layout: default
title: Regulation
parent: Configuration
nav_order: 5

# Regulation

**Authelia** can temporarily ban accounts when there are too many
authentication attempts. This helps prevent brute-force attacks.

## Configuration

  # The number of failed login attempts before user is banned.
  # Set it to 0 to disable regulation.
  max_retries: 3

  # The time range during which the user can attempt login before being banned.
  # The user is banned if the authentication failed `max_retries` times in a `find_time` seconds window.
  # Find Time accepts duration notation. See: https://docs.authelia.com/configuration/index.html#duration-notation-format
  find_time: 2m

  # The length of time before a banned user can sign in again.
  # Find Time accepts duration notation. See: https://docs.authelia.com/configuration/index.html#duration-notation-format
  ban_time: 5m

### Duration Notation

The configuration parameters find_time, and ban_time use duration notation. See the documentation
for [duration notation format](index.md#duration-notation-format) for more information.