package storage

import (



// SchemaTables returns a list of tables.
func (p *SQLProvider) SchemaTables(ctx context.Context) (tables []string, err error) {
	var rows *sqlx.Rows

	switch p.schema {
	case "":
		rows, err = p.db.QueryxContext(ctx, p.sqlSelectExistingTables)
		rows, err = p.db.QueryxContext(ctx, p.sqlSelectExistingTables, p.schema)

	if err != nil {
		return tables, err

	defer func() {
		if err := rows.Close(); err != nil {
			p.log.Errorf(logFmtErrClosingConn, err)

	var table string

	for rows.Next() {
		err = rows.Scan(&table)
		if err != nil {
			return []string{}, err

		tables = append(tables, table)

	return tables, nil

// SchemaVersion returns the version of the schema.
func (p *SQLProvider) SchemaVersion(ctx context.Context) (version int, err error) {
	tables, err := p.SchemaTables(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return -2, err

	if len(tables) == 0 {
		return 0, nil

	if utils.IsStringInSlice(tableMigrations, tables) {
		migration, err := p.schemaLatestMigration(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return -2, err

		return migration.After, nil

	var tablesV1 = []string{tableDuoDevices, tableEncryption, tableIdentityVerification, tableMigrations, tableTOTPConfigurations}

	if utils.IsStringSliceContainsAll(tablesPre1, tables) {
		if utils.IsStringSliceContainsAny(tablesV1, tables) {
			return -2, errors.New("pre1 schema contains v1 tables it shouldn't contain")

		return -1, nil

	return 0, nil

func (p *SQLProvider) schemaLatestMigration(ctx context.Context) (migration *model.Migration, err error) {
	migration = &model.Migration{}

	err = p.db.QueryRowxContext(ctx, p.sqlSelectLatestMigration).StructScan(migration)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return migration, nil

// SchemaMigrationHistory returns migration history rows.
func (p *SQLProvider) SchemaMigrationHistory(ctx context.Context) (migrations []model.Migration, err error) {
	rows, err := p.db.QueryxContext(ctx, p.sqlSelectMigrations)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	defer func() {
		if err := rows.Close(); err != nil {
			p.log.Errorf(logFmtErrClosingConn, err)

	var migration model.Migration

	for rows.Next() {
		err = rows.StructScan(&migration)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		migrations = append(migrations, migration)

	return migrations, nil

// SchemaMigrate migrates from the current version to the provided version.
func (p *SQLProvider) SchemaMigrate(ctx context.Context, up bool, version int) (err error) {
	currentVersion, err := p.SchemaVersion(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if err = schemaMigrateChecks(, up, version, currentVersion); err != nil {
		return err

	return p.schemaMigrate(ctx, currentVersion, version)

//nolint: gocyclo
func (p *SQLProvider) schemaMigrate(ctx context.Context, prior, target int) (err error) {
	migrations, err := loadMigrations(, prior, target)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if len(migrations) == 0 && (prior != 1 || target != -1) {
		return ErrNoMigrationsFound

	switch {
	case prior == -1:
		p.log.Infof(logFmtMigrationFromTo, "pre1", strconv.Itoa(migrations[len(migrations)-1].After()))

		err = p.schemaMigratePre1To1(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			if errRollback := p.schemaMigratePre1To1Rollback(ctx, true); errRollback != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf(errFmtFailedMigrationPre1, err)

			return fmt.Errorf(errFmtFailedMigrationPre1, err)
	case target == -1:
		p.log.Infof(logFmtMigrationFromTo, strconv.Itoa(prior), "pre1")
		p.log.Infof(logFmtMigrationFromTo, strconv.Itoa(prior), strconv.Itoa(migrations[len(migrations)-1].After()))

	for _, migration := range migrations {
		if prior == -1 && migration.Version == 1 {
			// Skip migration version 1 when upgrading from pre1 as it's applied as part of the pre1 upgrade.

		err = p.schemaMigrateApply(ctx, migration)
		if err != nil {
			return p.schemaMigrateRollback(ctx, prior, migration.After(), err)

	switch {
	case prior == -1:
		p.log.Infof(logFmtMigrationComplete, "pre1", strconv.Itoa(migrations[len(migrations)-1].After()))
	case target == -1:
		err = p.schemaMigrate1ToPre1(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			if errRollback := p.schemaMigratePre1To1Rollback(ctx, false); errRollback != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf(errFmtFailedMigrationPre1, err)

			return fmt.Errorf(errFmtFailedMigrationPre1, err)

		p.log.Infof(logFmtMigrationComplete, strconv.Itoa(prior), "pre1")
		p.log.Infof(logFmtMigrationComplete, strconv.Itoa(prior), strconv.Itoa(migrations[len(migrations)-1].After()))

	return nil

func (p *SQLProvider) schemaMigrateRollback(ctx context.Context, prior, after int, migrateErr error) (err error) {
	migrations, err := loadMigrations(, after, prior)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("error loading migrations from version %d to version %d for rollback: %+v. rollback caused by: %+v", prior, after, err, migrateErr)

	for _, migration := range migrations {
		if prior == -1 && !migration.Up && migration.Version == 1 {

		err = p.schemaMigrateApply(ctx, migration)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error applying migration version %d to version %d for rollback: %+v. rollback caused by: %+v", migration.Before(), migration.After(), err, migrateErr)

	if prior == -1 {
		if err = p.schemaMigrate1ToPre1(ctx); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error applying migration version 1 to version pre1 for rollback: %+v. rollback caused by: %+v", err, migrateErr)

	return fmt.Errorf("migration rollback complete. rollback caused by: %+v", migrateErr)

func (p *SQLProvider) schemaMigrateApply(ctx context.Context, migration model.SchemaMigration) (err error) {
	_, err = p.db.ExecContext(ctx, migration.Query)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf(errFmtFailedMigration, migration.Version, migration.Name, err)

	if migration.Version == 1 {
		// Skip the migration history insertion in a migration to v0.
		if !migration.Up {
			return nil

		// Add the schema encryption value if upgrading to v1.
		if err = p.setNewEncryptionCheckValue(ctx, &p.key, nil); err != nil {
			return err

	if migration.Version == 1 && !migration.Up {
		return nil

	return p.schemaMigrateFinalize(ctx, migration)

func (p SQLProvider) schemaMigrateFinalize(ctx context.Context, migration model.SchemaMigration) (err error) {
	return p.schemaMigrateFinalizeAdvanced(ctx, migration.Before(), migration.After())

func (p *SQLProvider) schemaMigrateFinalizeAdvanced(ctx context.Context, before, after int) (err error) {
	_, err = p.db.ExecContext(ctx, p.sqlInsertMigration, time.Now(), before, after, utils.Version())
	if err != nil {
		return err

	p.log.Debugf("Storage schema migrated from version %d to %d", before, after)

	return nil

// SchemaMigrationsUp returns a list of migrations up available between the current version and the provided version.
func (p *SQLProvider) SchemaMigrationsUp(ctx context.Context, version int) (migrations []model.SchemaMigration, err error) {
	current, err := p.SchemaVersion(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return migrations, err

	if version == 0 {
		version = SchemaLatest

	if current >= version {
		return migrations, ErrNoAvailableMigrations

	return loadMigrations(, current, version)

// SchemaMigrationsDown returns a list of migrations down available between the current version and the provided version.
func (p *SQLProvider) SchemaMigrationsDown(ctx context.Context, version int) (migrations []model.SchemaMigration, err error) {
	current, err := p.SchemaVersion(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return migrations, err

	if current <= version {
		return migrations, ErrNoAvailableMigrations

	return loadMigrations(, current, version)

// SchemaLatestVersion returns the latest version available for migration.
func (p *SQLProvider) SchemaLatestVersion() (version int, err error) {
	return latestMigrationVersion(

func schemaMigrateChecks(providerName string, up bool, targetVersion, currentVersion int) (err error) {
	if targetVersion == currentVersion {
		return fmt.Errorf(ErrFmtMigrateAlreadyOnTargetVersion, targetVersion, currentVersion)

	latest, err := latestMigrationVersion(providerName)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if currentVersion > latest {
		return fmt.Errorf(errFmtSchemaCurrentGreaterThanLatestKnown, latest)

	if up {
		if targetVersion < currentVersion {
			return fmt.Errorf(ErrFmtMigrateUpTargetLessThanCurrent, targetVersion, currentVersion)

		if targetVersion == SchemaLatest && latest == currentVersion {
			return ErrSchemaAlreadyUpToDate

		if targetVersion != SchemaLatest && latest < targetVersion {
			return fmt.Errorf(ErrFmtMigrateUpTargetGreaterThanLatest, targetVersion, latest)
	} else {
		if targetVersion < -1 {
			return fmt.Errorf(ErrFmtMigrateDownTargetLessThanMinimum, targetVersion)

		if targetVersion > currentVersion {
			return fmt.Errorf(ErrFmtMigrateDownTargetGreaterThanCurrent, targetVersion, currentVersion)

	return nil

// SchemaVersionToString returns a version string given a version number.
func SchemaVersionToString(version int) (versionStr string) {
	switch version {
	case -2:
		return "unknown"
	case -1:
		return "pre1"
	case 0:
		return "N/A"
		return strconv.Itoa(version)