package schema

// ServerConfiguration represents the configuration of the http server.
type ServerConfiguration struct {
	Host               string `koanf:"host"`
	Port               int    `koanf:"port"`
	Path               string `koanf:"path"`
	AssetPath          string `koanf:"asset_path"`
	ReadBufferSize     int    `koanf:"read_buffer_size"`
	WriteBufferSize    int    `koanf:"write_buffer_size"`
	EnablePprof        bool   `koanf:"enable_pprof"`
	EnableExpvars      bool   `koanf:"enable_expvars"`
	DisableHealthcheck bool   `koanf:"disable_healthcheck"`

	TLS     ServerTLSConfiguration     `koanf:"tls"`
	Headers ServerHeadersConfiguration `koanf:"headers"`

// ServerTLSConfiguration represents the configuration of the http servers TLS options.
type ServerTLSConfiguration struct {
	Certificate string `koanf:"certificate"`
	Key         string `koanf:"key"`

// ServerHeadersConfiguration represents the customization of the http server headers.
type ServerHeadersConfiguration struct {
	CSPTemplate string `koanf:"csp_template"`

// DefaultServerConfiguration represents the default values of the ServerConfiguration.
var DefaultServerConfiguration = ServerConfiguration{
	Host:            "",
	Port:            9091,
	ReadBufferSize:  4096,
	WriteBufferSize: 4096,