Amir Zarrinkafsh 3487fd392e
[FEATURE] Add API docs and swagger-ui (#1544)
* [FEATURE] Add API docs and swagger-ui

This change will serve out swagger-ui at the `/api/` root path.

* Update descriptions and summaries in API spec

* Utilise frontend assets from unit testing for Docker build steps

* Fix tag for /api/user/* endpoints

* Fix response schema for /api/user/info/2fa_method

* Template and inject the session name during runtime into swagger-ui

This change also factorises and renames index.go into template.go, this can now be generically utilised to template any file.

* Fix integration tests

* Add U2F endpoints

* Change swagger directory to api

This change is to more closely conform to the golang-standards project layout.

* Add authentication for u2f endpoints

* Modify u2f endpoint descriptions

* Rename and fix u2f 2fa sign endpoints

* Fix request body for /api/secondfactor/u2f/sign endpoint

Co-authored-by: James Elliott <>
2021-01-03 15:28:46 +11:00

68 lines
1.9 KiB

# ========================================
# ===== Build image for the frontend =====
# ========================================
FROM node:15-alpine AS builder-frontend
WORKDIR /node/src/app
COPY web .
# Install the dependencies and build
RUN yarn install --frozen-lockfile && INLINE_RUNTIME_CHUNK=false yarn coverage && \
mkdir -p /node/src/app/build/api && cd /node/src/app/build/api/ && touch index.html openapi.yml
# =======================================
# ===== Build image for the backend =====
# =======================================
FROM golang:1.15.6-alpine AS builder-backend
# gcc and musl-dev are required for building go-sqlite3
RUN apk --no-cache add gcc musl-dev
WORKDIR /go/src/app
COPY go.mod go.sum config.template.yml ./
COPY --from=builder-frontend /node/src/app/build public_html
RUN go mod download
COPY cmd cmd
COPY internal internal
# Prepare static files to be embedded in Go binary
RUN go get -u && \
cd internal/configuration && \
go generate . && \
cd ../server && \
go generate .
# Set the build version and time
RUN echo "Write tag ${BUILD_TAG} and commit ${BUILD_COMMIT} in binary." && \
sed -i "s/__BUILD_TAG__/${BUILD_TAG}/" cmd/authelia/constants.go && \
sed -i "s/__BUILD_COMMIT__/${BUILD_COMMIT}/" cmd/authelia/constants.go
# Build binary for collecting integration test coverage
RUN cd cmd/authelia && \
go test -c --tags coverage -covermode=atomic -o authelia -coverpkg
# ===================================
# ===== Authelia official image =====
# ===================================
FROM alpine:3.12.3
RUN apk --no-cache add ca-certificates tzdata
COPY --from=builder-backend /go/src/app/cmd/authelia/authelia ./
VOLUME /config
ENV PATH="/app:${PATH}"
CMD ["authelia", "-test.coverprofile=/authelia/coverage.txt", "COVERAGE", "--config", "/config/configuration.yml"]