Add original nginx-ingress template to compare with the new one

This commit is contained in:
Clement Michaud 2018-03-16 08:40:48 +01:00
parent 7acb097040
commit a9a14f8586
2 changed files with 881 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,879 @@
{{ $all := . }}
{{ $servers := .Servers }}
{{ $cfg := .Cfg }}
{{ $IsIPV6Enabled := .IsIPV6Enabled }}
{{ $healthzURI := .HealthzURI }}
{{ $backends := .Backends }}
{{ $proxyHeaders := .ProxySetHeaders }}
{{ $addHeaders := .AddHeaders }}
{{ if $cfg.EnableModsecurity }}
load_module /etc/nginx/modules/;
{{ end }}
{{ if $cfg.EnableOpentracing }}
load_module /etc/nginx/modules/;
{{ end }}
{{ if (and $cfg.EnableOpentracing (ne $cfg.ZipkinCollectorHost "")) }}
load_module /etc/nginx/modules/;
{{ end }}
daemon off;
worker_processes {{ $cfg.WorkerProcesses }};
pid /run/;
{{ if ne .MaxOpenFiles 0 }}
worker_rlimit_nofile {{ .MaxOpenFiles }};
{{ end}}
{{/* */}}
{{/* avoid waiting too long during a reload */}}
worker_shutdown_timeout {{ $cfg.WorkerShutdownTimeout }} ;
events {
multi_accept on;
worker_connections {{ $cfg.MaxWorkerConnections }};
use epoll;
http {
{{/* we use the value of the header X-Forwarded-For to be able to use the geo_ip module */}}
{{ if $cfg.UseProxyProtocol }}
real_ip_header proxy_protocol;
{{ else }}
real_ip_header {{ $cfg.ForwardedForHeader }};
{{ end }}
real_ip_recursive on;
{{ range $trusted_ip := $cfg.ProxyRealIPCIDR }}
set_real_ip_from {{ $trusted_ip }};
{{ end }}
{{/* databases used to determine the country depending on the client IP address */}}
{{/* */}}
{{/* this is require to calculate traffic for individual country using GeoIP in the status page */}}
geoip_country /etc/nginx/GeoIP.dat;
geoip_city /etc/nginx/GeoLiteCity.dat;
geoip_proxy_recursive on;
{{ if $cfg.EnableVtsStatus }}
vhost_traffic_status_zone shared:vhost_traffic_status:{{ $cfg.VtsStatusZoneSize }};
vhost_traffic_status_filter_by_set_key {{ $cfg.VtsDefaultFilterKey }};
{{ end }}
sendfile on;
aio threads;
aio_write on;
tcp_nopush on;
tcp_nodelay on;
log_subrequest on;
reset_timedout_connection on;
keepalive_timeout {{ $cfg.KeepAlive }}s;
keepalive_requests {{ $cfg.KeepAliveRequests }};
client_header_buffer_size {{ $cfg.ClientHeaderBufferSize }};
client_header_timeout {{ $cfg.ClientHeaderTimeout }}s;
large_client_header_buffers {{ $cfg.LargeClientHeaderBuffers }};
client_body_buffer_size {{ $cfg.ClientBodyBufferSize }};
client_body_timeout {{ $cfg.ClientBodyTimeout }}s;
http2_max_field_size {{ $cfg.HTTP2MaxFieldSize }};
http2_max_header_size {{ $cfg.HTTP2MaxHeaderSize }};
types_hash_max_size 2048;
server_names_hash_max_size {{ $cfg.ServerNameHashMaxSize }};
server_names_hash_bucket_size {{ $cfg.ServerNameHashBucketSize }};
map_hash_bucket_size {{ $cfg.MapHashBucketSize }};
proxy_headers_hash_max_size {{ $cfg.ProxyHeadersHashMaxSize }};
proxy_headers_hash_bucket_size {{ $cfg.ProxyHeadersHashBucketSize }};
variables_hash_bucket_size {{ $cfg.VariablesHashBucketSize }};
variables_hash_max_size {{ $cfg.VariablesHashMaxSize }};
underscores_in_headers {{ if $cfg.EnableUnderscoresInHeaders }}on{{ else }}off{{ end }};
ignore_invalid_headers {{ if $cfg.IgnoreInvalidHeaders }}on{{ else }}off{{ end }};
{{ if $cfg.EnableOpentracing }}
opentracing on;
{{ end }}
{{ if (and $cfg.EnableOpentracing (ne $cfg.ZipkinCollectorHost "")) }}
zipkin_collector_host {{ $cfg.ZipkinCollectorHost }};
zipkin_collector_port {{ $cfg.ZipkinCollectorPort }};
zipkin_service_name {{ $cfg.ZipkinServiceName }};
{{ end }}
include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
default_type text/html;
{{ if $cfg.EnableBrotli }}
brotli on;
brotli_comp_level {{ $cfg.BrotliLevel }};
brotli_types {{ $cfg.BrotliTypes }};
{{ end }}
{{ if $cfg.UseGzip }}
gzip on;
gzip_comp_level 5;
gzip_http_version 1.1;
gzip_min_length 256;
gzip_types {{ $cfg.GzipTypes }};
gzip_proxied any;
gzip_vary on;
{{ end }}
# Custom headers for response
{{ range $k, $v := $addHeaders }}
add_header {{ $k }} "{{ $v }}";
{{ end }}
server_tokens {{ if $cfg.ShowServerTokens }}on{{ else }}off{{ end }};
# disable warnings
uninitialized_variable_warn off;
# Additional available variables:
# $namespace
# $ingress_name
# $service_name
log_format upstreaminfo {{ if $cfg.LogFormatEscapeJSON }}escape=json {{ end }}'{{ buildLogFormatUpstream $cfg }}';
{{/* map urls that should not appear in access.log */}}
{{/* */}}
map $request_uri $loggable {
{{ range $reqUri := $cfg.SkipAccessLogURLs }}
{{ $reqUri }} 0;{{ end }}
default 1;
{{ if $cfg.DisableAccessLog }}
access_log off;
{{ else }}
access_log {{ $cfg.AccessLogPath }} upstreaminfo if=$loggable;
{{ end }}
error_log {{ $cfg.ErrorLogPath }} {{ $cfg.ErrorLogLevel }};
{{ buildResolvers $cfg.Resolver }}
{{/* Whenever nginx proxies a request without a "Connection" header, the "Connection" header is set to "close" */}}
{{/* when making the target request. This means that you cannot simply use */}}
{{/* "proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection" for WebSocket support because in this case, the */}}
{{/* "Connection" header would be set to "" whenever the original request did not have a "Connection" header, */}}
{{/* which would mean no "Connection" header would be in the target request. Since this would deviate from */}}
{{/* normal nginx behavior we have to use this approach. */}}
# Retain the default nginx handling of requests without a "Connection" header
map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
default upgrade;
'' close;
map {{ buildForwardedFor $cfg.ForwardedForHeader }} $the_real_ip {
{{ if $cfg.UseProxyProtocol }}
# Get IP address from Proxy Protocol
default $proxy_protocol_addr;
{{ else }}
default $remote_addr;
{{ end }}
# trust http_x_forwarded_proto headers correctly indicate ssl offloading
map $http_x_forwarded_proto $pass_access_scheme {
default $http_x_forwarded_proto;
'' $scheme;
map $http_x_forwarded_port $pass_server_port {
default $http_x_forwarded_port;
'' $server_port;
map $http_x_forwarded_host $best_http_host {
default $http_x_forwarded_host;
'' $this_host;
{{ if $all.IsSSLPassthroughEnabled }}
# map port {{ $all.ListenPorts.SSLProxy }} to 443 for header X-Forwarded-Port
map $pass_server_port $pass_port {
{{ $all.ListenPorts.SSLProxy }} 443;
default $pass_server_port;
{{ else }}
map $pass_server_port $pass_port {
443 443;
default $pass_server_port;
{{ end }}
# Obtain best http host
map $http_host $this_host {
default $http_host;
'' $host;
{{ if $cfg.ComputeFullForwardedFor }}
# We can't use $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for because the realip module
# replaces the remote_addr too soon
map $http_x_forwarded_for $full_x_forwarded_for {
{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }}
default "$http_x_forwarded_for, $proxy_protocol_addr";
'' "$proxy_protocol_addr";
{{ else }}
default "$http_x_forwarded_for, $realip_remote_addr";
'' "$realip_remote_addr";
{{ end}}
{{ end }}
server_name_in_redirect off;
port_in_redirect off;
ssl_protocols {{ $cfg.SSLProtocols }};
# turn on session caching to drastically improve performance
{{ if $cfg.SSLSessionCache }}
ssl_session_cache builtin:1000 shared:SSL:{{ $cfg.SSLSessionCacheSize }};
ssl_session_timeout {{ $cfg.SSLSessionTimeout }};
{{ end }}
# allow configuring ssl session tickets
ssl_session_tickets {{ if $cfg.SSLSessionTickets }}on{{ else }}off{{ end }};
{{ if not (empty $cfg.SSLSessionTicketKey ) }}
ssl_session_ticket_key /etc/nginx/tickets.key;
{{ end }}
# slightly reduce the time-to-first-byte
ssl_buffer_size {{ $cfg.SSLBufferSize }};
{{ if not (empty $cfg.SSLCiphers) }}
# allow configuring custom ssl ciphers
ssl_ciphers '{{ $cfg.SSLCiphers }}';
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
{{ end }}
{{ if not (empty $cfg.SSLDHParam) }}
# allow custom DH file
ssl_dhparam {{ $cfg.SSLDHParam }};
{{ end }}
{{ if not $cfg.EnableDynamicTLSRecords }}
ssl_dyn_rec_size_lo 0;
{{ end }}
ssl_ecdh_curve {{ $cfg.SSLECDHCurve }};
{{ if .CustomErrors }}
# Custom error pages
proxy_intercept_errors on;
{{ end }}
{{ range $errCode := $cfg.CustomHTTPErrors }}
error_page {{ $errCode }} = @custom_{{ $errCode }};{{ end }}
proxy_ssl_session_reuse on;
{{ if $cfg.AllowBackendServerHeader }}
proxy_pass_header Server;
{{ end }}
{{ if not (empty $cfg.HTTPSnippet) }}
# Custom code snippet configured in the configuration configmap
{{ $cfg.HTTPSnippet }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $name, $upstream := $backends }}
{{ if eq $upstream.SessionAffinity.AffinityType "cookie" }}
upstream sticky-{{ $upstream.Name }} {
sticky hash={{ $upstream.SessionAffinity.CookieSessionAffinity.Hash }} name={{ $upstream.SessionAffinity.CookieSessionAffinity.Name }} httponly;
{{ if (gt $cfg.UpstreamKeepaliveConnections 0) }}
keepalive {{ $cfg.UpstreamKeepaliveConnections }};
{{ end }}
{{ range $server := $upstream.Endpoints }}server {{ $server.Address | formatIP }}:{{ $server.Port }} max_fails={{ $server.MaxFails }} fail_timeout={{ $server.FailTimeout }};
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
upstream {{ $upstream.Name }} {
# Load balance algorithm; empty for round robin, which is the default
{{ if ne $cfg.LoadBalanceAlgorithm "round_robin" }}
{{ $cfg.LoadBalanceAlgorithm }};
{{ end }}
{{ if $upstream.UpstreamHashBy }}
hash {{ $upstream.UpstreamHashBy }} consistent;
{{ end }}
{{ if (gt $cfg.UpstreamKeepaliveConnections 0) }}
keepalive {{ $cfg.UpstreamKeepaliveConnections }};
{{ end }}
{{ range $server := $upstream.Endpoints }}server {{ $server.Address | formatIP }}:{{ $server.Port }} max_fails={{ $server.MaxFails }} fail_timeout={{ $server.FailTimeout }};
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{/* build the maps that will be use to validate the Whitelist */}}
{{ range $index, $server := $servers }}
{{ range $location := $server.Locations }}
{{ $path := buildLocation $location }}
{{ if isLocationAllowed $location }}
{{ if gt (len $location.Whitelist.CIDR) 0 }}
# Deny for {{ print $server.Hostname $path }}
geo $the_real_ip {{ buildDenyVariable (print $server.Hostname "_" $path) }} {
default 1;
{{ range $ip := $location.Whitelist.CIDR }}
{{ $ip }} 0;{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $rl := (filterRateLimits $servers ) }}
# Ratelimit {{ $rl.Name }}
geo $the_real_ip $whitelist_{{ $rl.ID }} {
default 0;
{{ range $ip := $rl.Whitelist }}
{{ $ip }} 1;{{ end }}
# Ratelimit {{ $rl.Name }}
map $whitelist_{{ $rl.ID }} $limit_{{ $rl.ID }} {
0 {{ $cfg.LimitConnZoneVariable }};
1 "";
{{ end }}
{{/* build all the required rate limit zones. Each annotation requires a dedicated zone */}}
{{/* 1MB -> 16 thousand 64-byte states or about 8 thousand 128-byte states */}}
{{ range $zone := (buildRateLimitZones $servers) }}
{{ $zone }}
{{ end }}
{{/* Build server redirects (from/to www) */}}
{{ range $hostname, $to := .RedirectServers }}
server {
{{ range $address := $all.Cfg.BindAddressIpv4 }}
listen {{ $address }}:{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTP }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }};
listen {{ $address }}:{{ if $all.IsSSLPassthroughEnabled }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.SSLProxy }} proxy_protocol{{ else }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTPS }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ end }} ssl;
{{ else }}
listen {{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTP }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }};
listen {{ if $all.IsSSLPassthroughEnabled }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.SSLProxy }} proxy_protocol{{ else }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTPS }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ end }} ssl;
{{ end }}
{{ if $IsIPV6Enabled }}
{{ range $address := $all.Cfg.BindAddressIpv6 }}
listen {{ $address }}:{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTP }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }};
listen {{ $address }}:{{ if $all.IsSSLPassthroughEnabled }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.SSLProxy }} proxy_protocol{{ else }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTPS }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ end }};
{{ else }}
listen [::]:{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTP }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }};
listen [::]:{{ if $all.IsSSLPassthroughEnabled }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.SSLProxy }} proxy_protocol{{ else }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTPS }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ end }};
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
server_name {{ $hostname }};
return 301 $scheme://{{ $to }}$request_uri;
{{ end }}
{{ range $index, $server := $servers }}
## start server {{ $server.Hostname }}
server {
server_name {{ $server.Hostname }} {{ $server.Alias }};
{{ template "SERVER" serverConfig $all $server }}
{{ if not (empty $cfg.ServerSnippet) }}
# Custom code snippet configured in the configuration configmap
{{ $cfg.ServerSnippet }}
{{ end }}
{{ template "CUSTOM_ERRORS" $all }}
## end server {{ $server.Hostname }}
{{ end }}
# default server, used for NGINX healthcheck and access to nginx stats
server {
# Use the port {{ $all.ListenPorts.Status }} (random value just to avoid known ports) as default port for nginx.
# Changing this value requires a change in:
listen {{ $all.ListenPorts.Status }} default_server reuseport backlog={{ $all.BacklogSize }};
{{ if $IsIPV6Enabled }}listen [::]:{{ $all.ListenPorts.Status }} default_server reuseport backlog={{ $all.BacklogSize }};{{ end }}
set $proxy_upstream_name "-";
location {{ $healthzURI }} {
access_log off;
return 200;
location /nginx_status {
set $proxy_upstream_name "internal";
{{ if $cfg.EnableVtsStatus }}
vhost_traffic_status_display_format html;
{{ else }}
access_log off;
stub_status on;
{{ end }}
location / {
{{ if .CustomErrors }}
proxy_set_header X-Code 404;
{{ end }}
set $proxy_upstream_name "upstream-default-backend";
proxy_pass http://upstream-default-backend;
{{ template "CUSTOM_ERRORS" $all }}
stream {
log_format log_stream {{ $cfg.LogFormatStream }};
{{ if $cfg.DisableAccessLog }}
access_log off;
{{ else }}
access_log {{ $cfg.AccessLogPath }} log_stream;
{{ end }}
error_log {{ $cfg.ErrorLogPath }};
# TCP services
{{ range $i, $tcpServer := .TCPBackends }}
upstream tcp-{{ $tcpServer.Port }}-{{ $tcpServer.Backend.Namespace }}-{{ $tcpServer.Backend.Name }}-{{ $tcpServer.Backend.Port }} {
{{ range $j, $endpoint := $tcpServer.Endpoints }}
server {{ $endpoint.Address }}:{{ $endpoint.Port }};
{{ end }}
server {
{{ range $address := $all.Cfg.BindAddressIpv4 }}
listen {{ $address }}:{{ $tcpServer.Port }}{{ if $tcpServer.Backend.ProxyProtocol.Decode }} proxy_protocol{{ end }};
{{ else }}
listen {{ $tcpServer.Port }}{{ if $tcpServer.Backend.ProxyProtocol.Decode }} proxy_protocol{{ end }};
{{ end }}
{{ if $IsIPV6Enabled }}
{{ range $address := $all.Cfg.BindAddressIpv6 }}
listen {{ $address }}:{{ $tcpServer.Port }}{{ if $tcpServer.Backend.ProxyProtocol.Decode }} proxy_protocol{{ end }};
{{ else }}
listen [::]:{{ $tcpServer.Port }}{{ if $tcpServer.Backend.ProxyProtocol.Decode }} proxy_protocol{{ end }};
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
proxy_timeout {{ $cfg.ProxyStreamTimeout }};
proxy_pass tcp-{{ $tcpServer.Port }}-{{ $tcpServer.Backend.Namespace }}-{{ $tcpServer.Backend.Name }}-{{ $tcpServer.Backend.Port }};
{{ if $tcpServer.Backend.ProxyProtocol.Encode }}
proxy_protocol on;
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
# UDP services
{{ range $i, $udpServer := .UDPBackends }}
upstream udp-{{ $udpServer.Port }}-{{ $udpServer.Backend.Namespace }}-{{ $udpServer.Backend.Name }}-{{ $udpServer.Backend.Port }} {
{{ range $j, $endpoint := $udpServer.Endpoints }}
server {{ $endpoint.Address }}:{{ $endpoint.Port }};
{{ end }}
server {
{{ range $address := $all.Cfg.BindAddressIpv4 }}
listen {{ $address }}:{{ $udpServer.Port }} udp;
{{ else }}
listen {{ $udpServer.Port }} udp;
{{ end }}
{{ if $IsIPV6Enabled }}
{{ range $address := $all.Cfg.BindAddressIpv6 }}
listen {{ $address }}:{{ $udpServer.Port }} udp;
{{ else }}
listen [::]:{{ $udpServer.Port }} udp;
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
proxy_responses 1;
proxy_timeout {{ $cfg.ProxyStreamTimeout }};
proxy_pass udp-{{ $udpServer.Port }}-{{ $udpServer.Backend.Namespace }}-{{ $udpServer.Backend.Name }}-{{ $udpServer.Backend.Port }};
{{ end }}
{{/* definition of templates to avoid repetitions */}}
{{ define "CUSTOM_ERRORS" }}
{{ $proxySetHeaders := .ProxySetHeaders }}
{{ range $errCode := .Cfg.CustomHTTPErrors }}
location @custom_{{ $errCode }} {
proxy_intercept_errors off;
proxy_set_header X-Code {{ $errCode }};
proxy_set_header X-Format $http_accept;
proxy_set_header X-Original-URI $request_uri;
proxy_set_header X-Namespace $namespace;
proxy_set_header X-Ingress-Name $ingress_name;
proxy_set_header X-Service-Name $service_name;
rewrite (.*) / break;
proxy_pass http://upstream-default-backend;
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{/* CORS support from */}}
{{ define "CORS" }}
{{ $cors := .CorsConfig }}
# Cors Preflight methods needs additional options and different Return Code
if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '{{ $cors.CorsAllowOrigin }}' always;
{{ if $cors.CorsAllowCredentials }} add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' '{{ $cors.CorsAllowCredentials }}' always; {{ end }}
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' '{{ $cors.CorsAllowMethods }}' always;
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' '{{ $cors.CorsAllowHeaders }}' always;
add_header 'Access-Control-Max-Age' 1728000;
add_header 'Content-Type' 'text/plain charset=UTF-8';
add_header 'Content-Length' 0;
return 204;
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' '{{ $cors.CorsAllowOrigin }}' always;
{{ if $cors.CorsAllowCredentials }} add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' '{{ $cors.CorsAllowCredentials }}' always; {{ end }}
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' '{{ $cors.CorsAllowMethods }}' always;
add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' '{{ $cors.CorsAllowHeaders }}' always;
{{ end }}
{{/* definition of server-template to avoid repetitions with server-alias */}}
{{ define "SERVER" }}
{{ $all := .First }}
{{ $server := .Second }}
{{ range $address := $all.Cfg.BindAddressIpv4 }}
listen {{ $address }}:{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTP }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ if eq $server.Hostname "_"}} default_server reuseport backlog={{ $all.BacklogSize }}{{end}};
{{ else }}
listen {{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTP }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ if eq $server.Hostname "_"}} default_server reuseport backlog={{ $all.BacklogSize }}{{end}};
{{ end }}
{{ if $all.IsIPV6Enabled }}
{{ range $address := $all.Cfg.BindAddressIpv6 }}
listen {{ $address }}:{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTP }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ if eq $server.Hostname "_"}} default_server reuseport backlog={{ $all.BacklogSize }}{{ end }};
{{ else }}
listen [::]:{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTP }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ if eq $server.Hostname "_"}} default_server reuseport backlog={{ $all.BacklogSize }}{{ end }};
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
set $proxy_upstream_name "-";
{{/* Listen on {{ $all.ListenPorts.SSLProxy }} because port {{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTPS }} is used in the TLS sni server */}}
{{/* This listener must always have proxy_protocol enabled, because the SNI listener forwards on source IP info in it. */}}
{{ if not (empty $server.SSLCertificate) }}
{{ range $address := $all.Cfg.BindAddressIpv4 }}
listen {{ $address }}:{{ if $all.IsSSLPassthroughEnabled }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.SSLProxy }} proxy_protocol {{ else }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTPS }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ end }} {{ if eq $server.Hostname "_"}} default_server reuseport backlog={{ $all.BacklogSize }}{{end}} ssl {{ if $all.Cfg.UseHTTP2 }}http2{{ end }};
{{ else }}
listen {{ if $all.IsSSLPassthroughEnabled }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.SSLProxy }} proxy_protocol {{ else }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTPS }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ end }} {{ if eq $server.Hostname "_"}} default_server reuseport backlog={{ $all.BacklogSize }}{{end}} ssl {{ if $all.Cfg.UseHTTP2 }}http2{{ end }};
{{ end }}
{{ if $all.IsIPV6Enabled }}
{{ range $address := $all.Cfg.BindAddressIpv6 }}
{{ if not (empty $server.SSLCertificate) }}listen {{ $address }}:{{ if $all.IsSSLPassthroughEnabled }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.SSLProxy }} proxy_protocol{{ else }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTPS }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }} {{ if eq $server.Hostname "_"}} default_server reuseport backlog={{ $all.BacklogSize }}{{end}} ssl {{ if $all.Cfg.UseHTTP2 }}http2{{ end }};
{{ else }}
{{ if not (empty $server.SSLCertificate) }}listen [::]:{{ if $all.IsSSLPassthroughEnabled }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.SSLProxy }} proxy_protocol{{ else }}{{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTPS }}{{ if $all.Cfg.UseProxyProtocol }} proxy_protocol{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }} {{ if eq $server.Hostname "_"}} default_server reuseport backlog={{ $all.BacklogSize }}{{end}} ssl {{ if $all.Cfg.UseHTTP2 }}http2{{ end }};
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{/* comment PEM sha is required to detect changes in the generated configuration and force a reload */}}
# PEM sha: {{ $server.SSLPemChecksum }}
ssl_certificate {{ $server.SSLCertificate }};
ssl_certificate_key {{ $server.SSLCertificate }};
{{ if not (empty $server.SSLFullChainCertificate)}}
ssl_trusted_certificate {{ $server.SSLFullChainCertificate }};
ssl_stapling on;
ssl_stapling_verify on;
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if (and (not (empty $server.SSLCertificate)) $all.Cfg.HSTS) }}
more_set_headers "Strict-Transport-Security: max-age={{ $all.Cfg.HSTSMaxAge }}{{ if $all.Cfg.HSTSIncludeSubdomains }}; includeSubDomains{{ end }};{{ if $all.Cfg.HSTSPreload }} preload{{ end }}";
{{ end }}
{{ if not (empty $server.CertificateAuth.CAFileName) }}
# PEM sha: {{ $server.CertificateAuth.PemSHA }}
ssl_client_certificate {{ $server.CertificateAuth.CAFileName }};
ssl_verify_client {{ $server.CertificateAuth.VerifyClient }};
ssl_verify_depth {{ $server.CertificateAuth.ValidationDepth }};
{{ if not (empty $server.CertificateAuth.ErrorPage)}}
error_page 495 496 = {{ $server.CertificateAuth.ErrorPage }};
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if not (empty $server.ServerSnippet) }}
{{ $server.ServerSnippet }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $location := $server.Locations }}
{{ $path := buildLocation $location }}
{{ $authPath := buildAuthLocation $location }}
{{ if not (empty $location.Rewrite.AppRoot)}}
if ($uri = /) {
return 302 {{ $location.Rewrite.AppRoot }};
{{ end }}
{{ if not (empty $authPath) }}
location = {{ $authPath }} {
set $proxy_upstream_name "external-authentication";
proxy_pass_request_body off;
proxy_set_header Content-Length "";
{{ if not (empty $location.ExternalAuth.Method) }}
proxy_method {{ $location.ExternalAuth.Method }};
proxy_set_header X-Original-URI $request_uri;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $pass_access_scheme;
{{ end }}
proxy_set_header Host {{ $location.ExternalAuth.Host }};
proxy_set_header X-Original-URL $scheme://$http_host$request_uri;
proxy_set_header X-Original-Method $request_method;
proxy_set_header X-Auth-Request-Redirect $request_uri;
proxy_set_header X-Sent-From "nginx-ingress-controller";
proxy_ssl_server_name on;
proxy_pass_request_headers on;
client_max_body_size "{{ $location.Proxy.BodySize }}";
{{ if isValidClientBodyBufferSize $location.ClientBodyBufferSize }}
client_body_buffer_size {{ $location.ClientBodyBufferSize }};
{{ end }}
set $target {{ $location.ExternalAuth.URL }};
proxy_pass $target;
{{ end }}
location {{ $path }} {
{{ if $all.Cfg.EnableVtsStatus }}{{ if $location.VtsFilterKey }} vhost_traffic_status_filter_by_set_key {{ $location.VtsFilterKey }};{{ end }}{{ end }}
set $proxy_upstream_name "{{ buildUpstreamName $server.Hostname $all.Backends $location }}";
{{ $ing := (getIngressInformation $location.Ingress $path) }}
{{/* $ing.Metadata contains the Ingress metadata */}}
set $namespace "{{ $ing.Namespace }}";
set $ingress_name "{{ $ing.Rule }}";
set $service_name "{{ $ing.Service }}";
{{ if (or $location.Rewrite.ForceSSLRedirect (and (not (empty $server.SSLCertificate)) $location.Rewrite.SSLRedirect)) }}
# enforce ssl on server side
if ($pass_access_scheme = http) {
return 301 https://$best_http_host$request_uri;
{{ end }}
{{ if $all.Cfg.EnableModsecurity }}
modsecurity on;
modsecurity_rules_file /etc/nginx/modsecurity/modsecurity.conf;
{{ if $all.Cfg.EnableOWASPCoreRules }}
modsecurity_rules_file /etc/nginx/owasp-modsecurity-crs/nginx-modsecurity.conf;
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if isLocationAllowed $location }}
{{ if gt (len $location.Whitelist.CIDR) 0 }}
if ({{ buildDenyVariable (print $server.Hostname "_" $path) }}) {
return 403;
{{ end }}
port_in_redirect {{ if $location.UsePortInRedirects }}on{{ else }}off{{ end }};
{{ if not (empty $authPath) }}
# this location requires authentication
auth_request {{ $authPath }};
auth_request_set $auth_cookie $upstream_http_set_cookie;
add_header Set-Cookie $auth_cookie;
{{- range $idx, $line := buildAuthResponseHeaders $location }}
{{ $line }}
{{- end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if not (empty $location.ExternalAuth.SigninURL) }}
error_page 401 = {{ buildAuthSignURL $location.ExternalAuth.SigninURL }};
{{ end }}
{{/* if the location contains a rate limit annotation, create one */}}
{{ $limits := buildRateLimit $location }}
{{ range $limit := $limits }}
{{ $limit }}{{ end }}
{{ if $location.BasicDigestAuth.Secured }}
{{ if eq $location.BasicDigestAuth.Type "basic" }}
auth_basic "{{ $location.BasicDigestAuth.Realm }}";
auth_basic_user_file {{ $location.BasicDigestAuth.File }};
{{ else }}
auth_digest "{{ $location.BasicDigestAuth.Realm }}";
auth_digest_user_file {{ $location.BasicDigestAuth.File }};
{{ end }}
proxy_set_header Authorization "";
{{ end }}
{{ if $location.CorsConfig.CorsEnabled }}
{{ template "CORS" $location }}
{{ end }}
{{ if not (empty $location.Redirect.URL) }}
if ($uri ~* {{ $path }}) {
return {{ $location.Redirect.Code }} {{ $location.Redirect.URL }};
{{ end }}
client_max_body_size "{{ $location.Proxy.BodySize }}";
{{ if isValidClientBodyBufferSize $location.ClientBodyBufferSize }}
client_body_buffer_size {{ $location.ClientBodyBufferSize }};
{{ end }}
{{/* By default use vhost as Host to upstream, but allow overrides */}}
{{ if not (empty $location.UpstreamVhost) }}
proxy_set_header Host "{{ $location.UpstreamVhost }}";
{{ else }}
proxy_set_header Host $best_http_host;
{{ end }}
# Pass the extracted client certificate to the backend
{{ if not (empty $server.CertificateAuth.CAFileName) }}
{{ if $server.CertificateAuth.PassCertToUpstream }}
proxy_set_header ssl-client-cert $ssl_client_escaped_cert;
{{ else }}
proxy_set_header ssl-client-cert "";
{{ end }}
proxy_set_header ssl-client-verify $ssl_client_verify;
proxy_set_header ssl-client-dn $ssl_client_s_dn;
{{ else }}
proxy_set_header ssl-client-cert "";
proxy_set_header ssl-client-verify "";
proxy_set_header ssl-client-dn "";
{{ end }}
# Allow websocket connections
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $the_real_ip;
{{ if $all.Cfg.ComputeFullForwardedFor }}
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $full_x_forwarded_for;
{{ else }}
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $the_real_ip;
{{ end }}
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $best_http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port $pass_port;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $pass_access_scheme;
proxy_set_header X-Original-URI $request_uri;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $pass_access_scheme;
# Pass the original X-Forwarded-For
proxy_set_header X-Original-Forwarded-For {{ buildForwardedFor $all.Cfg.ForwardedForHeader }};
# mitigate HTTPoxy Vulnerability
proxy_set_header Proxy "";
# Custom headers to proxied server
{{ range $k, $v := $all.ProxySetHeaders }}
proxy_set_header {{ $k }} "{{ $v }}";
{{ end }}
proxy_connect_timeout {{ $location.Proxy.ConnectTimeout }}s;
proxy_send_timeout {{ $location.Proxy.SendTimeout }}s;
proxy_read_timeout {{ $location.Proxy.ReadTimeout }}s;
{{ if (or (eq $location.Proxy.ProxyRedirectFrom "default") (eq $location.Proxy.ProxyRedirectFrom "off")) }}
proxy_redirect {{ $location.Proxy.ProxyRedirectFrom }};
{{ else }}
proxy_redirect {{ $location.Proxy.ProxyRedirectFrom }} {{ $location.Proxy.ProxyRedirectTo }};
{{ end }}
proxy_buffering off;
proxy_buffer_size "{{ $location.Proxy.BufferSize }}";
proxy_buffers 4 "{{ $location.Proxy.BufferSize }}";
proxy_request_buffering "{{ $location.Proxy.RequestBuffering }}";
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_cookie_domain {{ $location.Proxy.CookieDomain }};
proxy_cookie_path {{ $location.Proxy.CookiePath }};
# In case of errors try the next upstream server before returning an error
proxy_next_upstream {{ buildNextUpstream $location.Proxy.NextUpstream $all.Cfg.RetryNonIdempotent }};
{{/* rewrite only works if the content is not compressed */}}
{{ if $location.Rewrite.AddBaseURL }}
proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding "";
{{ end }}
{{/* Add any additional configuration defined */}}
{{ $location.ConfigurationSnippet }}
{{ if not (empty $all.Cfg.LocationSnippet) }}
# Custom code snippet configured in the configuration configmap
{{ $all.Cfg.LocationSnippet }}
{{ end }}
{{/* if we are sending the request to a custom default backend, we add the required headers */}}
{{ if (hasPrefix $location.Backend "custom-default-backend-") }}
proxy_set_header X-Code 503;
proxy_set_header X-Format $http_accept;
proxy_set_header X-Namespace $namespace;
proxy_set_header X-Ingress-Name $ingress_name;
proxy_set_header X-Service-Name $service_name;
{{ end }}
{{ if not (empty $location.Backend) }}
{{ buildProxyPass $server.Hostname $all.Backends $location }}
{{ else }}
# No endpoints available for the request
return 503;
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
# Location denied. Reason: {{ $location.Denied }}
return 503;
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if eq $server.Hostname "_" }}
# health checks in cloud providers require the use of port {{ $all.ListenPorts.HTTP }}
location {{ $all.HealthzURI }} {
access_log off;
return 200;
# this is required to avoid error if nginx is being monitored
# with an external software (like sysdig)
location /nginx_status {
{{ if $all.IsIPV6Enabled }}allow ::1;{{ end }}
deny all;
access_log off;
stub_status on;
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ function declareNeedsConfiguration(tag: string, cb: () => BluebirdPromise<void>)
return cb() return cb()
.then(function () { .then(function () {
return exec("./scripts/example-commit/ -f " + return exec("./scripts/example-commit/ -f " +
"./example/authelia/docker-compose.test.yml up -d authelia &&" + "./example/compose/authelia/docker-compose.test.yml up -d authelia &&" +
" sleep 1"); " sleep 1");
}) })
}); });
@ -141,4 +141,4 @@ function declareHooksForUser(username: string) {
} }
const users = ["harry", "john", "bob", "blackhat"]; const users = ["harry", "john", "bob", "blackhat"];
users.forEach(declareHooksForUser); users.forEach(declareHooksForUser);