title: "Deployment"
description: "An introduction into integrating Authelia with a product."
lead: "An introduction into integrating Authelia within your architecture."
date: 2022-06-15T17:51:47+10:00
draft: false
images: []
    parent: "deployment"
weight: 210
toc: true

There are three main methods to deploy *Authelia*.

1. [Docker](docker.md)
2. [Kubernetes](../kubernetes/introduction/index.md)
3. [Bare-Metal](bare-metal.md)

## Get Started

It's __*strongly recommended*__ that users setting up *Authelia* for the first time take a look at our
[Get Started](../prologue/get-started.md) guide. This takes you through various steps which are essential to
bootstrapping *Authelia*.