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title: Contributing
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# Contributing

## Development workflow

**Authelia** and its development workflow can be tested with Docker and docker-compose on Linux.

In order to deploy the current version of Authelia locally, run the following command and
follow the instructions of bootstrap.sh:

    $ source bootstrap.sh

Then, start the *Standalone* [suite].

    $ authelia-scripts suites setup Standalone

A [suite] is kind of a virtual environment for running Authelia in a complete ecosystem.
If you want more details please read the related [documentation](./suites.md).

## FAQ

### What version of Docker and docker-compose should I use?

Here are the versions used for testing in Buildkite:

    $ docker --version
    Docker version 19.03.5, build 633a0ea838

    $ docker-compose --version
    docker-compose version 1.24.1, build unknown

### How can I serve my application under example.com?

Don't worry, you don't need to own the domain *example.com* to test Authelia.
Copy the following lines in your /etc/hosts. home.example.com login.example.com singlefactor.example.com public.example.com secure.example.com mail.example.com mx1.mail.example.com

`` is the IP attributed by Docker to the reverse proxy. Once done
you can access the listed sub-domains from your browser and they will target
the reverse proxy.

[suite]: ./suites.md