# The port to listen on
port: 80

# Log level
# Level of verbosity for logs
logs_level: debug

# LDAP configuration
# Example: for user john, the DN will be cn=john,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com
  # The url of the ldap server
  url: ldap://openldap

  # The base dn for every entries
  base_dn: dc=example,dc=com

  # An additional dn to define the scope to all users
  additional_user_dn: ou=users

  # The user name attribute of users. Might uid for FreeIPA. 'cn' by default.
  user_name_attribute: cn

  # An additional dn to define the scope of groups
  additional_group_dn: ou=groups

  # The group name attribute of group. 'cn' by default.
  group_name_attribute: cn

  # The username and password of the admin user.
  user: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com
  password: password

# Access Control
# Access control is a set of rules you can use to restrict the user access.
# Default (anyone), per-user or per-group rules can be defined.
# If 'access_control' is not defined, ACL rules are disabled and default policy
# is applied, i.e., access is allowed to anyone. Otherwise restrictions follow 
# the rules defined below.
# If no rule is provided, all domains are denied.
# '*' means 'any' subdomains and matches any string. It must stand at the 
# beginning of the pattern.
    - home.test.local
      - '*.test.local'
      - secret.test.local
      - secret2.test.local
      - secret1.test.local
      - '*.mail.test.local'

# Configuration of session cookies
# _secret_ the secret to encrypt session cookies
# _expiration_ the time before cookies expire
# _domain_ the domain to protect. 
# Note: the authenticator must also be in that domain. If empty, the cookie
# is restricted to the subdomain of the issuer. 
  secret: unsecure_secret
  expiration: 3600000
  domain: test.local
    host: redis
    port: 6379

# The directory where the DB files will be saved
store_directory: /var/lib/authelia/store

# Notifications are sent to users when they require a password reset, a u2f
# registration or a TOTP registration.
# Use only one available configuration: filesystem, gmail
  # For testing purpose, notifications can be sent in a file
    filename: /var/lib/authelia/notifications/notification.txt

  # Use your gmail account to send the notifications. You can use an app password.
  # gmail:
  #   username: user@example.com
  #   password: yourpassword