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* @apiDefine UserSession
* @apiHeader {String} Cookie Cookie containing "connect.sid", the user
* session token.
* @apiDefine InternalError
* @apiError (Error 500) {String} error Internal error message.
* @apiDefine IdentityValidationStart
* @apiSuccess (Success 204) status Identity validation has been initiated.
* @apiError (Error 403) AccessDenied Access is denied.
* @apiError (Error 400) InvalidIdentity User identity is invalid.
* @apiError (Error 500) {String} error Internal error message.
* @apiDescription This request issue an identity validation token for the user
* bound to the session. It sends a challenge to the email address set in the user
* LDAP entry. The user must visit the sent URL to complete the validation and
* continue the registration process.
* @apiDefine IdentityValidationFinish
* @apiParam {String} identity_token The one-time identity validation token provided in the email.
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} content The content of the page.
* @apiError (Error 403) AccessDenied Access is denied.
* @apiError (Error 500) {String} error Internal error message.
* @api {post} /api/secondfactor/u2f/register Complete U2F registration
* @apiName FinishU2FRegistration
* @apiGroup U2F
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiUse UserSession
* @apiUse InternalError
* @apiSuccess (Success 302) Redirect to the URL that has been stored during last call to /verify.
* @apiDescription Complete U2F registration request.
export const SECOND_FACTOR_U2F_REGISTER_POST = "/api/u2f/register";
* @api {get} /api/u2f/register_request Start U2F registration
* @apiName StartU2FRegistration
* @apiGroup U2F
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiUse UserSession
* @apiUse InternalError
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) authentication_request The U2F registration request.
* @apiError (Error 403) {none} error Unexpected identity validation challenge.
* @apiDescription Initiate a U2F device registration request.
export const SECOND_FACTOR_U2F_REGISTER_REQUEST_GET = "/api/u2f/register_request";
* @api {post} /api/u2f/sign Complete U2F authentication
* @apiName CompleteU2FAuthentication
* @apiGroup U2F
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiUse UserSession
* @apiUse InternalError
* @apiSuccess (Success 302) Redirect to the URL that has been stored during last call to /verify.
* @apiError (Error 403) {none} error No authentication request has been provided.
* @apiDescription Complete authentication request of the U2F device.
export const SECOND_FACTOR_U2F_SIGN_POST = "/api/u2f/sign";
* @api {get} /api/u2f/sign_request Start U2F authentication
* @apiName StartU2FAuthentication
* @apiGroup U2F
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiUse UserSession
* @apiUse InternalError
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) authentication_request The U2F authentication request.
* @apiError (Error 401) {none} error There is no key registered for user in session.
* @apiDescription Initiate an authentication request using a U2F device.
export const SECOND_FACTOR_U2F_SIGN_REQUEST_GET = "/api/u2f/sign_request";
* @api {post} /api/totp Complete TOTP authentication
* @apiName ValidateTOTPSecondFactor
* @apiGroup TOTP
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiUse UserSession
* @apiUse InternalError
* @apiParam {String} token TOTP token.
* @apiSuccess (Success 302) Redirect to the URL that has been stored during last call to /verify.
* @apiError (Error 401) {none} error TOTP token is invalid.
* @apiDescription Verify TOTP token. The user is authenticated upon success.
export const SECOND_FACTOR_TOTP_POST = "/api/totp";
* @api {get} /secondfactor/u2f/identity/start Start U2F registration identity validation
* @apiName RequestU2FRegistration
* @apiGroup U2F
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiUse UserSession
* @apiUse IdentityValidationStart
export const SECOND_FACTOR_U2F_IDENTITY_START_GET = "/secondfactor/u2f/identity/start";
* @api {get} /secondfactor/u2f/identity/finish Finish U2F registration identity validation
* @apiName ServeU2FRegistrationPage
* @apiGroup U2F
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiUse UserSession
* @apiUse IdentityValidationFinish
* @apiDescription Serves the U2F registration page that asks the user to
* touch the token of the U2F device.
export const SECOND_FACTOR_U2F_IDENTITY_FINISH_GET = "/secondfactor/u2f/identity/finish";
* @api {get} /secondfactor/totp/identity/start Start TOTP registration identity validation
* @apiName StartTOTPRegistration
* @apiGroup TOTP
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiUse UserSession
* @apiUse IdentityValidationStart
* @apiDescription Initiates the identity validation
export const SECOND_FACTOR_TOTP_IDENTITY_START_GET = "/secondfactor/totp/identity/start";
* @api {get} /secondfactor/totp/identity/finish Finish TOTP registration identity validation
* @apiName FinishTOTPRegistration
* @apiGroup TOTP
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiUse UserSession
* @apiUse IdentityValidationFinish
* @apiDescription Serves the TOTP registration page that displays the secret.
* The secret is a QRCode and a base32 secret.
export const SECOND_FACTOR_TOTP_IDENTITY_FINISH_GET = "/secondfactor/totp/identity/finish";
* @api {post} /api/password-reset Set new password
* @apiName SetNewLDAPPassword
* @apiGroup PasswordReset
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiUse UserSession
* @apiParam {String} password New password
* @apiDescription Set a new password for the user.
export const RESET_PASSWORD_FORM_POST = "/api/password-reset";
* @api {get} /password-reset/request Request username
* @apiName ServePasswordResetPage
* @apiGroup PasswordReset
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiUse UserSession
* @apiDescription Serve a page that requires the username.
export const RESET_PASSWORD_REQUEST_GET = "/password-reset/request";
* @api {get} /password-reset/identity/start Start password reset request
* @apiName StartPasswordResetRequest
* @apiGroup PasswordReset
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiUse UserSession
* @apiUse IdentityValidationStart
* @apiDescription Start password reset request.
export const RESET_PASSWORD_IDENTITY_START_GET = "/password-reset/identity/start";
* @api {post} /reset-password/request Finish password reset request
* @apiName FinishPasswordResetRequest
* @apiGroup PasswordReset
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiUse UserSession
* @apiUse IdentityValidationFinish
* @apiDescription Start password reset request.
export const RESET_PASSWORD_IDENTITY_FINISH_GET = "/password-reset/identity/finish";
* @api {post} /1stfactor Bind user against LDAP
* @apiName ValidateFirstFactor
* @apiGroup Authentication
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiUse UserSession
* @apiUse InternalError
* @apiParam {String} username User username.
* @apiParam {String} password User password.
* @apiSuccess (Success 204) status 1st factor is validated.
* @apiError (Error 401) {none} error 1st factor is not validated.
* @apiError (Error 401) {none} error Access has been restricted after too
* many authentication attempts
* @apiDescription Verify credentials against the LDAP.
export const FIRST_FACTOR_POST = "/api/firstfactor";
* @api {get} / First factor page
* @apiName Login
* @apiGroup Authentication
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} Content The content of the first factor page.
* @apiDescription Serves the login page and create a create a cookie for the client.
export const FIRST_FACTOR_GET = "/";
* @api {get} /secondfactor Second factor page
* @apiName SecondFactor
* @apiGroup Authentication
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiSuccess (Success 200) {String} Content The content of second factor page.
* @apiDescription Serves the second factor page
export const SECOND_FACTOR_GET = "/secondfactor";
* @api {get} /verify Verify user authentication
* @apiName VerifyAuthentication
* @apiGroup Verification
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiUse UserSession
* @apiSuccess (Success 204) status The user is authenticated.
* @apiError (Error 401) status The user is not authenticated.
* @apiDescription Verify that the user is authenticated, i.e., the two
* factors have been validated.
* If the user is authenticated the response headers Remote-User and Remote-Groups
* are set. Remote-User contains the user id of the currently logged in user and Remote-Groups
* a comma separated list of assigned groups.
export const VERIFY_GET = "/verify";
* @api {get} /logout Serves logout page
* @apiName Logout
* @apiGroup Authentication
* @apiVersion 1.0.0
* @apiParam {String} redirect Redirect to this URL when user is deauthenticated.
* @apiSuccess (Success 302) redirect Redirect to the URL.
* @apiDescription Log out the user and redirect to the URL.
export const LOGOUT_GET = "/logout";
export const ERROR_401_GET = "/error/401";
export const ERROR_403_GET = "/error/403";
export const ERROR_404_GET = "/error/404";