Clement Michaud 3052c883a0 Improve UX of the second factor page
Start the U2F signing request when entering in the second factor page so that
the user only has to touch the token without any other clicks.
2017-10-31 07:27:36 +01:00

175 lines
5.7 KiB

import seleniumWebdriver = require("selenium-webdriver");
import Cucumber = require("cucumber");
import Fs = require("fs");
import Speakeasy = require("speakeasy");
import Assert = require("assert");
import Request = require("request-promise");
import BluebirdPromise = require("bluebird");
function CustomWorld() {
const that = this;
this.driver = new seleniumWebdriver.Builder()
this.totpSecrets = {};
this.configuration = {};
this.visit = function (link: string) {
return this.driver.get(link);
this.setFieldTo = function (fieldName: string, content: string) {
const that = this;
return this.driver.findElement(
this.clearField = function (fieldName: string) {
return this.driver.findElement(;
this.getErrorPage = function (code: number) {
const that = this;
return this.driver.wait(seleniumWebdriver.until.elementLocated(seleniumWebdriver.By.tagName("h1")), 2000)
.then(function () {
return that.driver
.then(function (txt: string) {
Assert.equal(txt, "Error " + code);
this.clickOnButton = function (buttonText: string) {
const that = this;
return this.driver.wait(seleniumWebdriver.until.elementLocated(seleniumWebdriver.By.tagName("button")), 2000)
.then(function () {
return that.driver
.findElement(seleniumWebdriver.By.xpath("//button[contains(.,'" + buttonText + "')]"))
this.waitUntilUrlContains = function (url: string) {
const that = this;
return this.driver.wait(seleniumWebdriver.until.urlIs(url), 15000)
.then(function () { }, function (err: Error) {
.then(function (current: string) {
console.error("====> Error due to: %s (current) != %s (expected)", current, url);
return BluebirdPromise.reject(err);
this.loginWithUserPassword = function (username: string, password: string) {
return that.driver.wait(seleniumWebdriver.until.elementLocated("username")), 4000)
.then(function () {
return that.driver.findElement("username"))
.then(function () {
return that.driver.findElement("password"))
.then(function () {
return that.driver.findElement(seleniumWebdriver.By.tagName("button"))
this.retrieveLatestMail = function () {
return Request({
method: "GET",
uri: "http://localhost:8085/messages",
json: true
.then(function (data: any) {
const messageId = data[data.length - 1].id;
return Request({
method: "GET",
uri: `http://localhost:8085/messages/${messageId}.html`
.then(function (data: any) {
const regexp = new RegExp(/<a href="(.+)" class="button">Continue<\/a>/);
const match = regexp.exec(data);
const link = match[1];
return BluebirdPromise.resolve(link);
this.registerTotpSecret = function (totpSecretHandle: string) {
return that.driver.wait(seleniumWebdriver.until.elementLocated(seleniumWebdriver.By.className("register-totp")), 4000)
.then(function () {
return that.driver.findElement(seleniumWebdriver.By.className("register-totp")).click();
.then(function () {
return that.retrieveLatestMail();
.then(function (url: string) {
return that.driver.get(url);
.then(function () {
return that.driver.wait(seleniumWebdriver.until.elementLocated("secret")), 5000);
.then(function () {
return that.driver.findElement("secret")).getText();
.then(function (secret: string) {
that.totpSecrets[totpSecretHandle] = secret;
this.useTotpTokenHandle = function (totpSecretHandle: string) {
if (!this.totpSecrets[totpSecretHandle])
throw new Error("No available TOTP token handle " + totpSecretHandle);
const token = Speakeasy.totp({
secret: this.totpSecrets[totpSecretHandle],
encoding: "base32"
return this.useTotpToken(token);
this.useTotpToken = function (totpSecret: string) {
return that.driver.wait(seleniumWebdriver.until.elementLocated("token")), 5000)
.then(function () {
return that.driver.findElement("token"))
this.registerTotpAndSignin = function (username: string, password: string) {
const totpHandle = "HANDLE";
const authUrl = "https://auth.test.local:8080/";
const that = this;
return this.visit(authUrl)
.then(function () {
return that.loginWithUserPassword(username, password);
.then(function () {
return that.registerTotpSecret(totpHandle);
.then(function () {
return that.visit(authUrl);
.then(function () {
return that.loginWithUserPassword(username, password);
.then(function () {
return that.useTotpTokenHandle(totpHandle);
.then(function () {
return that.clickOnButton("Sign in");
Cucumber.defineSupportCode(function ({ setWorldConstructor }) {