config/", "migrate", "up"})
pattern0 := regexp.MustCompile(`"Storage schema migration from \d+ to \d+ is being attempted"`)
pattern1 := regexp.MustCompile(`"Storage schema migration from \d+ to \d+ is complete"`)
s.Regexp(pattern0, output)
s.Regexp(pattern1, output)
output, err = s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "--config", "/config/", "migrate", "up"})
s.Assert().EqualError(err, "exit status 1")
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Error: schema already up to date\n")
output, err = s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "--config", "/config/", "migrate", "history"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Migration History:\n\nID\tDate\t\t\t\tBefore\tAfter\tAuthelia Version\n")
s.Assert().Contains(output, "0\t1")
output, err = s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "--config", "/config/", "migrate", "list-up"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Storage Schema Migration List (Up)\n\nNo Migrations Available")
output, err = s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "--config", "/config/", "migrate", "list-down"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Storage Schema Migration List (Down)\n\nVersion\t\tDescription\n")
s.Assert().Contains(output, "1\t\tInitial Schema")
func (s *CLISuite) TestStorage02ShouldShowSchemaInfo() {
output, err := s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "schema-info", "--config", "/config/"})
pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`^Schema Version: \d+\nSchema Upgrade Available: no\nSchema Tables: authentication_logs, identity_verification, totp_configurations, u2f_devices, duo_devices, user_preferences, migrations, encryption\nSchema Encryption Key: valid`)
s.Assert().Regexp(pattern, output)
func (s *CLISuite) TestStorage03ShouldExportTOTP() {
storageProvider := storage.NewSQLiteProvider(&storageLocalTmpConfig)
ctx := context.Background()
var (
err error
var (
expectedLines = make([]string, 0, 3)
expectedLinesCSV = make([]string, 0, 4)
output string
expectedLinesCSV = append(expectedLinesCSV, "issuer,username,algorithm,digits,period,secret")
configs := []*models.TOTPConfiguration{
Username: "john",
Period: 30,
Digits: 6,
Algorithm: "SHA1",
Username: "mary",
Period: 45,
Digits: 6,
Algorithm: "SHA1",
Username: "fred",
Period: 30,
Digits: 8,
Algorithm: "SHA1",
Username: "jone",
Period: 30,
Digits: 6,
Algorithm: "SHA512",
for _, config := range configs {
output, err = s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "totp", "generate", config.Username, "--period", strconv.Itoa(int(config.Period)), "--algorithm", config.Algorithm, "--digits", strconv.Itoa(int(config.Digits)), "--config", "/config/"})
config, err = storageProvider.LoadTOTPConfiguration(ctx, config.Username)
s.Assert().Contains(output, config.URI())
expectedLinesCSV = append(expectedLinesCSV, fmt.Sprintf("%s,%s,%s,%d,%d,%s", "Authelia", config.Username, config.Algorithm, config.Digits, config.Period, string(config.Secret)))
expectedLines = append(expectedLines, config.URI())
output, err = s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "totp", "export", "--format", "uri", "--config", "/config/"})
for _, expectedLine := range expectedLines {
s.Assert().Contains(output, expectedLine)
output, err = s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "totp", "export", "--format", "csv", "--config", "/config/"})
for _, expectedLine := range expectedLinesCSV {
s.Assert().Contains(output, expectedLine)
func (s *CLISuite) TestStorage04ShouldChangeEncryptionKey() {
output, err := s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "encryption", "change-key", "--new-encryption-key", "apple-apple-apple-apple", "--config", "/config/"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Completed the encryption key change. Please adjust your configuration to use the new key.\n")
output, err = s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "schema-info", "--config", "/config/"})
pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`Schema Version: \d+\nSchema Upgrade Available: no\nSchema Tables: authentication_logs, identity_verification, totp_configurations, u2f_devices, duo_devices, user_preferences, migrations, encryption\nSchema Encryption Key: invalid`)
s.Assert().Regexp(pattern, output)
output, err = s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "encryption", "check", "--config", "/config/"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Encryption key validation: failed.\n\nError: the encryption key is not valid against the schema check value.\n")
output, err = s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "encryption", "check", "--verbose", "--config", "/config/"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Encryption key validation: failed.\n\nError: the encryption key is not valid against the schema check value, 4 of 4 total TOTP secrets were invalid.\n")
output, err = s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "encryption", "check", "--encryption-key", "apple-apple-apple-apple", "--config", "/config/"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Encryption key validation: success.\n")
output, err = s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "encryption", "check", "--verbose", "--encryption-key", "apple-apple-apple-apple", "--config", "/config/"})
s.Assert().Contains(output, "Encryption key validation: success.\n")
func (s *CLISuite) TestStorage05ShouldMigrateDown() {
output, err := s.Exec("authelia-backend", []string{"authelia", s.testArg, s.coverageArg, "storage", "migrate", "down", "--target", "0", "--destroy-data", "--config", "/config/"})
pattern0 := regexp.MustCompile(`"Storage schema migration from \d+ to \d+ is being attempted"`)
pattern1 := regexp.MustCompile(`"Storage schema migration from \d+ to \d+ is complete"`)
s.Regexp(pattern0, output)
s.Regexp(pattern1, output)
func TestCLISuite(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("skipping suite test in short mode")
suite.Run(t, NewCLISuite())