import * as Assert from "assert"; import { UserConfiguration } from "../../src/lib/Configuration"; import config_adapter = require("../../src/lib/config_adapter"); describe("test config adapter", function() { function build_yaml_config(): UserConfiguration { const yaml_config = { port: 8080, ldap: { url: "http://ldap", base_dn: "cn=test,dc=example,dc=com", user: "user", password: "pass" }, session: { domain: "", secret: "secret", max_age: 40000 }, store_directory: "/mydirectory", logs_level: "debug", notifier: { gmail: { user: "user", pass: "password" } } }; return yaml_config; } it("should read the port from the yaml file", function() { const yaml_config = build_yaml_config(); yaml_config.port = 7070; const config = config_adapter(yaml_config); Assert.equal(config.port, 7070); }); it("should default the port to 8080 if not provided", function() { const yaml_config = build_yaml_config(); delete yaml_config.port; const config = config_adapter(yaml_config); Assert.equal(config.port, 8080); }); it("should get the ldap attributes", function() { const yaml_config = build_yaml_config(); yaml_config.ldap = { url: "http://ldap", base_dn: "cn=test,dc=example,dc=com", additional_user_dn: "ou=users", user_name_attribute: "uid", user: "admin", password: "pass" }; const config = config_adapter(yaml_config); Assert.equal(config.ldap.url, "http://ldap"); Assert.equal(config.ldap.additional_user_dn, "ou=users"); Assert.equal(config.ldap.user_name_attribute, "uid"); Assert.equal(config.ldap.user, "admin"); Assert.equal(config.ldap.password, "pass"); }); it("should get the session attributes", function() { const yaml_config = build_yaml_config(); yaml_config.session = { domain: "", secret: "secret", expiration: 3600 }; const config = config_adapter(yaml_config); Assert.equal(config.session.domain, ""); Assert.equal(config.session.secret, "secret"); Assert.equal(config.session.expiration, 3600); }); it("should get the log level", function() { const yaml_config = build_yaml_config(); yaml_config.logs_level = "debug"; const config = config_adapter(yaml_config); Assert.equal(config.logs_level, "debug"); }); it("should get the notifier config", function() { const yaml_config = build_yaml_config(); yaml_config.notifier = { gmail: { user: "user", pass: "pass" } }; const config = config_adapter(yaml_config); Assert.deepEqual(config.notifier, { gmail: { user: "user", pass: "pass" } }); }); it("should get the access_control config", function() { const yaml_config = build_yaml_config(); yaml_config.access_control = { default: [], users: {}, groups: {} }; const config = config_adapter(yaml_config); Assert.deepEqual(config.access_control, { default: [], users: {}, groups: {} }); }); });