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package handlers
import (
2019-11-30 21:33:45 +07:00
// Test getOriginalURL
func TestShouldGetOriginalURLFromOriginalURLHeader(t *testing.T) {
mock := mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(t)
defer mock.Close()
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Original-URL", "")
originalURL, err := getOriginalURL(mock.Ctx)
assert.NoError(t, err)
expectedURL, err := url.ParseRequestURI("")
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, expectedURL, originalURL)
func TestShouldGetOriginalURLFromForwardedHeadersWithoutURI(t *testing.T) {
mock := mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(t)
defer mock.Close()
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Forwarded-Proto", "https")
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Forwarded-Host", "")
originalURL, err := getOriginalURL(mock.Ctx)
assert.NoError(t, err)
expectedURL, err := url.ParseRequestURI("")
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, expectedURL, originalURL)
func TestShouldGetOriginalURLFromForwardedHeadersWithURI(t *testing.T) {
mock := mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(t)
defer mock.Close()
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Original-URL", "htt-ps//home?")
_, err := getOriginalURL(mock.Ctx)
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "Unable to parse URL extracted from X-Original-URL header: parse htt-ps//home? invalid URI for request", err.Error())
func TestShouldRaiseWhenTargetUrlIsMalformed(t *testing.T) {
mock := mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(t)
defer mock.Close()
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Forwarded-Proto", "https")
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Forwarded-Host", "")
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Forwarded-URI", "/abc")
originalURL, err := getOriginalURL(mock.Ctx)
assert.NoError(t, err)
expectedURL, err := url.ParseRequestURI("")
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, expectedURL, originalURL)
func TestShouldRaiseWhenNoHeaderProvidedToDetectTargetURL(t *testing.T) {
mock := mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(t)
defer mock.Close()
_, err := getOriginalURL(mock.Ctx)
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "Missing header X-Fowarded-Proto", err.Error())
func TestShouldRaiseWhenNoXForwardedHostHeaderProvidedToDetectTargetURL(t *testing.T) {
mock := mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(t)
defer mock.Close()
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Forwarded-Proto", "https")
_, err := getOriginalURL(mock.Ctx)
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "Missing header X-Fowarded-Host", err.Error())
func TestShouldRaiseWhenXForwardedProtoIsNotParseable(t *testing.T) {
mock := mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(t)
defer mock.Close()
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Forwarded-Proto", "!:;;:,")
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Forwarded-Host", "myhost.local")
_, err := getOriginalURL(mock.Ctx)
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "Unable to parse URL !:;;:,://myhost.local: parse !:;;:,://myhost.local: invalid URI for request", err.Error())
func TestShouldRaiseWhenXForwardedURIIsNotParseable(t *testing.T) {
mock := mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(t)
defer mock.Close()
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Forwarded-Proto", "https")
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Forwarded-Host", "myhost.local")
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Forwarded-URI", "!:;;:,")
_, err := getOriginalURL(mock.Ctx)
require.Error(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "Unable to parse URL https://myhost.local!:;;:,: parse https://myhost.local!:;;:,: invalid port \":,\" after host", err.Error())
// Test parseBasicAuth
func TestShouldRaiseWhenHeaderDoesNotContainBasicPrefix(t *testing.T) {
_, _, err := parseBasicAuth("alzefzlfzemjfej==")
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "Basic prefix not found in Proxy-Authorization header", err.Error())
func TestShouldRaiseWhenCredentialsAreNotInBase64(t *testing.T) {
_, _, err := parseBasicAuth("Basic alzefzlfzemjfej==")
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "illegal base64 data at input byte 16", err.Error())
func TestShouldRaiseWhenCredentialsAreNotInCorrectForm(t *testing.T) {
// the decoded format should be user:password.
_, _, err := parseBasicAuth("Basic am9obiBwYXNzd29yZA==")
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "Format of Proxy-Authorization header must be user:password", err.Error())
func TestShouldReturnUsernameAndPassword(t *testing.T) {
// the decoded format should be user:password.
user, password, err := parseBasicAuth("Basic am9objpwYXNzd29yZA==")
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "john", user)
assert.Equal(t, "password", password)
// Test isTargetURLAuthorized
func TestShouldCheckAuthorizationMatching(t *testing.T) {
type Rule struct {
Policy string
AuthLevel authentication.Level
ExpectedMatching authorizationMatching
rules := []Rule{
Rule{"bypass", authentication.NotAuthenticated, Authorized},
Rule{"bypass", authentication.OneFactor, Authorized},
Rule{"bypass", authentication.TwoFactor, Authorized},
Rule{"one_factor", authentication.NotAuthenticated, NotAuthorized},
Rule{"one_factor", authentication.OneFactor, Authorized},
Rule{"one_factor", authentication.TwoFactor, Authorized},
Rule{"two_factor", authentication.NotAuthenticated, NotAuthorized},
Rule{"two_factor", authentication.OneFactor, NotAuthorized},
Rule{"two_factor", authentication.TwoFactor, Authorized},
Rule{"deny", authentication.NotAuthenticated, NotAuthorized},
Rule{"deny", authentication.OneFactor, Forbidden},
Rule{"deny", authentication.TwoFactor, Forbidden},
url, _ := url.ParseRequestURI("")
for _, rule := range rules {
authorizer := authorization.NewAuthorizer(schema.AccessControlConfiguration{
DefaultPolicy: "deny",
Rules: []schema.ACLRule{schema.ACLRule{
Domain: "",
Policy: rule.Policy,
username := ""
if rule.AuthLevel > authentication.NotAuthenticated {
username = "john"
matching := isTargetURLAuthorized(authorizer, *url, username, []string{}, net.ParseIP(""), rule.AuthLevel)
assert.Equal(t, rule.ExpectedMatching, matching, "policy=%s, authLevel=%v, expected=%v, actual=%v",
rule.Policy, rule.AuthLevel, rule.ExpectedMatching, matching)
// Test verifyBasicAuth
func TestShouldVerifyWrongCredentials(t *testing.T) {
mock := mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(t)
defer mock.Close()
CheckUserPassword(gomock.Eq("john"), gomock.Eq("password")).
Return(false, nil)
url, _ := url.ParseRequestURI("")
_, _, _, err := verifyBasicAuth([]byte("Basic am9objpwYXNzd29yZA=="), *url, mock.Ctx)
assert.Error(t, err)
type TestCase struct {
URL string
Authorization string
ExpectedStatusCode int
func (tc TestCase) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("url=%s, auth=%s, exp_status=%d", tc.URL, tc.Authorization, tc.ExpectedStatusCode)
2019-11-30 21:33:45 +07:00
type BasicAuthorizationSuite struct {
2019-11-30 21:33:45 +07:00
func NewBasicAuthorizationSuite() *BasicAuthorizationSuite {
return &BasicAuthorizationSuite{}
func (s *BasicAuthorizationSuite) TestShouldNotBeAbleToParseBasicAuth() {
mock := mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(s.T())
defer mock.Close()
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("Proxy-Authorization", "Basic am9objpaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Original-URL", "")
assert.Equal(s.T(), 401, mock.Ctx.Response.StatusCode())
func (s *BasicAuthorizationSuite) TestShouldApplyDefaultPolicy() {
mock := mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(s.T())
defer mock.Close()
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("Proxy-Authorization", "Basic am9objpwYXNzd29yZA==")
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Original-URL", "")
CheckUserPassword(gomock.Eq("john"), gomock.Eq("password")).
Return(true, nil)
Emails: []string{""},
2019-11-30 23:49:52 +07:00
Groups: []string{"dev", "admins"},
2019-11-30 21:33:45 +07:00
}, nil)
assert.Equal(s.T(), 403, mock.Ctx.Response.StatusCode())
func (s *BasicAuthorizationSuite) TestShouldApplyPolicyOfBypassDomain() {
mock := mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(s.T())
defer mock.Close()
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("Proxy-Authorization", "Basic am9objpwYXNzd29yZA==")
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Original-URL", "")
CheckUserPassword(gomock.Eq("john"), gomock.Eq("password")).
Return(true, nil)
Emails: []string{""},
2019-11-30 23:49:52 +07:00
Groups: []string{"dev", "admins"},
2019-11-30 21:33:45 +07:00
}, nil)
assert.Equal(s.T(), 200, mock.Ctx.Response.StatusCode())
func (s *BasicAuthorizationSuite) TestShouldApplyPolicyOfOneFactorDomain() {
mock := mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(s.T())
defer mock.Close()
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("Proxy-Authorization", "Basic am9objpwYXNzd29yZA==")
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Original-URL", "")
CheckUserPassword(gomock.Eq("john"), gomock.Eq("password")).
Return(true, nil)
Emails: []string{""},
2019-11-30 23:49:52 +07:00
Groups: []string{"dev", "admins"},
2019-11-30 21:33:45 +07:00
}, nil)
assert.Equal(s.T(), 200, mock.Ctx.Response.StatusCode())
func (s *BasicAuthorizationSuite) TestShouldApplyPolicyOfTwoFactorDomain() {
mock := mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(s.T())
defer mock.Close()
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("Proxy-Authorization", "Basic am9objpwYXNzd29yZA==")
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Original-URL", "")
CheckUserPassword(gomock.Eq("john"), gomock.Eq("password")).
Return(true, nil)
Emails: []string{""},
2019-11-30 23:49:52 +07:00
Groups: []string{"dev", "admins"},
2019-11-30 21:33:45 +07:00
}, nil)
assert.Equal(s.T(), 401, mock.Ctx.Response.StatusCode())
func (s *BasicAuthorizationSuite) TestShouldApplyPolicyOfDenyDomain() {
mock := mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(s.T())
defer mock.Close()
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("Proxy-Authorization", "Basic am9objpwYXNzd29yZA==")
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Original-URL", "")
CheckUserPassword(gomock.Eq("john"), gomock.Eq("password")).
Return(true, nil)
Emails: []string{""},
2019-11-30 23:49:52 +07:00
Groups: []string{"dev", "admins"},
2019-11-30 21:33:45 +07:00
}, nil)
assert.Equal(s.T(), 403, mock.Ctx.Response.StatusCode())
func TestShouldVerifyAuthorizationsUsingBasicAuth(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, NewBasicAuthorizationSuite())
func TestShouldVerifyWrongCredentialsInBasicAuth(t *testing.T) {
mock := mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(t)
defer mock.Close()
CheckUserPassword(gomock.Eq("john"), gomock.Eq("wrongpass")).
Return(false, nil)
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("Proxy-Authorization", "Basic am9objp3cm9uZ3Bhc3M=")
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Original-URL", "")
expStatus, actualStatus := 401, mock.Ctx.Response.StatusCode()
assert.Equal(t, expStatus, actualStatus, "URL=%s -> StatusCode=%d != ExpectedStatusCode=%d",
"", actualStatus, expStatus)
func TestShouldVerifyFailingPasswordCheckingInBasicAuth(t *testing.T) {
mock := mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(t)
defer mock.Close()
CheckUserPassword(gomock.Eq("john"), gomock.Eq("wrongpass")).
Return(false, fmt.Errorf("Failed"))
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("Proxy-Authorization", "Basic am9objp3cm9uZ3Bhc3M=")
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Original-URL", "")
expStatus, actualStatus := 401, mock.Ctx.Response.StatusCode()
assert.Equal(t, expStatus, actualStatus, "URL=%s -> StatusCode=%d != ExpectedStatusCode=%d",
"", actualStatus, expStatus)
func TestShouldVerifyFailingDetailsFetchingInBasicAuth(t *testing.T) {
mock := mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(t)
defer mock.Close()
CheckUserPassword(gomock.Eq("john"), gomock.Eq("password")).
Return(true, nil)
Return(nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed"))
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("Proxy-Authorization", "Basic am9objpwYXNzd29yZA==")
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Original-URL", "")
expStatus, actualStatus := 401, mock.Ctx.Response.StatusCode()
assert.Equal(t, expStatus, actualStatus, "URL=%s -> StatusCode=%d != ExpectedStatusCode=%d",
"", actualStatus, expStatus)
type Pair struct {
URL string
Username string
AuthenticationLevel authentication.Level
ExpectedStatusCode int
func (p Pair) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("url=%s, username=%s, auth_lvl=%d, exp_status=%d",
p.URL, p.Username, p.AuthenticationLevel, p.ExpectedStatusCode)
func TestShouldVerifyAuthorizationsUsingSessionCookie(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []Pair{
Pair{"", "", authentication.NotAuthenticated, 401},
Pair{"", "", authentication.NotAuthenticated, 200},
Pair{"", "", authentication.NotAuthenticated, 401},
Pair{"", "", authentication.NotAuthenticated, 401},
Pair{"", "", authentication.NotAuthenticated, 401},
Pair{"", "john", authentication.OneFactor, 403},
Pair{"", "john", authentication.OneFactor, 200},
Pair{"", "john", authentication.OneFactor, 200},
Pair{"", "john", authentication.OneFactor, 401},
Pair{"", "john", authentication.OneFactor, 403},
Pair{"", "john", authentication.TwoFactor, 403},
Pair{"", "john", authentication.TwoFactor, 200},
Pair{"", "john", authentication.TwoFactor, 200},
Pair{"", "john", authentication.TwoFactor, 200},
Pair{"", "john", authentication.TwoFactor, 403},
for _, testCase := range testCases {
testCase := testCase
t.Run(testCase.String(), func(t *testing.T) {
mock := mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(t)
defer mock.Close()
userSession := mock.Ctx.GetSession()
userSession.Username = testCase.Username
userSession.AuthenticationLevel = testCase.AuthenticationLevel
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Original-URL", testCase.URL)
expStatus, actualStatus := testCase.ExpectedStatusCode, mock.Ctx.Response.StatusCode()
assert.Equal(t, expStatus, actualStatus, "URL=%s -> AuthLevel=%d, StatusCode=%d != ExpectedStatusCode=%d",
testCase.URL, testCase.AuthenticationLevel, actualStatus, expStatus)
if testCase.ExpectedStatusCode == 200 && testCase.Username != "" {
assert.Equal(t, []byte(testCase.Username), mock.Ctx.Response.Header.Peek("Remote-User"))
} else {
assert.Equal(t, []byte(nil), mock.Ctx.Response.Header.Peek("Remote-User"))
func TestShouldDestroySessionWhenInactiveForTooLong(t *testing.T) {
mock := mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(t)
defer mock.Close()
clock := mocks.TestingClock{}
[FEATURE] Remember Me Configuration (#813) * [FEATURE] Remember Me Configuration * allow users to specify the duration of remember me using remember_me_duration in session config * setting the duration to 0 disables remember me * only render the remember me element if remember me is enabled * prevent malicious users from faking remember me functionality in the backend * add string to duration helper called ParseDurationString to parse a string into a duration * added tests to the helper function * use the SessionProvider to store the time.Duration instead of parsing it over and over again * add sec doc, adjust month/min, consistency * renamed internal/utils/constants.go to internal/utils/const.go to be consistent * added security measure docs * adjusted default remember me duration to be 1 month instead of 1 year * utilize default remember me duration in the autheliaCtx mock * adjust order of keys in session configuration examples * add notes on session security measures secret only being redis * add TODO items for duration notation for both Expiration and Inactivity (will be removed soon) * fix error text for Inactivity in the validator * add session validator tests * deref check bodyJSON.KeepMeLoggedIn and derive the value based on conf and user input and store it (DRY) * remove unnecessary regex for the simplified ParseDurationString utility * ParseDurationString only accepts decimals without leading zeros now * comprehensively test all unit types * remove unnecessary type unions in web * add test to check sanity of time duration consts, this is just so they can't be accidentally changed * simplify deref check and assignment * fix reset password padding/margins * adjust some doc wording * adjust the handler configuration suite test * actually run the handler configuration suite test (whoops) * reduce the number of regex's used by ParseDurationString to 1, thanks to Clement * adjust some error wording
2020-04-04 06:11:33 +07:00
// TODO(james-d-elliott): Convert to duration notation
mock.Ctx.Configuration.Session.Inactivity = 10
userSession := mock.Ctx.GetSession()
userSession.Username = "john"
userSession.AuthenticationLevel = authentication.TwoFactor
userSession.LastActivity = clock.Now().Add(-1 * time.Hour).Unix()
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Original-URL", "")
// The session has been destroyed
newUserSession := mock.Ctx.GetSession()
assert.Equal(t, "", newUserSession.Username)
assert.Equal(t, authentication.NotAuthenticated, newUserSession.AuthenticationLevel)
func TestShouldKeepSessionWhenUserCheckedRememberMeAndIsInactiveForTooLong(t *testing.T) {
mock := mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(t)
defer mock.Close()
clock := mocks.TestingClock{}
[FEATURE] Remember Me Configuration (#813) * [FEATURE] Remember Me Configuration * allow users to specify the duration of remember me using remember_me_duration in session config * setting the duration to 0 disables remember me * only render the remember me element if remember me is enabled * prevent malicious users from faking remember me functionality in the backend * add string to duration helper called ParseDurationString to parse a string into a duration * added tests to the helper function * use the SessionProvider to store the time.Duration instead of parsing it over and over again * add sec doc, adjust month/min, consistency * renamed internal/utils/constants.go to internal/utils/const.go to be consistent * added security measure docs * adjusted default remember me duration to be 1 month instead of 1 year * utilize default remember me duration in the autheliaCtx mock * adjust order of keys in session configuration examples * add notes on session security measures secret only being redis * add TODO items for duration notation for both Expiration and Inactivity (will be removed soon) * fix error text for Inactivity in the validator * add session validator tests * deref check bodyJSON.KeepMeLoggedIn and derive the value based on conf and user input and store it (DRY) * remove unnecessary regex for the simplified ParseDurationString utility * ParseDurationString only accepts decimals without leading zeros now * comprehensively test all unit types * remove unnecessary type unions in web * add test to check sanity of time duration consts, this is just so they can't be accidentally changed * simplify deref check and assignment * fix reset password padding/margins * adjust some doc wording * adjust the handler configuration suite test * actually run the handler configuration suite test (whoops) * reduce the number of regex's used by ParseDurationString to 1, thanks to Clement * adjust some error wording
2020-04-04 06:11:33 +07:00
// TODO(james-d-elliott): Convert to duration notation
mock.Ctx.Configuration.Session.Inactivity = 10
userSession := mock.Ctx.GetSession()
userSession.Username = "john"
userSession.AuthenticationLevel = authentication.TwoFactor
userSession.LastActivity = clock.Now().Add(-1 * time.Hour).Unix()
userSession.KeepMeLoggedIn = true
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Original-URL", "")
// The session has been destroyed
newUserSession := mock.Ctx.GetSession()
assert.Equal(t, "john", newUserSession.Username)
assert.Equal(t, authentication.TwoFactor, newUserSession.AuthenticationLevel)
func TestShouldKeepSessionWhenInactivityTimeoutHasNotBeenExceeded(t *testing.T) {
mock := mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(t)
defer mock.Close()
clock := mocks.TestingClock{}
[FEATURE] Remember Me Configuration (#813) * [FEATURE] Remember Me Configuration * allow users to specify the duration of remember me using remember_me_duration in session config * setting the duration to 0 disables remember me * only render the remember me element if remember me is enabled * prevent malicious users from faking remember me functionality in the backend * add string to duration helper called ParseDurationString to parse a string into a duration * added tests to the helper function * use the SessionProvider to store the time.Duration instead of parsing it over and over again * add sec doc, adjust month/min, consistency * renamed internal/utils/constants.go to internal/utils/const.go to be consistent * added security measure docs * adjusted default remember me duration to be 1 month instead of 1 year * utilize default remember me duration in the autheliaCtx mock * adjust order of keys in session configuration examples * add notes on session security measures secret only being redis * add TODO items for duration notation for both Expiration and Inactivity (will be removed soon) * fix error text for Inactivity in the validator * add session validator tests * deref check bodyJSON.KeepMeLoggedIn and derive the value based on conf and user input and store it (DRY) * remove unnecessary regex for the simplified ParseDurationString utility * ParseDurationString only accepts decimals without leading zeros now * comprehensively test all unit types * remove unnecessary type unions in web * add test to check sanity of time duration consts, this is just so they can't be accidentally changed * simplify deref check and assignment * fix reset password padding/margins * adjust some doc wording * adjust the handler configuration suite test * actually run the handler configuration suite test (whoops) * reduce the number of regex's used by ParseDurationString to 1, thanks to Clement * adjust some error wording
2020-04-04 06:11:33 +07:00
// TODO(james-d-elliott): Convert to duration notation
mock.Ctx.Configuration.Session.Inactivity = 10
userSession := mock.Ctx.GetSession()
userSession.Username = "john"
userSession.AuthenticationLevel = authentication.TwoFactor
userSession.LastActivity = clock.Now().Add(-1 * time.Second).Unix()
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Original-URL", "")
// The session has been destroyed
newUserSession := mock.Ctx.GetSession()
assert.Equal(t, "john", newUserSession.Username)
assert.Equal(t, authentication.TwoFactor, newUserSession.AuthenticationLevel)
func TestShouldURLEncodeRedirectionURLParameter(t *testing.T) {
mock := mocks.NewMockAutheliaCtx(t)
defer mock.Close()
userSession := mock.Ctx.GetSession()
userSession.Username = "john"
userSession.AuthenticationLevel = authentication.NotAuthenticated
mock.Ctx.Request.Header.Set("X-Original-URL", "")
assert.Equal(t, "Found. Redirecting to",
func TestIsDomainProtected(t *testing.T) {
GetURL := func(u string) *url.URL {
x, err := url.ParseRequestURI(u)
require.NoError(t, err)
return x
assert.True(t, isURLUnderProtectedDomain(
GetURL(""), ""))
assert.True(t, isURLUnderProtectedDomain(
GetURL(""), ""))
assert.True(t, isURLUnderProtectedDomain(
GetURL(""), ""))
// cookies readable by a service on a machine is also readable by a service on the same machine
// with a different port as mentioned in
assert.True(t, isURLUnderProtectedDomain(
GetURL(""), ""))
func TestSchemeIsHTTPS(t *testing.T) {
GetURL := func(u string) *url.URL {
x, err := url.ParseRequestURI(u)
require.NoError(t, err)
return x
assert.False(t, isSchemeHTTPS(
assert.False(t, isSchemeHTTPS(
assert.False(t, isSchemeHTTPS(
assert.True(t, isSchemeHTTPS(
func TestSchemeIsWSS(t *testing.T) {
GetURL := func(u string) *url.URL {
x, err := url.ParseRequestURI(u)
require.NoError(t, err)
return x
assert.False(t, isSchemeWSS(
assert.False(t, isSchemeWSS(
assert.False(t, isSchemeWSS(
assert.True(t, isSchemeWSS(