import SeleniumWebdriver, { WebDriver } from "selenium-webdriver"; import Assert from 'assert'; import LoginAndRegisterTotp from '../../../helpers/LoginAndRegisterTotp'; import { StartDriver, StopDriver } from "../../../helpers/context/WithDriver"; /** * Given the user logs in as john, * When he register a TOTP token, * Then he reach a page containing the secret as string an qrcode */ export default function() { describe('successfully login as john', function() { this.timeout(10000); beforeEach(async function() { this.driver = await StartDriver(); await LoginAndRegisterTotp(this.driver, "john", "password", true); }); afterEach(async function() { await StopDriver(this.driver); }) it("should see generated qrcode", async function() { await this.driver.wait( SeleniumWebdriver.until.elementLocated( SeleniumWebdriver.By.className("qrcode")), 5000); }); it("should see generated secret", async function() { await this.driver.wait( SeleniumWebdriver.until.elementLocated( SeleniumWebdriver.By.className("base32-secret")), 5000); }); it("should have user and issuer in otp url", async function() { const el = await (this.driver as WebDriver).wait( SeleniumWebdriver.until.elementLocated( SeleniumWebdriver.By.className('otpauth-secret')), 5000); const otpauthUrl = await el.getAttribute('innerText'); const label = 'john'; const issuer = ''; Assert(new RegExp(`^otpauth://totp/${label}\\?secret=[A-Z0-9]+&issuer=${issuer}$`).test(otpauthUrl)); }) }); };