package handlers

import (



type LogoutSuite struct {

	mock *mocks.MockAutheliaCtx

func (s *LogoutSuite) SetupTest() {
	s.mock = mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(s.T())
	userSession := s.mock.Ctx.GetSession()
	userSession.Username = testUsername
	s.mock.Ctx.SaveSession(userSession) //nolint:errcheck // TODO: Legacy code, consider refactoring time permitting.

func (s *LogoutSuite) TearDownTest() {

func (s *LogoutSuite) TestShouldDestroySession() {
	b := s.mock.Ctx.Response.Header.PeekCookie("authelia_session")

	// Reset the cookie, meaning it resets the value and expires the cookie by setting
	// date to one minute in the past.
	assert.True(s.T(), strings.HasPrefix(string(b), "authelia_session=;"))

func TestRunLogoutSuite(t *testing.T) {
	s := new(LogoutSuite)
	suite.Run(t, s)