import ChildProcess from 'child_process'; export default function WithAutheliaRunning(configPath: string, waitTimeout: number = 3000) { before(function() { this.timeout(5000); console.log('Spawning Authelia server with configuration %s.', configPath); const authelia = ChildProcess.spawn( './scripts/authelia-scripts', ['serve', '--no-watch', '--config', configPath], {detached: true}); authelia.on('exit', function() { console.log('Server terminated.'); }); this.authelia = authelia; const waitPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(), waitTimeout)); return waitPromise; }); after(function() { this.timeout(1000); console.log('Killing Authelia server.'); // Kill the group of processes. process.kill(; }); }