Clement Michaud 828f565290 Bootstrap Go implementation of Authelia.
This is going to be the v4.

Expected improvements:
- More reliable due to static typing.
- Bump of performance.
- Improvement of logging.
- Authelia can be shipped as a single binary.
- Will likely work on ARM architecture.
2019-10-28 23:28:59 +01:00

23 lines
1.2 KiB

import SeleniumWebDriver from "selenium-webdriver"
import VisitPageAndWaitUrlIs from "./VisitPageAndWaitUrlIs";
import ClickOnLink from "../ClickOnLink";
import VerifyUrlIs from "../assertions/VerifyUrlIs";
import FillField from "../FillField";
import ClickOn from "../ClickOn";
import { GetLinkFromEmail } from "../GetIdentityLink";
export default async function(driver: SeleniumWebDriver.WebDriver, username: string, password: string, timeout: number = 5000) {
await VisitPageAndWaitUrlIs(driver, "");
await ClickOnLink(driver, "Forgot password\?");
await VerifyUrlIs(driver, "");
await FillField(driver, "username", username);
await ClickOn(driver,'next-button'));
await VerifyUrlIs(driver, '');
await driver.sleep(500); // Simulate the time it takes to receive the e-mail.
const link = await GetLinkFromEmail();
await VisitPageAndWaitUrlIs(driver, link);
await FillField(driver, "password1", password);
await FillField(driver, "password2", password);
await ClickOn(driver,'reset-button'));