James Elliott ad8e844af6
feat(totp): algorithm and digits config (#2634)
Allow users to configure the TOTP Algorithm and Digits. This should be used with caution as many TOTP applications do not support it. Some will also fail to notify the user that there is an issue. i.e. if the algorithm in the QR code is sha512, they continue to generate one time passwords with sha1. In addition this drastically refactors TOTP in general to be more user friendly by not forcing them to register a new device if the administrator changes the period (or algorithm).

Fixes #1226.
2021-12-01 23:11:29 +11:00

359 lines
14 KiB

package validator
import "regexp"
const (
loopback = ""
oauth2InstalledApp = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"
// Policy constants.
const (
policyBypass = "bypass"
policyOneFactor = "one_factor"
policyTwoFactor = "two_factor"
policyDeny = "deny"
// Hashing constants.
const (
hashArgon2id = "argon2id"
hashSHA512 = "sha512"
// Scheme constants.
const (
schemeLDAP = "ldap"
schemeLDAPS = "ldaps"
schemeHTTP = "http"
schemeHTTPS = "https"
// Test constants.
const (
testBadTimer = "-1"
testInvalidPolicy = "invalid"
testJWTSecret = "a_secret"
testLDAPBaseDN = "base_dn"
testLDAPPassword = "password"
testLDAPURL = "ldap://ldap"
testLDAPUser = "user"
testModeDisabled = "disable"
testTLSCert = "/tmp/cert.pem"
testTLSKey = "/tmp/key.pem"
testEncryptionKey = "a_not_so_secure_encryption_key"
// Notifier Error constants.
const (
errFmtNotifierMultipleConfigured = "notifier: you can't configure more than one notifier, please ensure " +
"only 'smtp' or 'filesystem' is configured"
errFmtNotifierNotConfigured = "notifier: you must ensure either the 'smtp' or 'filesystem' notifier " +
"is configured"
errFmtNotifierFileSystemFileNameNotConfigured = "filesystem notifier: the 'filename' must be configured"
errFmtNotifierSMTPNotConfigured = "smtp notifier: the '%s' must be configured"
// TOTP Error constants.
const (
errFmtTOTPInvalidAlgorithm = "totp: algorithm '%s' is invalid: must be one of %s"
errFmtTOTPInvalidPeriod = "totp: period '%d' is invalid: must be 15 or more"
errFmtTOTPInvalidDigits = "totp: digits '%d' is invalid: must be 6 or 8"
// OpenID Error constants.
const (
errFmtOIDCClientsDuplicateID = "openid connect provider: one or more clients have the same ID"
errFmtOIDCClientsWithEmptyID = "openid connect provider: one or more clients have been configured with an empty ID"
errFmtOIDCNoClientsConfigured = "openid connect provider: no clients are configured"
errFmtOIDCNoPrivateKey = "openid connect provider: issuer private key must be provided"
errFmtOIDCClientInvalidSecret = "openid connect provider: client with ID '%s' has an empty secret"
errFmtOIDCClientPublicInvalidSecret = "openid connect provider: client with ID '%s' is public but does not have " +
"an empty secret"
errFmtOIDCClientRedirectURI = "openid connect provider: client with ID '%s' redirect URI %s has an " +
"invalid scheme %s, should be http or https"
errFmtOIDCClientRedirectURICantBeParsed = "openid connect provider: client with ID '%s' has an invalid redirect " +
"URI '%s' could not be parsed: %v"
errFmtOIDCClientRedirectURIPublic = "openid connect provider: client with ID '%s' redirect URI '%s' is " +
"only valid for the public client type, not the confidential client type"
errFmtOIDCClientRedirectURIAbsolute = "openid connect provider: client with ID '%s' redirect URI '%s' is invalid " +
"because it has no scheme when it should be http or https"
errFmtOIDCClientInvalidPolicy = "openid connect provider: client with ID '%s' has an invalid policy " +
"'%s', should be either 'one_factor' or 'two_factor'"
errFmtOIDCClientInvalidScope = "openid connect provider: client with ID '%s' has an invalid scope " +
"'%s', must be one of: '%s'"
errFmtOIDCClientInvalidGrantType = "openid connect provider: client with ID '%s' has an invalid grant type " +
"'%s', must be one of: '%s'"
errFmtOIDCClientInvalidResponseMode = "openid connect provider: client with ID '%s' has an invalid response mode " +
"'%s', must be one of: '%s'"
errFmtOIDCClientInvalidUserinfoAlgorithm = "openid connect provider: client with ID '%s' has an invalid userinfo signing " +
"algorithm '%s', must be one of: '%s'"
errFmtOIDCServerInsecureParameterEntropy = "openid connect provider: SECURITY ISSUE - minimum parameter entropy is " +
"configured to an unsafe value, it should be above 8 but it's configured to %d"
// Error constants.
const (
errFmtDeprecatedConfigurationKey = "the %s configuration option is deprecated and will be " +
"removed in %s, please use %s instead"
errFmtReplacedConfigurationKey = "invalid configuration key '%s' was replaced by '%s'"
errFmtLoggingLevelInvalid = "the log level '%s' is invalid, must be one of: %s"
errFmtSessionSecretRedisProvider = "the session secret must be set when using the %s session provider"
errFmtSessionRedisPortRange = "the port must be between 1 and 65535 for the %s session provider"
errFmtSessionRedisHostRequired = "the host must be provided when using the %s session provider"
errFmtSessionRedisHostOrNodesRequired = "either the host or a node must be provided when using the %s session provider"
errFileHashing = "config key incorrect: authentication_backend.file.hashing should be authentication_backend.file.password"
errFilePHashing = "config key incorrect: authentication_backend.file.password_hashing should be authentication_backend.file.password"
errFilePOptions = "config key incorrect: authentication_backend.file.password_options should be authentication_backend.file.password"
errAccessControlInvalidPolicyWithSubjects = "policy [bypass] for rule #%d domain %s with subjects %s is invalid. It is " +
"not supported to configure both policy bypass and subjects. For more information see: " +
var validLoggingLevels = []string{"trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error"}
var validHTTPRequestMethods = []string{"GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE", "TRACE", "CONNECT", "OPTIONS"}
var validOIDCScopes = []string{"openid", "email", "profile", "groups", "offline_access"}
var validOIDCGrantTypes = []string{"implicit", "refresh_token", "authorization_code", "password", "client_credentials"}
var validOIDCResponseModes = []string{"form_post", "query", "fragment"}
var validOIDCUserinfoAlgorithms = []string{"none", "RS256"}
var reKeyReplacer = regexp.MustCompile(`\[\d+]`)
// ValidKeys is a list of valid keys that are not secret names. For the sake of consistency please place any secret in
// the secret names map and reuse it in relevant sections.
var ValidKeys = []string{
// Root Keys.
// Log keys.
// TODO: DEPRECATED START. Remove in 4.33.0.
// TODO: DEPRECATED END. Remove in 4.33.0.
// Server Keys.
// TOTP Keys.
// DUO API Keys.
// Access Control Keys.
// Session Keys.
// Redis Session Keys.
// Local Storage Keys.
// MySQL Storage Keys.
// PostgreSQL Storage Keys.
// FileSystem Notifier Keys.
// SMTP Notifier Keys.
// Regulation Keys.
// Authentication Backend Keys.
// LDAP Authentication Backend Keys.
// File Authentication Backend Keys.
// Identity Provider Keys.
// NTP keys.
var replacedKeys = map[string]string{
"authentication_backend.ldap.skip_verify": "authentication_backend.ldap.tls.skip_verify",
"authentication_backend.ldap.minimum_tls_version": "authentication_backend.ldap.tls.minimum_version",
"notifier.smtp.disable_verify_cert": "notifier.smtp.tls.skip_verify",
"logs_file_path": "log.file_path",
"logs_level": "log.level",
var specificErrorKeys = map[string]string{
"google_analytics": "config key removed: google_analytics - this functionality has been deprecated",
"notifier.smtp.trusted_cert": "invalid configuration key 'notifier.smtp.trusted_cert' it has been removed, " +
"option has been replaced by the global option 'certificates_directory'",
"authentication_backend.file.password_options.algorithm": errFilePOptions,
"authentication_backend.file.password_options.iterations": errFilePOptions,
"authentication_backend.file.password_options.key_length": errFilePOptions,
"authentication_backend.file.password_options.salt_length": errFilePOptions,
"authentication_backend.file.password_options.memory": errFilePOptions,
"authentication_backend.file.password_options.parallelism": errFilePOptions,
"authentication_backend.file.password_hashing.algorithm": errFilePHashing,
"authentication_backend.file.password_hashing.iterations": errFilePHashing,
"authentication_backend.file.password_hashing.key_length": errFilePHashing,
"authentication_backend.file.password_hashing.salt_length": errFilePHashing,
"authentication_backend.file.password_hashing.memory": errFilePHashing,
"authentication_backend.file.password_hashing.parallelism": errFilePHashing,
"authentication_backend.file.hashing.algorithm": errFileHashing,
"authentication_backend.file.hashing.iterations": errFileHashing,
"authentication_backend.file.hashing.key_length": errFileHashing,
"authentication_backend.file.hashing.salt_length": errFileHashing,
"authentication_backend.file.hashing.memory": errFileHashing,
"authentication_backend.file.hashing.parallelism": errFileHashing,