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synced 2024-09-14 22:47:21 +07:00
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import BluebirdPromise = require("bluebird");
import Express = require("express");
import Exceptions = require("../../Exceptions");
import ErrorReplies = require("../../ErrorReplies");
import { ServerVariables } from "../../ServerVariables";
import GetWithSessionCookieMethod from "./get_session_cookie";
import GetWithBasicAuthMethod from "./get_basic_auth";
import Constants = require("../../../../../shared/constants");
import { AuthenticationSessionHandler }
from "../../AuthenticationSessionHandler";
import { AuthenticationSession }
from "../../../../types/AuthenticationSession";
import GetHeader from "../../utils/GetHeader";
const REMOTE_USER = "Remote-User";
const REMOTE_GROUPS = "Remote-Groups";
function verifyWithSelectedMethod(req: Express.Request, res: Express.Response,
vars: ServerVariables, authSession: AuthenticationSession | undefined)
: () => BluebirdPromise<{ username: string, groups: string[] }> {
return function () {
const authorization = GetHeader(req, Constants.HEADER_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION);
if (authorization) {
if (authorization.startsWith("Basic ")) {
return GetWithBasicAuthMethod(req, res, vars, authorization);
else {
throw new Error("The authorization header should be of the form 'Basic XXXXXX'");
else {
if (authSession) {
return GetWithSessionCookieMethod(req, res, vars, authSession);
else {
throw new Error("No cookie detected.");
function setRedirectHeader(req: Express.Request, res: Express.Response) {
return function () {
const originalUrl = GetHeader(req, Constants.HEADER_X_ORIGINAL_URL);
res.set(Constants.HEADER_REDIRECT, originalUrl);
return BluebirdPromise.resolve();
function setUserAndGroupsHeaders(res: Express.Response) {
return function (u: { username: string, groups: string[] }) {
res.setHeader(REMOTE_USER, u.username);
res.setHeader(REMOTE_GROUPS, u.groups.join(","));
return BluebirdPromise.resolve();
function replyWith200(res: Express.Response) {
return function () {
function getRedirectParam(req: Express.Request) {
return req.query[Constants.REDIRECT_QUERY_PARAM] != "undefined"
? req.query[Constants.REDIRECT_QUERY_PARAM]
: undefined;
export default function (vars: ServerVariables) {
return function (req: Express.Request, res: Express.Response)
: BluebirdPromise<void> {
let authSession: AuthenticationSession | undefined;
return new BluebirdPromise(function (resolve, reject) {
authSession = AuthenticationSessionHandler.get(req, vars.logger);
.then(setRedirectHeader(req, res))
.then(verifyWithSelectedMethod(req, res, vars, authSession))
// The user is authenticated but has restricted access -> 403
ErrorReplies.replyWithError403(req, res, vars.logger))
ErrorReplies.replyWithError401(req, res, vars.logger))
// The user is not yet authenticated -> 401
.catch((err) => {
// This redirect parameter is used in Kubernetes to annotate the ingress with
// the url to the authentication portal.
const redirectUrl = getRedirectParam(req);
if (redirectUrl) {
ErrorReplies.redirectTo(redirectUrl, req, res, vars.logger)(err);
else {
ErrorReplies.replyWithError401(req, res, vars.logger)(err);