import Assert = require("assert"); import Sinon = require("sinon"); import MongoDB = require("mongodb"); import BluebirdPromise = require("bluebird"); import { MongoClientStub } from "../../mocks/connectors/mongo/MongoClientStub"; import { MongoCollection } from "../../../src/lib/storage/mongo/MongoCollection"; describe("MongoCollection", function () { let mongoCollectionStub: any; let findStub: Sinon.SinonStub; let findOneStub: Sinon.SinonStub; let insertStub: Sinon.SinonStub; let updateStub: Sinon.SinonStub; let removeStub: Sinon.SinonStub; let countStub: Sinon.SinonStub; before(function () { mongoCollectionStub = Sinon.createStubInstance(require("mongodb").Collection as any); findStub = mongoCollectionStub.find as Sinon.SinonStub; findOneStub = mongoCollectionStub.findOne as Sinon.SinonStub; insertStub = mongoCollectionStub.insert as Sinon.SinonStub; updateStub = mongoCollectionStub.update as Sinon.SinonStub; removeStub = mongoCollectionStub.remove as Sinon.SinonStub; countStub = mongoCollectionStub.count as Sinon.SinonStub; }); describe("find", function () { it("should find a document in the collection", function () { const collection = new MongoCollection(mongoCollectionStub); findStub.returns({ sort: Sinon.stub().returns({ limit: Sinon.stub().returns({ toArray: Sinon.stub().yields(undefined, []) }) }) }); return collection.find({ key: "KEY" }) .then(function () { Assert(findStub.calledWith({ key: "KEY" })); }); }); }); describe("findOne", function () { it("should find one document in the collection", function () { const collection = new MongoCollection(mongoCollectionStub); findOneStub.yields(undefined, {}); return collection.findOne({ key: "KEY" }) .then(function () { Assert(findOneStub.calledWith({ key: "KEY" })); }); }); }); describe("insert", function () { it("should insert a document in the collection", function () { const collection = new MongoCollection(mongoCollectionStub); insertStub.yields(undefined, {}); return collection.insert({ key: "KEY" }) .then(function () { Assert(insertStub.calledWith({ key: "KEY" })); }); }); }); describe("update", function () { it("should update a document in the collection", function () { const collection = new MongoCollection(mongoCollectionStub); updateStub.yields(undefined, {}); return collection.update({ key: "KEY" }, { key: "KEY", value: 1 }) .then(function () { Assert(updateStub.calledWith({ key: "KEY" }, { key: "KEY", value: 1 })); }); }); }); describe("remove", function () { it("should remove a document in the collection", function () { const collection = new MongoCollection(mongoCollectionStub); removeStub.yields(undefined, {}); return collection.remove({ key: "KEY" }) .then(function () { Assert(removeStub.calledWith({ key: "KEY" })); }); }); }); describe("count", function () { it("should count documents in the collection", function () { const collection = new MongoCollection(mongoCollectionStub); countStub.yields(undefined, {}); return collection.count({ key: "KEY" }) .then(function () { Assert(countStub.calledWith({ key: "KEY" })); }); }); }); });