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synced 2024-09-14 22:47:21 +07:00
Notifier is not mandatory when authentication method is single_factor for all sub-domains since there is no registration required.
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import sinon = require("sinon");
import IdentityValidator = require("../src/lib/IdentityCheckMiddleware");
import { AuthenticationSessionHandler } from "../src/lib/AuthenticationSessionHandler";
import { AuthenticationSession } from "../types/AuthenticationSession";
import { UserDataStore } from "../src/lib/storage/UserDataStore";
import exceptions = require("../src/lib/Exceptions");
import { ServerVariables } from "../src/lib/ServerVariables";
import Assert = require("assert");
import express = require("express");
import BluebirdPromise = require("bluebird");
import ExpressMock = require("./mocks/express");
import NotifierMock = require("./mocks/Notifier");
import IdentityValidatorMock = require("./mocks/IdentityValidator");
import { RequestLoggerStub } from "./mocks/RequestLoggerStub";
import { ServerVariablesMock, ServerVariablesMockBuilder } from "./mocks/ServerVariablesMockBuilder";
describe("test identity check process", function () {
let req: ExpressMock.RequestMock;
let res: ExpressMock.ResponseMock;
let app: express.Application;
let app_get: sinon.SinonStub;
let app_post: sinon.SinonStub;
let identityValidable: IdentityValidatorMock.IdentityValidableMock;
let mocks: ServerVariablesMock;
let vars: ServerVariables;
beforeEach(function () {
const s = ServerVariablesMockBuilder.build();
mocks = s.mocks;
vars = s.variables;
req = ExpressMock.RequestMock();
res = ExpressMock.ResponseMock();
identityValidable = IdentityValidatorMock.IdentityValidableMock();
req.headers = {};
req.session = {};
req.session = {};
req.query = {};
req.app = {};
mocks.userDataStore.consumeIdentityValidationTokenStub.returns(Promise.resolve({ userId: "user" }));
app = express();
app_get = sinon.stub(app, "get");
app_post = sinon.stub(app, "post");
afterEach(function () {
describe("test start GET", test_start_get_handler);
describe("test finish GET", test_finish_get_handler);
function test_start_get_handler() {
it("should send 401 if pre validation initialization throws a first factor error", function () {
identityValidable.preValidationInit.returns(BluebirdPromise.reject(new exceptions.FirstFactorValidationError("Error during prevalidation")));
const callback = IdentityValidator.get_start_validation(identityValidable, "/endpoint", vars);
return callback(req as any, res as any, undefined)
.then(function () { return BluebirdPromise.reject("Should fail"); })
.catch(function () {
Assert.equal(res.status.getCall(0).args[0], 401);
it("should send 401 if email is missing in provided identity", function () {
const identity = { userid: "abc" };
const callback = IdentityValidator.get_start_validation(identityValidable, "/endpoint", vars);
return callback(req as any, res as any, undefined)
.then(function () { return BluebirdPromise.reject("Should fail"); })
.catch(function () {
Assert.equal(res.status.getCall(0).args[0], 401);
it("should send 401 if userid is missing in provided identity", function () {
const endpoint = "/protected";
const identity = { email: "abc@example.com" };
const callback = IdentityValidator.get_start_validation(identityValidable, "/endpoint", vars);
return callback(req as any, res as any, undefined)
.then(function () { return BluebirdPromise.reject(new Error("It should fail")); })
.catch(function (err: Error) {
Assert.equal(res.status.getCall(0).args[0], 401);
return BluebirdPromise.resolve();
it("should issue a token, send an email and return 204", function () {
const endpoint = "/protected";
const identity = { userid: "user", email: "abc@example.com" };
req.get = sinon.stub().withArgs("Host").returns("localhost");
const callback = IdentityValidator.get_start_validation(identityValidable, "/finish_endpoint", vars);
return callback(req as any, res as any, undefined)
.then(function () {
Assert.equal(mocks.userDataStore.produceIdentityValidationTokenStub.getCall(0).args[0], "user");
Assert.equal(mocks.userDataStore.produceIdentityValidationTokenStub.getCall(0).args[3], 240000);
function test_finish_get_handler() {
it("should send 401 if no identity_token is provided", function () {
const callback = IdentityValidator.get_finish_validation(identityValidable, vars);
return callback(req as any, res as any, undefined)
.then(function () { return BluebirdPromise.reject("Should fail"); })
.catch(function () {
Assert.equal(res.status.getCall(0).args[0], 401);
it("should call postValidation if identity_token is provided and still valid", function () {
req.query.identity_token = "token";
const callback = IdentityValidator.get_finish_validation(identityValidable, vars);
return callback(req as any, res as any, undefined);
it("should return 401 if identity_token is provided but invalid", function () {
req.query.identity_token = "token";
mocks.userDataStore.consumeIdentityValidationTokenStub.returns(BluebirdPromise.reject(new Error("Invalid token")));
const callback = IdentityValidator.get_finish_validation(identityValidable, vars);
return callback(req as any, res as any, undefined)
.then(function () { return BluebirdPromise.reject("Should fail"); })
.catch(function () {
Assert.equal(res.status.getCall(0).args[0], 401);
it("should set the identity_check session object even if session does not exist yet", function () {
req.query.identity_token = "token";
req.session = {};
const authSession: AuthenticationSession = AuthenticationSessionHandler.get(req as any, vars.logger);
const callback = IdentityValidator.get_finish_validation(identityValidable, vars);
return callback(req as any, res as any, undefined)
.then(function () { return BluebirdPromise.reject("Should fail"); })
.catch(function () {
Assert.equal(authSession.identity_check.userid, "user");
return BluebirdPromise.resolve();