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synced 2024-09-14 22:47:21 +07:00
This fixes an issue where pre-configured consent is entirely skipped if the process was initiated via an anonymous user.
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package handlers
import (
func handleOIDCAuthorizationConsent(ctx *middlewares.AutheliaCtx, rootURI string, client *oidc.Client,
userSession session.UserSession, subject model.NullUUID,
rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, requester fosite.AuthorizeRequester) (consent *model.OAuth2ConsentSession, handled bool) {
if userSession.ConsentChallengeID != nil {
ctx.Logger.Debugf("Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' proceeding to lookup consent by challenge id '%s'", requester.GetID(), client.GetID(), userSession.ConsentChallengeID)
return handleOIDCAuthorizationConsentWithChallengeID(ctx, rootURI, client, userSession, rw, r, requester)
if !subject.Valid {
return handleOIDCAuthorizationConsentGenerate(ctx, rootURI, client, userSession, subject, rw, r, requester)
return handleOIDCAuthorizationConsentOrGenerate(ctx, rootURI, client, userSession, subject, rw, r, requester)
func handleOIDCAuthorizationConsentWithChallengeID(ctx *middlewares.AutheliaCtx, rootURI string, client *oidc.Client,
userSession session.UserSession,
rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, requester fosite.AuthorizeRequester) (consent *model.OAuth2ConsentSession, handled bool) {
var (
err error
if consent, err = ctx.Providers.StorageProvider.LoadOAuth2ConsentSessionByChallengeID(ctx, *userSession.ConsentChallengeID); err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Errorf("Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' could not be processed: error occurred during consent session lookup: %+v", requester.GetID(), requester.GetClient().GetID(), err)
ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.Fosite.WriteAuthorizeError(rw, requester, fosite.ErrServerError.WithHint("Failed to lookup consent session."))
userSession.ConsentChallengeID = nil
if err = ctx.SaveSession(userSession); err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Errorf("Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' could not be processed: error occurred unlinking consent session challenge id: %+v", requester.GetID(), requester.GetClient().GetID(), err)
return nil, true
if !consent.Subject.Valid {
if consent.Subject.UUID, err = ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.Store.GetSubject(ctx, client.GetSectorIdentifier(), userSession.Username); err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Errorf("Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' could not be processed: error occurred retrieving subject for user '%s': %+v", requester.GetID(), client.GetID(), userSession.Username, err)
ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.Fosite.WriteAuthorizeError(rw, requester, fosite.ErrServerError.WithHint("Could not retrieve the subject."))
return nil, true
consent.Subject.Valid = true
if err = ctx.Providers.StorageProvider.SaveOAuth2ConsentSessionSubject(ctx, *consent); err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Errorf("Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' could not be processed: error occurred updating consent session subject for user '%s': %+v", requester.GetID(), client.GetID(), userSession.Username, err)
ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.Fosite.WriteAuthorizeError(rw, requester, fosite.ErrServerError.WithHint("Could not update the consent session subject."))
return nil, true
if consent.Responded() {
userSession.ConsentChallengeID = nil
if err = ctx.SaveSession(userSession); err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Errorf("Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' could not be processed: error occurred saving session: %+v", requester.GetID(), client.GetID(), err)
ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.Fosite.WriteAuthorizeError(rw, requester, fosite.ErrServerError.WithHint("Could not save the session."))
return nil, true
if consent.Granted {
ctx.Logger.Errorf("Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' could not be processed: this consent session with challenge id '%s' was already granted", requester.GetID(), client.GetID(), consent.ChallengeID.String())
ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.Fosite.WriteAuthorizeError(rw, requester, fosite.ErrServerError.WithHint("Authorization already granted."))
return nil, true
ctx.Logger.Debugf("Authorization Request with id '%s' loaded consent session with id '%d' and challenge id '%s' for client id '%s' and subject '%s' and scopes '%s'", requester.GetID(), consent.ID, consent.ChallengeID.String(), client.GetID(), consent.Subject.String(), strings.Join(requester.GetRequestedScopes(), " "))
if consent.IsDenied() {
ctx.Logger.Warnf("Authorization Request with id '%s' and challenge id '%s' for client id '%s' and subject '%s' and scopes '%s' was not denied by the user durng the consent session", requester.GetID(), consent.ChallengeID.String(), client.GetID(), consent.Subject.String(), strings.Join(requester.GetRequestedScopes(), " "))
ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.Fosite.WriteAuthorizeError(rw, requester, fosite.ErrAccessDenied)
return nil, true
return consent, false
handleOIDCAuthorizationConsentRedirect(rootURI, client, userSession, rw, r)
return consent, true
func handleOIDCAuthorizationConsentOrGenerate(ctx *middlewares.AutheliaCtx, rootURI string, client *oidc.Client,
userSession session.UserSession, subject model.NullUUID,
rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, requester fosite.AuthorizeRequester) (consent *model.OAuth2ConsentSession, handled bool) {
var (
err error
scopes, audience := getOIDCExpectedScopesAndAudienceFromRequest(requester)
if consent, err = getOIDCPreConfiguredConsent(ctx, client.GetID(), subject.UUID, scopes, audience); err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Errorf("Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' had error looking up pre-configured consent sessions: %+v", requester.GetID(), requester.GetClient().GetID(), err)
ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.Fosite.WriteAuthorizeError(rw, requester, fosite.ErrServerError.WithHint("Could not lookup the consent session."))
return nil, true
if consent != nil {
ctx.Logger.Debugf("Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' successfully looked up pre-configured consent with challenge id '%s'", requester.GetID(), client.GetID(), consent.ChallengeID)
return consent, false
ctx.Logger.Debugf("Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' proceeding to generate a new consent due to unsuccessful lookup of pre-configured consent", requester.GetID(), client.GetID())
return handleOIDCAuthorizationConsentGenerate(ctx, rootURI, client, userSession, subject, rw, r, requester)
func handleOIDCAuthorizationConsentGenerate(ctx *middlewares.AutheliaCtx, rootURI string, client *oidc.Client,
userSession session.UserSession, subject model.NullUUID,
rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, requester fosite.AuthorizeRequester) (consent *model.OAuth2ConsentSession, handled bool) {
var err error
if consent, err = model.NewOAuth2ConsentSession(subject, requester); err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Errorf("Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' could not be processed: error occurred generating consent: %+v", requester.GetID(), requester.GetClient().GetID(), err)
ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.Fosite.WriteAuthorizeError(rw, requester, fosite.ErrServerError.WithHint("Could not generate the consent session."))
return nil, true
if err = ctx.Providers.StorageProvider.SaveOAuth2ConsentSession(ctx, *consent); err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Errorf("Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' could not be processed: error occurred saving consent session: %+v", requester.GetID(), client.GetID(), err)
ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.Fosite.WriteAuthorizeError(rw, requester, fosite.ErrServerError.WithHint("Could not save the consent session."))
return nil, true
userSession.ConsentChallengeID = &consent.ChallengeID
if err = ctx.SaveSession(userSession); err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Errorf("Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' could not be processed: error occurred saving user session for consent: %+v", requester.GetID(), client.GetID(), err)
ctx.Providers.OpenIDConnect.Fosite.WriteAuthorizeError(rw, requester, fosite.ErrServerError.WithHint("Could not save the user session."))
return nil, true
handleOIDCAuthorizationConsentRedirect(rootURI, client, userSession, rw, r)
return consent, true
func handleOIDCAuthorizationConsentRedirect(destination string, client *oidc.Client, userSession session.UserSession, rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if client.IsAuthenticationLevelSufficient(userSession.AuthenticationLevel) {
destination = fmt.Sprintf("%s/consent", destination)
http.Redirect(rw, r, destination, http.StatusFound)
func getOIDCExpectedScopesAndAudienceFromRequest(requester fosite.Requester) (scopes, audience []string) {
return getOIDCExpectedScopesAndAudience(requester.GetClient().GetID(), requester.GetRequestedScopes(), requester.GetRequestedAudience())
func getOIDCExpectedScopesAndAudience(clientID string, scopes, audience []string) (expectedScopes, expectedAudience []string) {
if !utils.IsStringInSlice(clientID, audience) {
audience = append(audience, clientID)
return scopes, audience
func getOIDCPreConfiguredConsentFromClientAndConsent(ctx *middlewares.AutheliaCtx, client fosite.Client, consent *model.OAuth2ConsentSession) (preConfigConsent *model.OAuth2ConsentSession, err error) {
if consent == nil || !consent.Subject.Valid {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid consent provided for pre-configured consent lookup")
scopes, audience := getOIDCExpectedScopesAndAudience(client.GetID(), consent.RequestedScopes, consent.RequestedAudience)
// We can skip this error as it's handled at the authorization endpoint.
preConfigConsent, _ = getOIDCPreConfiguredConsent(ctx, client.GetID(), consent.Subject.UUID, scopes, audience)
return preConfigConsent, nil
func getOIDCPreConfiguredConsent(ctx *middlewares.AutheliaCtx, clientID string, subject uuid.UUID, scopes, audience []string) (consent *model.OAuth2ConsentSession, err error) {
var (
rows *storage.ConsentSessionRows
ctx.Logger.Debugf("Consent Session is being checked for pre-configuration with signature of client id '%s' and subject '%s'", clientID, subject)
if rows, err = ctx.Providers.StorageProvider.LoadOAuth2ConsentSessionsPreConfigured(ctx, clientID, subject); err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Debugf("Consent Session checked for pre-configuration with signature of client id '%s' and subject '%s' failed with error during load: %+v", clientID, subject, err)
return nil, err
defer func() {
if err := rows.Close(); err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Errorf("Consent Session checked for pre-configuration with signature of client id '%s' and subject '%s' failed to close rows with error: %+v", clientID, subject, err)
for rows.Next() {
if consent, err = rows.Get(); err != nil {
ctx.Logger.Debugf("Consent Session checked for pre-configuration with signature of client id '%s' and subject '%s' failed with error during iteration: %+v", clientID, subject, err)
return nil, err
if consent.HasExactGrants(scopes, audience) && consent.CanGrant() {
if consent != nil && consent.HasExactGrants(scopes, audience) && consent.CanGrant() {
ctx.Logger.Debugf("Consent Session checked for pre-configuration with signature of client id '%s' and subject '%s' found a result with challenge id '%s'", clientID, subject, consent.ChallengeID)
return consent, nil
ctx.Logger.Debugf("Consent Session checked for pre-configuration with signature of client id '%s' and subject '%s' did not find any results", clientID, subject)
return nil, nil