mirror of
synced 2024-09-14 22:47:21 +07:00
* added regulation validator * made regulations find_time and ban_time values duration notation strings * added DefaultRegulationConfiguration for the validator * made session expiration and inactivity values duration notation strings * TOTP period does not need to be converted because adjustment should be discouraged * moved TOTP defaults to DefaultTOTPConfiguration and removed the consts * arranged the root config validator in configuration file order * adjusted tests for the changes * moved duration notation docs to root of configuration * added references to duration notation where applicable * project wide gofmt and goimports: * run gofmt * run goimports -local github.com/authelia/authelia -w on all files * Make jwt_secret error uniform and add tests * now at 100% coverage for internal/configuration/validator/configuration.go
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// Code generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT.
// Source: github.com/authelia/authelia/internal/duo (interfaces: API)
// Package mocks is a generated GoMock package.
package mocks
import (
url "net/url"
reflect "reflect"
gomock "github.com/golang/mock/gomock"
duo "github.com/authelia/authelia/internal/duo"
// MockAPI is a mock of API interface
type MockAPI struct {
ctrl *gomock.Controller
recorder *MockAPIMockRecorder
// MockAPIMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockAPI
type MockAPIMockRecorder struct {
mock *MockAPI
// NewMockAPI creates a new mock instance
func NewMockAPI(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockAPI {
mock := &MockAPI{ctrl: ctrl}
mock.recorder = &MockAPIMockRecorder{mock}
return mock
// EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (m *MockAPI) EXPECT() *MockAPIMockRecorder {
return m.recorder
// Call mocks base method
func (m *MockAPI) Call(arg0 url.Values, arg1 *middlewares.AutheliaCtx) (*duo.Response, error) {
ret := m.ctrl.Call(m, "Call", arg0, arg1)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(*duo.Response)
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1
// Call indicates an expected call of Call
func (mr *MockAPIMockRecorder) Call(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call {
return mr.mock.ctrl.RecordCallWithMethodType(mr.mock, "Call", reflect.TypeOf((*MockAPI)(nil).Call), arg0, arg1)