Feature: Server is configured as a single factor only server

  Scenario: User is redirected to service after first factor if allowed
    When I visit "https://login.example.com:8080/?rd=https://public.example.com:8080/secret.html"
    And I login with user "john" and password "password"
    Then I'm redirected to "https://public.example.com:8080/secret.html"

  Scenario: User is correctly redirected according to default redirection URL
    When I visit "https://login.example.com:8080"
    And I login with user "john" and password "password"
    Then I'm redirected to "https://login.example.com:8080/loggedin"
    And I sleep for 5 seconds
    Then I'm redirected to "https://home.example.com:8080/"