SSO wwith Authelia Customized
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2019-12-21 19:13:01 +01:00
ci Rename abc user to buildkite 2019-12-21 19:13:01 +01:00
cmd Add a way to run multiple suites with authelia-scripts. 2019-12-10 12:27:09 +01:00
docs Introduce architecture schema in the README. 2019-12-10 12:27:42 +01:00
example Use static version of Authelia in suites when in CI. 2019-12-09 13:03:12 +01:00
internal Allow blank additional_groups_dn and additional_users_dn 2019-12-19 23:29:16 +01:00
web Allow administrator to provide a Google Analytics tracking ID. 2019-12-08 14:31:48 +01:00
.dockerignore Added environment variable parsing for: 2019-06-07 17:39:04 +02:00
.gitignore Rewrite and fix remaining suites in Go. 2019-12-05 11:05:24 +01:00
.travis.yml Strip v of TRAVIS_TAG before extracting binary. 2019-12-10 10:29:06 +01:00 Use static version of Authelia in suites when in CI. 2019-12-09 13:03:12 +01:00 Use lower case database table names. 2019-12-08 14:31:48 +01:00 Update CHANGELOG before releasing stable v4. 2019-12-09 13:03:12 +01:00
config.template.yml Add host parameter to configure the interface Authelia listens on. 2019-12-08 19:07:19 +01:00
docker-compose.yml Declare suites as Go structs and bootstrap e2e test framework in Go. 2019-11-15 20:23:06 +01:00
Dockerfile Introduce version command to Authelia to check the version 2019-12-09 13:03:12 +01:00
Dockerfile.arm32v7 Introduce version command to Authelia to check the version 2019-12-09 13:03:12 +01:00
Dockerfile.arm64v8 Introduce version command to Authelia to check the version 2019-12-09 13:03:12 +01:00
go.mod Fix and parallelize integration tests. 2019-12-05 11:05:24 +01:00
go.sum Add support for LDAP over TLS. 2019-12-06 21:33:47 +01:00
LICENSE Change license from MIT to Apache 2.0. 2019-04-16 23:40:15 +02:00 Introduce architecture schema in the README. 2019-12-10 12:27:42 +01:00

license Build Gitter

Authelia is an open-source authentication and authorization server providing 2-factor authentication and single sign-on (SSO) for your applications via a web portal. It acts as a companion of reverse proxies like nginx or Traefik to tell them wether queries should pass through. Unauthenticated user are redirected to Authelia Sign-in portal instead.

The architecture is shown in the diagram below.

BREAKING NEWS: Authelia v4 has been released! Please read if you want to migrate from v3 to v4. Otherwise, start fresh in v4 and enjoy!

Authelia can be installed as a standalone service using Docker or NPM but can also be deployed easily on Kubernetes leveraging ingress controllers and ingress configuration.

Here is what Authelia's portal looks like

Features summary

Here is the list of the main available features:

  • Several kind of second factor:
  • Password reset with identity verification using email confirmation.
  • Single-factor only authentication method available.
  • Access restriction after too many authentication attempts.
  • Fine-grained access control per subdomain, user, resource and network.
  • Support of basic authentication for endpoints protected by single factor.
  • Highly available using a remote database and Redis as a highly available KV store.
  • Compatible with Kubernetes ingress-nginx controller out of the box.

For more details about the features, follow Features.

Proxy support

Authelia works in combination with nginx or Traefik and soon with HAProxy as discussed in #271. It can be deployed on bare metal with Docker or directly in Kubernetes.

Getting Started

You can start off with

git clone && cd authelia

If you want to go further, please read Getting Started.


Now that you have tested Authelia and you want to try it out in your own infrastructure, you can learn how to deploy and use it with Deployment. This guide will show you how to deploy it on bare metal as well as on Kubernetes.


If you want more information about the security measures applied by Authelia and some tips on how to set up Authelia in a secure way, refer to Security.

Changelog & Breaking changes

See and


Anybody willing to contribute to the project either with code, documentation, security reviews or whatever, are very welcome to issue or review pull requests and take part to discussions in Gitter.

I am very grateful to contributors for their contributions to the project. Don't hesitate, be the next!

Build Authelia

If you want to contribute with code, you should follow the documentation explaining how to build the application.


Authelia is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. The terms of the license are detailed in LICENSE.