title: "Privacy Policy"
description: "We do not use cookies and we do not collect any personal data."
date: 2022-06-15T17:51:47+10:00
draft: false
images: []
    parent: "information"
weight: 110
toc: true
  - /privacy-policy
  - /privacy-policy.html
  - /privacy
  - /privacy.html

__TLDR__: We do not use cookies and we do not collect any personal data.

## Website visitors

* No personal information is collected.
* No information is stored in the browser.
* No information is shared with, sent to or sold to third-parties.
* No information is shared with advertising companies.
* No information is mined and harvested for personal and behavioral trends.
* No information is monetized.

## Contact us

[Contact us](contact.md) if you have any questions.

__Effective Date:__ *16th May 2022*