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synced 2024-09-14 22:47:21 +07:00
This changes the validation of salts for sha512 to be done by the upstream API rather than locally. This allows the salts used in Linux to be utilized with Authelia provided the hash is a sha512 hash. Co-authored-by: Amir Zarrinkafsh <nightah@me.com>
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package authentication
import (
// PasswordHash represents all characteristics of a password hash.
// Authelia only supports salted SHA512 or salted argon2id method, i.e., $6$ mode or $argon2id$ mode.
type PasswordHash struct {
Algorithm CryptAlgo
Iterations int
Salt string
Key string
KeyLength int
Memory int
Parallelism int
// ConfigAlgoToCryptoAlgo returns a CryptAlgo and nil error if valid, otherwise it returns argon2id and an error.
func ConfigAlgoToCryptoAlgo(fromConfig string) (CryptAlgo, error) {
switch fromConfig {
case argon2id:
return HashingAlgorithmArgon2id, nil
case sha512:
return HashingAlgorithmSHA512, nil
return HashingAlgorithmArgon2id, errors.New("Invalid algorithm in configuration. It should be `argon2id` or `sha512`")
// ParseHash extracts all characteristics of a hash given its string representation.
func ParseHash(hash string) (passwordHash *PasswordHash, err error) {
parts := strings.Split(hash, "$")
// This error can be ignored as it's always nil.
c, parameters, salt, key, _ := crypt.DecodeSettings(hash)
code := CryptAlgo(c)
h := &PasswordHash{}
h.Salt = salt
h.Key = key
if h.Key != parts[len(parts)-1] {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Hash key is not the last parameter, the hash is likely malformed (%s)", hash)
if h.Key == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Hash key contains no characters or the field length is invalid (%s)", hash)
switch code {
case HashingAlgorithmSHA512:
h.Iterations = parameters.GetInt("rounds", HashingDefaultSHA512Iterations)
h.Algorithm = HashingAlgorithmSHA512
if parameters["rounds"] != "" && parameters["rounds"] != strconv.Itoa(h.Iterations) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("SHA512 iterations is not numeric (%s)", parameters["rounds"])
case HashingAlgorithmArgon2id:
_, err = crypt.Base64Encoding.DecodeString(h.Salt)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("Salt contains invalid base64 characters")
version := parameters.GetInt("v", 0)
if version < 19 {
if version == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Argon2id version parameter not found (%s)", hash)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Argon2id versions less than v19 are not supported (hash is version %d)", version)
} else if version > 19 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Argon2id versions greater than v19 are not supported (hash is version %d)", version)
h.Algorithm = HashingAlgorithmArgon2id
h.Memory = parameters.GetInt("m", HashingDefaultArgon2idMemory)
h.Iterations = parameters.GetInt("t", HashingDefaultArgon2idTime)
h.Parallelism = parameters.GetInt("p", HashingDefaultArgon2idParallelism)
h.KeyLength = parameters.GetInt("k", HashingDefaultArgon2idKeyLength)
decodedKey, err := crypt.Base64Encoding.DecodeString(h.Key)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("Hash key contains invalid base64 characters")
if len(decodedKey) != h.KeyLength {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Argon2id key length parameter (%d) does not match the actual key length (%d)", h.KeyLength, len(decodedKey))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Authelia only supports salted SHA512 hashing ($6$) and salted argon2id ($argon2id$), not $%s$", code)
return h, nil
// HashPassword generate a salt and hash the password with the salt and a constant number of rounds.
func HashPassword(password, salt string, algorithm CryptAlgo, iterations, memory, parallelism, keyLength, saltLength int) (hash string, err error) {
var settings string
if algorithm != HashingAlgorithmArgon2id && algorithm != HashingAlgorithmSHA512 {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Hashing algorithm input of '%s' is invalid, only values of %s and %s are supported", algorithm, HashingAlgorithmArgon2id, HashingAlgorithmSHA512)
if algorithm == HashingAlgorithmArgon2id {
err := validateArgon2idSettings(memory, parallelism, iterations, keyLength)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if algorithm != HashingAlgorithmSHA512 {
err = validateSalt(salt, saltLength)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if salt == "" {
salt = crypt.Base64Encoding.EncodeToString([]byte(utils.RandomString(saltLength, HashingPossibleSaltCharacters)))
settings = getCryptSettings(salt, algorithm, iterations, memory, parallelism, keyLength)
// This error can be ignored because we check for it before a user gets here.
hash, _ = crypt.Crypt(password, settings)
return hash, nil
// CheckPassword check a password against a hash.
func CheckPassword(password, hash string) (ok bool, err error) {
expectedHash, err := ParseHash(hash)
if err != nil {
return false, err
passwordHashString, err := HashPassword(password, expectedHash.Salt, expectedHash.Algorithm, expectedHash.Iterations, expectedHash.Memory, expectedHash.Parallelism, expectedHash.KeyLength, len(expectedHash.Salt))
if err != nil {
return false, err
passwordHash, err := ParseHash(passwordHashString)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return subtle.ConstantTimeCompare([]byte(passwordHash.Key), []byte(expectedHash.Key)) == 1, nil
func getCryptSettings(salt string, algorithm CryptAlgo, iterations, memory, parallelism, keyLength int) (settings string) {
switch algorithm {
case HashingAlgorithmArgon2id:
settings, _ = crypt.Argon2idSettings(memory, iterations, parallelism, keyLength, salt)
case HashingAlgorithmSHA512:
settings = fmt.Sprintf("$6$rounds=%d$%s", iterations, salt)
panic("invalid password hashing algorithm provided")
return settings
// validateSalt checks the salt input and settings are valid and returns it and a nil error if they are, otherwise returns an error.
func validateSalt(salt string, saltLength int) error {
if salt == "" {
if saltLength < 8 {
return fmt.Errorf("Salt length input of %d is invalid, it must be 8 or higher", saltLength)
return nil
decodedSalt, err := crypt.Base64Encoding.DecodeString(salt)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Salt input of %s is invalid, only base64 strings are valid for input", salt)
if len(decodedSalt) < 8 {
return fmt.Errorf("Salt input of %s is invalid (%d characters), it must be 8 or more characters", decodedSalt, len(decodedSalt))
return nil
// validateArgon2idSettings checks the argon2id settings are valid.
func validateArgon2idSettings(memory, parallelism, iterations, keyLength int) error {
// Caution: Increasing any of the values in the below block has a high chance in old passwords that cannot be verified.
if memory < 8 {
return fmt.Errorf("Memory (argon2id) input of %d is invalid, it must be 8 or higher", memory)
if parallelism < 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("Parallelism (argon2id) input of %d is invalid, it must be 1 or higher", parallelism)
if memory < parallelism*8 {
return fmt.Errorf("Memory (argon2id) input of %d is invalid with a parallelism input of %d, it must be %d (parallelism * 8) or higher", memory, parallelism, parallelism*8)
if keyLength < 16 {
return fmt.Errorf("Key length (argon2id) input of %d is invalid, it must be 16 or higher", keyLength)
if iterations < 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("Iterations (argon2id) input of %d is invalid, it must be 1 or more", iterations)
// Caution: Increasing any of the values in the above block has a high chance in old passwords that cannot be verified.
return nil