package configuration

import (



// koanfEnvironmentCallback returns a koanf callback to map the environment vars to Configuration keys.
func koanfEnvironmentCallback(keyMap map[string]string, ignoredKeys []string, prefix, delimiter string) func(key, value string) (finalKey string, finalValue interface{}) {
	return func(key, value string) (finalKey string, finalValue interface{}) {
		if k, ok := keyMap[key]; ok {
			return k, value

		if utils.IsStringInSlice(key, ignoredKeys) {
			return "", nil

		formattedKey := strings.TrimPrefix(key, prefix)
		formattedKey = strings.ReplaceAll(strings.ToLower(formattedKey), delimiter, constDelimiter)

		if utils.IsStringInSlice(formattedKey, schema.Keys) {
			return formattedKey, value

		return key, value

// koanfEnvironmentSecretsCallback returns a koanf callback to map the environment vars to Configuration keys.
func koanfEnvironmentSecretsCallback(keyMap map[string]string, validator *schema.StructValidator) func(key, value string) (finalKey string, finalValue interface{}) {
	return func(key, value string) (finalKey string, finalValue interface{}) {
		k, ok := keyMap[key]
		if !ok {
			return "", nil

		v, err := loadSecret(value)
		if err != nil {
			validator.Push(fmt.Errorf(errFmtSecretIOIssue, value, k, err))
			return k, ""

		return k, v

func koanfCommandLineWithMappingCallback(mapping map[string]string, includeValidKeys, includeUnchangedKeys bool) func(flag *pflag.Flag) (string, interface{}) {
	return func(flag *pflag.Flag) (string, interface{}) {
		if !includeUnchangedKeys && !flag.Changed {
			return "", nil

		if actualKey, ok := mapping[flag.Name]; ok {
			return actualKey, flag.Value.String()

		if includeValidKeys {
			formattedKey := strings.ReplaceAll(flag.Name, "-", "_")

			if utils.IsStringInSlice(formattedKey, schema.Keys) {
				return formattedKey, flag.Value.String()

		return "", nil