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synced 2024-09-14 22:47:21 +07:00
Traefik handles auth forwarding but does not manage redirections like Nginx. Therefore, Authelia must redirect the user and Traefik will forward this request. To support both Nginx and Traefik, /api/verify is now configurable with the 'redirect' get parameter. If the verification fails and 'redirect' is not provided the response will be a 401 error as before. If the parameter is provided and set to any URL, the response will be a redirection (302) to this URL.
341 lines
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341 lines
13 KiB
import Assert = require("assert");
import VerifyGet = require("../../../src/lib/routes/verify/get");
import { AuthenticationSessionHandler } from "../../../src/lib/AuthenticationSessionHandler";
import { AuthenticationSession } from "../../../types/AuthenticationSession";
import { AuthenticationMethodsConfiguration } from "../../../src/lib/configuration/Configuration";
import Sinon = require("sinon");
import winston = require("winston");
import BluebirdPromise = require("bluebird");
import express = require("express");
import ExpressMock = require("../../mocks/express");
import { ServerVariables } from "../../../src/lib/ServerVariables";
import { ServerVariablesMockBuilder, ServerVariablesMock } from "../../mocks/ServerVariablesMockBuilder";
describe("test /api/verify endpoint", function () {
let req: ExpressMock.RequestMock;
let res: ExpressMock.ResponseMock;
let mocks: ServerVariablesMock;
let vars: ServerVariables;
let authSession: AuthenticationSession;
beforeEach(function () {
req = ExpressMock.RequestMock();
res = ExpressMock.ResponseMock();
req.originalUrl = "/api/xxxx";
req.query = {
redirect: "undefined"
AuthenticationSessionHandler.reset(req as any);
req.headers.host = "secret.example.com";
const s = ServerVariablesMockBuilder.build(false);
mocks = s.mocks;
vars = s.variables;
authSession = AuthenticationSessionHandler.get(req as any, vars.logger);
describe("with session cookie", function () {
beforeEach(function () {
vars.config.authentication_methods.default_method = "two_factor";
it("should be already authenticated", function () {
authSession.first_factor = true;
authSession.second_factor = true;
authSession.userid = "myuser";
authSession.groups = ["mygroup", "othergroup"];
return VerifyGet.default(vars)(req as express.Request, res as any)
.then(function () {
Sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(res.setHeader, "Remote-User", "myuser");
Sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(res.setHeader, "Remote-Groups", "mygroup,othergroup");
Assert.equal(204, res.status.getCall(0).args[0]);
function test_session(_authSession: AuthenticationSession, status_code: number) {
return VerifyGet.default(vars)(req as express.Request, res as any)
.then(function () {
Assert.equal(status_code, res.status.getCall(0).args[0]);
function test_non_authenticated_401(authSession: AuthenticationSession) {
return test_session(authSession, 401);
function test_unauthorized_403(authSession: AuthenticationSession) {
return test_session(authSession, 403);
function test_authorized(authSession: AuthenticationSession) {
return test_session(authSession, 204);
describe("given user tries to access a 2-factor endpoint", function () {
before(function () {
describe("given different cases of session", function () {
it("should not be authenticated when second factor is missing", function () {
return test_non_authenticated_401({
userid: "user",
first_factor: true,
second_factor: false,
email: undefined,
groups: [],
last_activity_datetime: new Date().getTime()
it("should not be authenticated when first factor is missing", function () {
return test_non_authenticated_401({
userid: "user",
first_factor: false,
second_factor: true,
email: undefined,
groups: [],
last_activity_datetime: new Date().getTime()
it("should not be authenticated when userid is missing", function () {
return test_non_authenticated_401({
userid: undefined,
first_factor: true,
second_factor: false,
email: undefined,
groups: [],
last_activity_datetime: new Date().getTime()
it("should not be authenticated when first and second factor are missing", function () {
return test_non_authenticated_401({
userid: "user",
first_factor: false,
second_factor: false,
email: undefined,
groups: [],
last_activity_datetime: new Date().getTime()
it("should not be authenticated when session has not be initiated", function () {
return test_non_authenticated_401(undefined);
it("should not be authenticated when domain is not allowed for user", function () {
authSession.first_factor = true;
authSession.second_factor = true;
authSession.userid = "myuser";
req.headers.host = "test.example.com";
return test_unauthorized_403({
first_factor: true,
second_factor: true,
userid: "user",
groups: ["group1", "group2"],
email: undefined,
last_activity_datetime: new Date().getTime()
describe("given user tries to access a single factor endpoint", function () {
beforeEach(function () {
req.headers["host"] = "redirect.url";
mocks.config.authentication_methods.per_subdomain_methods = {
"redirect.url": "single_factor"
it("should be authenticated when first factor is validated and second factor is not", function () {
authSession.first_factor = true;
authSession.userid = "user1";
return VerifyGet.default(vars)(req as express.Request, res as any)
.then(function () {
it("should be rejected with 401 when first factor is not validated", function () {
authSession.first_factor = false;
return VerifyGet.default(vars)(req as express.Request, res as any)
.then(function () {
describe("inactivity period", function () {
it("should update last inactivity period on requests on /api/verify", function () {
mocks.config.session.inactivity = 200000;
const currentTime = new Date().getTime() - 1000;
AuthenticationSessionHandler.reset(req as any);
authSession.first_factor = true;
authSession.second_factor = true;
authSession.userid = "myuser";
authSession.groups = ["mygroup", "othergroup"];
authSession.last_activity_datetime = currentTime;
return VerifyGet.default(vars)(req as express.Request, res as any)
.then(function () {
return AuthenticationSessionHandler.get(req as any, vars.logger);
.then(function (authSession) {
Assert(authSession.last_activity_datetime > currentTime);
it("should reset session when max inactivity period has been reached", function () {
mocks.config.session.inactivity = 1;
const currentTime = new Date().getTime() - 1000;
AuthenticationSessionHandler.reset(req as any);
authSession.first_factor = true;
authSession.second_factor = true;
authSession.userid = "myuser";
authSession.groups = ["mygroup", "othergroup"];
authSession.last_activity_datetime = currentTime;
return VerifyGet.default(vars)(req as express.Request, res as any)
.then(function () {
return AuthenticationSessionHandler.get(req as any, vars.logger);
.then(function (authSession) {
Assert.equal(authSession.first_factor, false);
Assert.equal(authSession.second_factor, false);
Assert.equal(authSession.userid, undefined);
describe("response type 401 | 302", function() {
it("should return error code 401", function() {
mocks.config.authentication_methods.default_method = "single_factor";
mocks.ldapAuthenticator.authenticateStub.rejects(new Error(
"Invalid credentials"));
req.headers["proxy-authorization"] = "Basic am9objpwYXNzd29yZA==";
return VerifyGet.default(vars)(req as express.Request, res as any)
.then(function () {
it("should redirect to provided redirection url", function() {
const REDIRECT_URL = "http://redirection_url.com";
mocks.config.authentication_methods.default_method = "single_factor";
mocks.ldapAuthenticator.authenticateStub.rejects(new Error(
"Invalid credentials"));
req.headers["proxy-authorization"] = "Basic am9objpwYXNzd29yZA==";
req.query["redirect"] = REDIRECT_URL;
return VerifyGet.default(vars)(req as express.Request, res as any)
.then(function () {
describe("with basic auth", function () {
it("should authenticate correctly", function () {
mocks.config.authentication_methods.default_method = "single_factor";
groups: ["mygroup", "othergroup"],
req.headers["proxy-authorization"] = "Basic am9objpwYXNzd29yZA==";
return VerifyGet.default(vars)(req as express.Request, res as any)
.then(function () {
Sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(res.setHeader, "Remote-User", "john");
Sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(res.setHeader, "Remote-Groups", "mygroup,othergroup");
Assert.equal(204, res.status.getCall(0).args[0]);
it("should fail when endpoint is protected by two factors", function () {
mocks.config.authentication_methods.default_method = "single_factor";
mocks.config.authentication_methods.per_subdomain_methods = {
"secret.example.com": "two_factor"
groups: ["mygroup", "othergroup"],
req.headers["proxy-authorization"] = "Basic am9objpwYXNzd29yZA==";
return VerifyGet.default(vars)(req as express.Request, res as any)
.then(function () {
it("should fail when base64 token is not valid", function () {
mocks.config.authentication_methods.default_method = "single_factor";
groups: ["mygroup", "othergroup"],
req.headers["proxy-authorization"] = "Basic i_m*not_a_base64*token";
return VerifyGet.default(vars)(req as express.Request, res as any)
.then(function () {
it("should fail when base64 token has not format user:psswd", function () {
mocks.config.authentication_methods.default_method = "single_factor";
groups: ["mygroup", "othergroup"],
req.headers["proxy-authorization"] = "Basic am9objpwYXNzOmJhZA==";
return VerifyGet.default(vars)(req as express.Request, res as any)
.then(function () {
it("should fail when bad user password is provided", function () {
mocks.config.authentication_methods.default_method = "single_factor";
mocks.ldapAuthenticator.authenticateStub.rejects(new Error(
"Invalid credentials"));
req.headers["proxy-authorization"] = "Basic am9objpwYXNzd29yZA==";
return VerifyGet.default(vars)(req as express.Request, res as any)
.then(function () {
it("should fail when resource is restricted", function () {
mocks.config.authentication_methods.default_method = "single_factor";
groups: ["mygroup", "othergroup"],
req.headers["proxy-authorization"] = "Basic am9objpwYXNzd29yZA==";
return VerifyGet.default(vars)(req as express.Request, res as any)
.then(function () {