mirror of https://github.com/0rangebananaspy/authelia.git synced 2024-09-14 22:47:21 +07:00
Clement Michaud d8ff186303 Split client and server
Client and server now have their own tsconfig so that the transpilation is only
done on the part that is being modified.

It also allows faster transpilation since tests are now excluded from tsconfig.
They are compiled by ts-node during unit tests execution.
2017-10-07 00:49:42 +02:00

186 lines
6.6 KiB

import Sinon = require("sinon");
import BluebirdPromise = require("bluebird");
import Assert = require("assert");
import { AuthenticationRegulator } from "../src/lib/AuthenticationRegulator";
import MockDate = require("mockdate");
import exceptions = require("../src/lib/Exceptions");
import { UserDataStoreStub } from "./mocks/storage/UserDataStoreStub";
describe("test authentication regulator", function () {
const USER1 = "USER1";
const USER2 = "USER2";
let userDataStoreStub: UserDataStoreStub;
beforeEach(function () {
userDataStoreStub = new UserDataStoreStub();
const dataStore: { [userId: string]: { userId: string, date: Date, isAuthenticationSuccessful: boolean }[] } = {
[USER1]: [],
[USER2]: []
userDataStoreStub.saveAuthenticationTraceStub.callsFake(function (userId, isAuthenticationSuccessful) {
userId: userId,
date: new Date(),
isAuthenticationSuccessful: isAuthenticationSuccessful,
return BluebirdPromise.resolve();
userDataStoreStub.retrieveLatestAuthenticationTracesStub.callsFake(function (userId, count) {
const ret = (dataStore[userId].length <= count) ? dataStore[userId] : dataStore[userId].slice(0, 3);
return BluebirdPromise.resolve(ret);
afterEach(function () {
function markAuthenticationAt(regulator: AuthenticationRegulator, user: string, time: string, success: boolean) {
return regulator.mark(user, success);
it("should mark 2 authentication and regulate (accept)", function () {
const regulator = new AuthenticationRegulator(userDataStoreStub, 3, 10, 10);
return regulator.mark(USER1, false)
.then(function () {
return regulator.mark(USER1, true);
.then(function () {
return regulator.regulate(USER1);
it("should mark 3 authentications and regulate (reject)", function () {
const regulator = new AuthenticationRegulator(userDataStoreStub, 3, 10, 10);
return regulator.mark(USER1, false)
.then(function () {
return regulator.mark(USER1, false);
.then(function () {
return regulator.mark(USER1, false);
.then(function () {
return regulator.regulate(USER1);
.then(function () { return BluebirdPromise.reject(new Error("should not be here!")); })
.catch(exceptions.AuthenticationRegulationError, function () {
return BluebirdPromise.resolve();
it("should mark 1 failed, 1 successful and 1 failed authentications within minimum time and regulate (accept)", function () {
const regulator = new AuthenticationRegulator(userDataStoreStub, 3, 60, 30);
return markAuthenticationAt(regulator, USER1, "1/2/2000 00:00:00", false)
.then(function () {
return markAuthenticationAt(regulator, USER1, "1/2/2000 00:00:10", true);
.then(function () {
return markAuthenticationAt(regulator, USER1, "1/2/2000 00:00:20", false);
.then(function () {
return regulator.regulate(USER1);
.then(function () {
return markAuthenticationAt(regulator, USER1, "1/2/2000 00:00:30", false);
.then(function () {
return regulator.regulate(USER1);
.then(function () {
return markAuthenticationAt(regulator, USER1, "1/2/2000 00:00:39", false);
.then(function () {
return regulator.regulate(USER1);
.then(function () {
return BluebirdPromise.reject(new Error("should not be here!"));
function () {
return BluebirdPromise.resolve();
it("should regulate user if number of failures is greater than 3 in allowed time lapse", function () {
function markAuthentications(regulator: AuthenticationRegulator, user: string) {
return markAuthenticationAt(regulator, user, "1/2/2000 00:00:00", false)
.then(function () {
return markAuthenticationAt(regulator, user, "1/2/2000 00:00:45", false);
.then(function () {
return markAuthenticationAt(regulator, user, "1/2/2000 00:01:05", false);
.then(function () {
return regulator.regulate(user);
const regulator1 = new AuthenticationRegulator(userDataStoreStub, 3, 60, 60);
const regulator2 = new AuthenticationRegulator(userDataStoreStub, 3, 2 * 60, 60);
const p1 = markAuthentications(regulator1, USER1);
const p2 = markAuthentications(regulator2, USER2);
return BluebirdPromise.join(p1, p2)
.then(function () {
return BluebirdPromise.reject(new Error("should not be here..."));
}, function () {
it("should user wait after regulation to authenticate again", function () {
function markAuthentications(regulator: AuthenticationRegulator, user: string) {
return markAuthenticationAt(regulator, user, "1/2/2000 00:00:00", false)
.then(function () {
return markAuthenticationAt(regulator, user, "1/2/2000 00:00:10", false);
.then(function () {
return markAuthenticationAt(regulator, user, "1/2/2000 00:00:15", false);
.then(function () {
return markAuthenticationAt(regulator, user, "1/2/2000 00:00:25", false);
.then(function () {
MockDate.set("1/2/2000 00:00:54");
return regulator.regulate(user);
.then(function () {
return BluebirdPromise.reject(new Error("should fail at this time"));
}, function () {
MockDate.set("1/2/2000 00:00:56");
return regulator.regulate(user);
const regulator = new AuthenticationRegulator(userDataStoreStub, 4, 30, 30);
return markAuthentications(regulator, USER1);
it("should disable regulation when max_retries is set to 0", function () {
const maxRetries = 0;
const regulator = new AuthenticationRegulator(userDataStoreStub, maxRetries, 60, 30);
return markAuthenticationAt(regulator, USER1, "1/2/2000 00:00:00", false)
.then(function () {
return markAuthenticationAt(regulator, USER1, "1/2/2000 00:00:10", false);
.then(function () {
return markAuthenticationAt(regulator, USER1, "1/2/2000 00:00:15", false);
.then(function () {
return markAuthenticationAt(regulator, USER1, "1/2/2000 00:00:25", false);
.then(function () {
MockDate.set("1/2/2000 00:00:26");
return regulator.regulate(USER1);