package session

import (


// NewDefaultUserSession create a default user session.
func NewDefaultUserSession() UserSession {
	return UserSession{
		KeepMeLoggedIn:      false,
		AuthenticationLevel: authentication.NotAuthenticated,
		LastActivity:        0,

// SetOneFactor sets the expected property values for one factor authentication.
func (s *UserSession) SetOneFactor(now time.Time, details *authentication.UserDetails, keepMeLoggedIn bool) {
	s.FirstFactorAuthnTimestamp = now.Unix()
	s.LastActivity = now.Unix()
	s.AuthenticationLevel = authentication.OneFactor

	s.KeepMeLoggedIn = keepMeLoggedIn

	s.Username = details.Username
	s.DisplayName = details.DisplayName
	s.Groups = details.Groups
	s.Emails = details.Emails

// SetTwoFactor sets the expected property values for two factor authentication.
func (s *UserSession) SetTwoFactor(now time.Time) {
	s.SecondFactorAuthnTimestamp = now.Unix()
	s.LastActivity = now.Unix()
	s.AuthenticationLevel = authentication.TwoFactor

// AuthenticatedTime returns the unix timestamp this session authenticated successfully at the given level.
func (s UserSession) AuthenticatedTime(level authorization.Level) (authenticatedTime time.Time, err error) {
	switch level {
	case authorization.OneFactor:
		return time.Unix(s.FirstFactorAuthnTimestamp, 0), nil
	case authorization.TwoFactor:
		return time.Unix(s.SecondFactorAuthnTimestamp, 0), nil
		return time.Unix(0, 0), errors.New("invalid authorization level")