mirror of https://github.com/0rangebananaspy/authelia.git synced 2024-09-14 22:47:21 +07:00
Clement Michaud 7b68a543bf Strengthen password in LDAP using SHA512 crypt algorithm
Uses the crypt() function to do password encryption. This function handles
several schemes such as: MD5, Blowfish, SHA1, SHA2.
SHA-512 is used in Authelia for best security.
The algorithm is fully described in

The 'crypt3' npm package has been added as a dependency to use the crypt()
function. The package needs to be compiled in order to call the c function,
that's why python, make and C++ compiler are installed temporarily in the
Docker image.
2017-10-31 07:27:36 +01:00

183 lines
5.6 KiB

import Server from "../../src/lib/Server";
import BluebirdPromise = require("bluebird");
import speakeasy = require("speakeasy");
import request = require("request");
import nedb = require("nedb");
import { GlobalDependencies } from "../../types/Dependencies";
import { UserConfiguration } from "../../src/lib/configuration/Configuration";
import { TOTPSecret } from "../../types/TOTPSecret";
import U2FMock = require("./../mocks/u2f");
import Endpoints = require("../../../shared/api");
import Requests = require("../requests");
import Assert = require("assert");
import Sinon = require("sinon");
import Winston = require("winston");
import MockDate = require("mockdate");
import ExpressSession = require("express-session");
import ldapjs = require("ldapjs");
const requestp = BluebirdPromise.promisifyAll(request) as typeof request;
const PORT = 8090;
const BASE_URL = "http://localhost:" + PORT;
const requests = Requests(PORT);
describe("Private pages of the server must not be accessible without session", function () {
let server: Server;
let transporter: any;
let u2f: U2FMock.U2FMock;
beforeEach(function () {
const config: UserConfiguration = {
port: PORT,
ldap: {
url: "ldap://",
base_dn: "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com",
user: "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com",
password: "password",
session: {
secret: "session_secret",
expiration: 50000,
regulation: {
max_retries: 3,
ban_time: 5 * 60,
find_time: 5 * 60
storage: {
local: {
in_memory: true
notifier: {
email: {
username: "user@example.com",
password: "password",
sender: "admin@example.com",
service: "gmail"
const ldap_client = {
bind: Sinon.stub(),
search: Sinon.stub(),
modify: Sinon.stub(),
on: Sinon.spy()
const ldap = {
Change: Sinon.spy(),
createClient: Sinon.spy(function () {
return ldap_client;
u2f = U2FMock.U2FMock();
transporter = {
sendMail: Sinon.stub().yields()
const nodemailer = {
createTransport: Sinon.spy(function () {
return transporter;
const ldap_document = {
object: {
mail: "test_ok@example.com",
const search_res = {
on: Sinon.spy(function (event: string, fn: (s: any) => void) {
if (event != "error") fn(ldap_document);
ldap_client.search.yields(undefined, search_res);
const deps: GlobalDependencies = {
u2f: u2f as any,
nedb: nedb,
ldapjs: ldap,
session: ExpressSession,
winston: Winston,
speakeasy: speakeasy,
ConnectRedis: Sinon.spy()
server = new Server(deps);
return server.start(config, deps);
afterEach(function () {
describe("Second factor endpoints must be protected if first factor is not validated", function () {
function should_post_and_reply_with_401(url: string): BluebirdPromise<void> {
return requestp.postAsync(url).then(function (response: request.RequestResponse) {
Assert.equal(response.statusCode, 401);
return BluebirdPromise.resolve();
function should_get_and_reply_with_401(url: string): BluebirdPromise<void> {
return requestp.getAsync(url).then(function (response: request.RequestResponse) {
Assert.equal(response.statusCode, 401);
return BluebirdPromise.resolve();
it("should block " + Endpoints.SECOND_FACTOR_GET, function () {
return should_get_and_reply_with_401(BASE_URL + Endpoints.SECOND_FACTOR_GET);
it("should block " + Endpoints.SECOND_FACTOR_U2F_IDENTITY_START_GET, function () {
return should_get_and_reply_with_401(BASE_URL + Endpoints.SECOND_FACTOR_U2F_IDENTITY_START_GET);
it("should block " + Endpoints.SECOND_FACTOR_U2F_IDENTITY_FINISH_GET, function () {
return should_get_and_reply_with_401(BASE_URL + Endpoints.SECOND_FACTOR_U2F_IDENTITY_FINISH_GET + "?identity_token=dummy");
it("should block " + Endpoints.SECOND_FACTOR_U2F_REGISTER_REQUEST_GET, function () {
return should_get_and_reply_with_401(BASE_URL + Endpoints.SECOND_FACTOR_U2F_REGISTER_REQUEST_GET);
it("should block " + Endpoints.SECOND_FACTOR_U2F_REGISTER_POST, function () {
return should_post_and_reply_with_401(BASE_URL + Endpoints.SECOND_FACTOR_U2F_REGISTER_POST);
it("should block " + Endpoints.SECOND_FACTOR_U2F_SIGN_REQUEST_GET, function () {
return should_get_and_reply_with_401(BASE_URL + Endpoints.SECOND_FACTOR_U2F_SIGN_REQUEST_GET);
it("should block " + Endpoints.SECOND_FACTOR_U2F_SIGN_POST, function () {
return should_post_and_reply_with_401(BASE_URL + Endpoints.SECOND_FACTOR_U2F_SIGN_POST);
it("should block " + Endpoints.SECOND_FACTOR_TOTP_POST, function () {
return should_post_and_reply_with_401(BASE_URL + Endpoints.SECOND_FACTOR_TOTP_POST);
it("should block " + Endpoints.LOGGED_IN, function () {
return should_get_and_reply_with_401(BASE_URL + Endpoints.LOGGED_IN);