--- layout: default title: Portainer parent: Community-Tested OIDC Integrations grand_parent: Community nav_order: 1 --- # OIDC Integrations: Portainer {{ page.path }} **Note** these setting have been tested with authelia `v4.33.2` and Portainer-CE `2.11.0` ## Authelia config The specific client config for portainer. ```yaml identity_providers: oidc: clients: - id: portainer_client_id description: Some description you want to shown on the Authelia consent page secret: some secret string which should also be entered in the portainer config public: false authorization_policy: two_factor audience: [] scopes: - openid redirect_uris: - https://portainer.example.com userinfo_signing_algorithm: none ``` ## Portainer config To setup Authelia as SSO provider in portainer go to **Settings > Authentication** and select **Authentication method** OAuth and **Provider** Custom and make sure automatic user provision is turned so users get automatically created. **Note** make sure that Redirect URL matches exacty the redirect_uris in authelia config. Also us `preferred_username` as the User identifier which makes sure the portianer user and authelia user have the same username. <p align="center"> <a href="../../images/portainer.gif" target="_blank"><img src="../../images/portainer.gif" width="736"></a> </p>