import Bluebird = require("bluebird"); import Fs = require("fs"); import Yaml = require("yamljs"); import { FileUsersDatabaseConfiguration } from "../../../configuration/schema/FileUsersDatabaseConfiguration"; import { GroupsAndEmails } from "../GroupsAndEmails"; import { IUsersDatabase } from "../IUsersDatabase"; import { HashGenerator } from "../../../utils/HashGenerator"; import { ReadWriteQueue } from "./ReadWriteQueue"; const loadAsync = Bluebird.promisify(Yaml.load); export class FileUsersDatabase implements IUsersDatabase { private configuration: FileUsersDatabaseConfiguration; private queue: ReadWriteQueue; constructor(configuration: FileUsersDatabaseConfiguration) { this.configuration = configuration; this.queue = new ReadWriteQueue(this.configuration.path); } /** * Read database from file. * It enqueues the read task so that it is scheduled * between other reads and writes. */ private readDatabase(): Bluebird { return new Bluebird((resolve, reject) => { Error, data: string) => { if (err) { reject(err); return; } resolve(data);; }); }) .then((content) => { const database = Yaml.parse(content); if (!database) { return Bluebird.reject(new Error("Unable to parse YAML file.")); } return Bluebird.resolve(database); }); } /** * Checks the user exists in the database. */ private checkUserExists( database: any, username: string) : Bluebird { if (!(username in database.users)) { return Bluebird.reject( new Error(`User ${username} does not exist in database.`)); } return Bluebird.resolve(); } /** * Check the password of a given user. */ private checkPassword( database: any, username: string, password: string) : Bluebird { const storedHash: string = database.users[username].password; const matches = storedHash.match(/rounds=([0-9]+)\$([a-zA-z0-9.]+)\$/); if (!(matches && matches.length == 3)) { return Bluebird.reject(new Error("Unable to detect the hash salt and rounds. " + "Make sure the password is hashed with SSHA512.")); } const rounds: number = parseInt(matches[1]); const salt = matches[2]; return HashGenerator.ssha512(password, rounds, salt) .then((hash: string) => { if (hash !== storedHash) { return Bluebird.reject(new Error("Wrong username/password.")); } return Bluebird.resolve(); }); } /** * Retrieve email addresses of a given user. */ private retrieveEmails( database: any, username: string) : Bluebird { if (!("email" in database.users[username])) { return Bluebird.reject( new Error(`User ${username} has no email address.`)); } return Bluebird.resolve( [database.users[username].email]); } private retrieveGroups( database: any, username: string) : Bluebird { if (!("groups" in database.users[username])) { return Bluebird.resolve([]); } return Bluebird.resolve( database.users[username].groups); } private replacePassword( database: any, username: string, newPassword: string) : Bluebird { const that = this; return HashGenerator.ssha512(newPassword) .then((hash) => { database.users[username].password = hash; const str = Yaml.stringify(database, 4, 2); return Bluebird.resolve(str); }) .then((content: string) => { return new Bluebird((resolve, reject) => { that.queue.write(content, (err) => { if (err) { return reject(err); } resolve();; }); }); }); } checkUserPassword( username: string, password: string) : Bluebird { return this.readDatabase() .then((database) => { return this.checkUserExists(database, username) .then(() => this.checkPassword(database, username, password)) .then(() => { return Bluebird.join( this.retrieveEmails(database, username), this.retrieveGroups(database, username) ).spread((emails: string[], groups: string[]) => { return { emails: emails, groups: groups }; }); }); }); } getEmails(username: string): Bluebird { return this.readDatabase() .then((database) => { return this.checkUserExists(database, username) .then(() => this.retrieveEmails(database, username)); }); } getGroups(username: string): Bluebird { return this.readDatabase() .then((database) => { return this.checkUserExists(database, username) .then(() => this.retrieveGroups(database, username)); }); } updatePassword(username: string, newPassword: string): Bluebird { return this.readDatabase() .then((database) => { return this.checkUserExists(database, username) .then(() => this.replacePassword(database, username, newPassword)); }); } }