#!/usr/bin/env bash writehosts(){ echo "\ authelia.$DOMAIN public.$DOMAIN traefik.$DOMAIN secure.$DOMAIN" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts > /dev/null } username(){ read -ep "Enter your username for Authelia: " USERNAME } password(){ read -esp "Enter a password for $USERNAME: " PASSWORD } displayname(){ read -ep "Enter your display name for Authelia (eg. John Doe): " DISPLAYNAME } echo "Checking for pre-requisites" if [[ ! -x "$(command -v docker)" ]]; then echo "You must install Docker on your machine"; exit 1 fi if [[ ! -x "$(command -v docker-compose)" ]]; then echo "You must install Docker Compose on your machine"; exit 1 fi if [[ $(id -u) != 0 ]]; then echo "The script requires root access to perform some functions such as modifying your /etc/hosts file" read -rp "Would you like to elevate access with sudo? [y/N] " confirmsudo if ! [[ "$confirmsudo" =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])$ ]]; then echo "Sudo elevation denied, exiting" exit 1 fi fi echo "Pulling Authelia docker image for setup" sudo docker pull authelia/authelia > /dev/null echo "Resetting docker-compose.yml, configuration.yml and users_database.yml" sudo git checkout -- docker-compose.yml authelia/configuration.yml authelia/users_database.yml read -ep "What root domain would you like to protect? (default/no selection is example.com): " DOMAIN if [[ $DOMAIN == "" ]]; then DOMAIN="example.com" fi MODIFIED=$(cat /etc/hosts | grep $DOMAIN && echo true || echo false) if [[ $MODIFIED == "false" ]]; then writehosts fi echo "Generating SSL certificate for *.$DOMAIN" sudo docker run -a stdout -v $PWD/traefik/certs:/tmp/certs authelia/authelia authelia certificates generate --host *.$DOMAIN --dir /tmp/certs/ > /dev/null if [[ $DOMAIN != "example.com" ]]; then if [[ $(uname) == "Darwin" ]]; then sudo sed -i '' "s/example.com/$DOMAIN/g" {docker-compose.yml,authelia/configuration.yml} else sudo sed -i "s/example.com/$DOMAIN/g" {docker-compose.yml,authelia/configuration.yml} fi fi username if [[ $USERNAME != "" ]]; then if [[ $(uname) == "Darwin" ]]; then sudo sed -i '' "s/<USERNAME>/$USERNAME/g" authelia/users_database.yml else sudo sed -i "s/<USERNAME>/$USERNAME/g" authelia/users_database.yml fi else echo "Username cannot be empty" username fi displayname if [[ $DISPLAYNAME != "" ]]; then if [[ $(uname) == "Darwin" ]]; then sudo sed -i '' "s/<DISPLAYNAME>/$DISPLAYNAME/g" authelia/users_database.yml else sudo sed -i "s/<DISPLAYNAME>/$DISPLAYNAME/g" authelia/users_database.yml fi else echo "Display name cannot be empty" displayname fi password if [[ $PASSWORD != "" ]]; then PASSWORD=$(sudo docker run authelia/authelia authelia hash-password $PASSWORD | sed 's/Password hash: //g') if [[ $(uname) == "Darwin" ]]; then sudo sed -i '' "s/<PASSWORD>/$(echo $PASSWORD | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g')/g" authelia/users_database.yml else sudo sed -i "s/<PASSWORD>/$(echo $PASSWORD | sed -e 's/[\/&]/\\&/g')/g" authelia/users_database.yml fi else echo "Password cannot be empty" password fi sudo docker-compose up -d if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then exit 1 fi cat << EOF Setup completed successfully. You can now visit the following locations: - https://public.$DOMAIN - Bypasses Authelia - https://traefik.$DOMAIN - Secured with Authelia one-factor authentication - https://secure.$DOMAIN - Secured with Authelia two-factor authentication (see note below) You will need to authorize the self-signed certificate upon visiting each domain. To visit https://secure.$DOMAIN you will need to register a device for second factor authentication and confirm by clicking on a link sent by email. Since this is a demo with a fake email address, the content of the email will be stored in './authelia/notification.txt'. Upon registering, you can grab this link easily by running the following command: 'grep -Eo '"https://.*" ' ./authelia/notification.txt'. EOF