2019-04-25 04:52:08 +07:00
FROM alpine:3.9.4
2016-12-10 07:47:58 +07:00
2019-04-25 04:52:08 +07:00
WORKDIR /usr/app
2016-12-10 07:47:58 +07:00
2019-10-30 16:02:25 +07:00
RUN apk --no-cache add ca-certificates tzdata wget
2017-10-20 05:42:33 +07:00
2019-04-25 04:52:08 +07:00
# Install the libc required by the password hashing compiled with CGO.
RUN wget -q -O /etc/apk/keys/sgerrand.rsa.pub https://alpine-pkgs.sgerrand.com/sgerrand.rsa.pub
RUN wget https://github.com/sgerrand/alpine-pkg-glibc/releases/download/2.30-r0/glibc-2.30-r0.apk
RUN apk --no-cache add glibc-2.30-r0.apk
2016-12-10 07:47:58 +07:00
2019-04-25 04:52:08 +07:00
ADD dist/authelia authelia
ADD dist/public_html public_html
2016-12-18 01:36:41 +07:00
2019-01-30 22:47:03 +07:00
2017-01-13 05:27:53 +07:00
2017-06-28 20:57:58 +07:00
VOLUME /etc/authelia
VOLUME /var/lib/authelia
2017-01-22 02:24:35 +07:00
2019-04-25 04:52:08 +07:00
CMD ["./authelia", "-config", "/etc/authelia/config.yml"]