2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
package validator
import (
2022-04-07 13:13:01 +07:00
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
feat(oidc): add additional config options, accurate token times, and refactoring (#1991)
* This gives admins more control over their OIDC installation exposing options that had defaults before. Things like lifespans for authorize codes, access tokens, id tokens, refresh tokens, a option to enable the debug client messages, minimum parameter entropy. It also allows admins to configure the response modes.
* Additionally this records specific values about a users session indicating when they performed a specific authz factor so this is represented in the token accurately.
* Lastly we also implemented a OIDC key manager which calculates the kid for jwk's using the SHA1 digest instead of being static, or more specifically the first 7 chars. As per https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key#section-8.1.1 the kid should not exceed 8 chars. While it's allowed to exceed 8 chars, it must only be done so with a compelling reason, which we do not have.
2021-07-04 06:44:30 +07:00
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
2021-08-11 08:04:35 +07:00
2022-04-07 07:58:51 +07:00
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
func TestShouldRaiseErrorWhenInvalidOIDCServerConfiguration ( t * testing . T ) {
validator := schema . NewStructValidator ( )
config := & schema . IdentityProvidersConfiguration {
OIDC : & schema . OpenIDConnectConfiguration {
HMACSecret : "abc" ,
IssuerPrivateKey : "" ,
} ,
ValidateIdentityProviders ( config , validator )
require . Len ( t , validator . Errors ( ) , 2 )
2021-08-03 16:55:21 +07:00
assert . EqualError ( t , validator . Errors ( ) [ 0 ] , errFmtOIDCNoPrivateKey )
assert . EqualError ( t , validator . Errors ( ) [ 1 ] , errFmtOIDCNoClientsConfigured )
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
2022-04-07 07:58:51 +07:00
func TestShouldNotRaiseErrorWhenCORSEndpointsValid ( t * testing . T ) {
validator := schema . NewStructValidator ( )
config := & schema . IdentityProvidersConfiguration {
OIDC : & schema . OpenIDConnectConfiguration {
HMACSecret : "rLABDrx87et5KvRHVUgTm3pezWWd8LMN" ,
IssuerPrivateKey : "key-material" ,
CORS : schema . OpenIDConnectCORSConfiguration {
Endpoints : [ ] string { oidc . AuthorizationEndpoint , oidc . TokenEndpoint , oidc . IntrospectionEndpoint , oidc . RevocationEndpoint , oidc . UserinfoEndpoint } ,
} ,
Clients : [ ] schema . OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration {
ID : "example" ,
Secret : "example" ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
ValidateIdentityProviders ( config , validator )
assert . Len ( t , validator . Errors ( ) , 0 )
func TestShouldRaiseErrorWhenCORSEndpointsNotValid ( t * testing . T ) {
validator := schema . NewStructValidator ( )
config := & schema . IdentityProvidersConfiguration {
OIDC : & schema . OpenIDConnectConfiguration {
HMACSecret : "rLABDrx87et5KvRHVUgTm3pezWWd8LMN" ,
IssuerPrivateKey : "key-material" ,
CORS : schema . OpenIDConnectCORSConfiguration {
Endpoints : [ ] string { oidc . AuthorizationEndpoint , oidc . TokenEndpoint , oidc . IntrospectionEndpoint , oidc . RevocationEndpoint , oidc . UserinfoEndpoint , "invalid_endpoint" } ,
} ,
Clients : [ ] schema . OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration {
ID : "example" ,
Secret : "example" ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
ValidateIdentityProviders ( config , validator )
require . Len ( t , validator . Errors ( ) , 1 )
assert . EqualError ( t , validator . Errors ( ) [ 0 ] , "identity_providers: oidc: cors: option 'endpoints' contains an invalid value 'invalid_endpoint': must be one of 'authorization', 'token', 'introspection', 'revocation', 'userinfo'" )
2022-03-02 11:44:05 +07:00
func TestShouldRaiseErrorWhenOIDCPKCEEnforceValueInvalid ( t * testing . T ) {
validator := schema . NewStructValidator ( )
config := & schema . IdentityProvidersConfiguration {
OIDC : & schema . OpenIDConnectConfiguration {
HMACSecret : "rLABDrx87et5KvRHVUgTm3pezWWd8LMN" ,
IssuerPrivateKey : "key-material" ,
EnforcePKCE : "invalid" ,
} ,
ValidateIdentityProviders ( config , validator )
require . Len ( t , validator . Errors ( ) , 2 )
assert . EqualError ( t , validator . Errors ( ) [ 0 ] , "identity_providers: oidc: option 'enforce_pkce' must be 'never', 'public_clients_only' or 'always', but it is configured as 'invalid'" )
assert . EqualError ( t , validator . Errors ( ) [ 1 ] , errFmtOIDCNoClientsConfigured )
2022-04-07 07:58:51 +07:00
func TestShouldRaiseErrorWhenOIDCCORSOriginsHasInvalidValues ( t * testing . T ) {
validator := schema . NewStructValidator ( )
config := & schema . IdentityProvidersConfiguration {
OIDC : & schema . OpenIDConnectConfiguration {
HMACSecret : "rLABDrx87et5KvRHVUgTm3pezWWd8LMN" ,
IssuerPrivateKey : "key-material" ,
CORS : schema . OpenIDConnectCORSConfiguration {
AllowedOrigins : utils . URLsFromStringSlice ( [ ] string { "https://example.com/" , "https://site.example.com/subpath" , "https://site.example.com?example=true" , "*" } ) ,
AllowedOriginsFromClientRedirectURIs : true ,
} ,
Clients : [ ] schema . OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration {
ID : "myclient" ,
Secret : "jk12nb3klqwmnelqkwenm" ,
Policy : "two_factor" ,
RedirectURIs : [ ] string { "https://example.com/oauth2_callback" , "https://localhost:566/callback" , "http://an.example.com/callback" , "file://a/file" } ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
ValidateIdentityProviders ( config , validator )
require . Len ( t , validator . Errors ( ) , 6 )
assert . EqualError ( t , validator . Errors ( ) [ 0 ] , "identity_providers: oidc: cors: option 'allowed_origins' contains an invalid value 'https://example.com/' as it has a path: origins must only be scheme, hostname, and an optional port" )
assert . EqualError ( t , validator . Errors ( ) [ 1 ] , "identity_providers: oidc: cors: option 'allowed_origins' contains an invalid value 'https://site.example.com/subpath' as it has a path: origins must only be scheme, hostname, and an optional port" )
assert . EqualError ( t , validator . Errors ( ) [ 2 ] , "identity_providers: oidc: cors: option 'allowed_origins' contains an invalid value 'https://site.example.com?example=true' as it has a query string: origins must only be scheme, hostname, and an optional port" )
assert . EqualError ( t , validator . Errors ( ) [ 3 ] , "identity_providers: oidc: cors: option 'allowed_origins' contains the wildcard origin '*' with more than one origin but the wildcard origin must be defined by itself" )
assert . EqualError ( t , validator . Errors ( ) [ 4 ] , "identity_providers: oidc: cors: option 'allowed_origins' contains the wildcard origin '*' cannot be specified with option 'allowed_origins_from_client_redirect_uris' enabled" )
assert . EqualError ( t , validator . Errors ( ) [ 5 ] , "identity_providers: oidc: client 'myclient': option 'redirect_uris' has an invalid value: redirect uri 'file://a/file' must have a scheme of 'http' or 'https' but 'file' is configured" )
require . Len ( t , config . OIDC . CORS . AllowedOrigins , 6 )
assert . Equal ( t , "*" , config . OIDC . CORS . AllowedOrigins [ 3 ] . String ( ) )
assert . Equal ( t , "https://example.com" , config . OIDC . CORS . AllowedOrigins [ 4 ] . String ( ) )
func TestShouldRaiseErrorWhenOIDCServerNoClients ( t * testing . T ) {
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
validator := schema . NewStructValidator ( )
config := & schema . IdentityProvidersConfiguration {
OIDC : & schema . OpenIDConnectConfiguration {
HMACSecret : "rLABDrx87et5KvRHVUgTm3pezWWd8LMN" ,
IssuerPrivateKey : "key-material" ,
} ,
ValidateIdentityProviders ( config , validator )
require . Len ( t , validator . Errors ( ) , 1 )
2021-08-03 16:55:21 +07:00
assert . EqualError ( t , validator . Errors ( ) [ 0 ] , errFmtOIDCNoClientsConfigured )
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
func TestShouldRaiseErrorWhenOIDCServerClientBadValues ( t * testing . T ) {
2022-04-07 13:13:01 +07:00
mustParseURL := func ( u string ) url . URL {
out , err := url . Parse ( u )
if err != nil {
panic ( err )
return * out
2022-01-21 18:05:53 +07:00
testCases := [ ] struct {
Name string
Clients [ ] schema . OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration
2022-04-07 13:13:01 +07:00
Errors [ ] string
2022-01-21 18:05:53 +07:00
} {
2022-04-07 13:13:01 +07:00
Name : "EmptyIDAndSecret" ,
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
Clients : [ ] schema . OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration {
2022-01-21 18:05:53 +07:00
ID : "" ,
Secret : "" ,
Policy : "" ,
RedirectURIs : [ ] string { } ,
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
} ,
2022-01-21 18:05:53 +07:00
} ,
2022-04-07 13:13:01 +07:00
Errors : [ ] string {
fmt . Sprintf ( errFmtOIDCClientInvalidSecret , "" ) ,
errFmtOIDCClientsWithEmptyID ,
2022-01-21 18:05:53 +07:00
} ,
} ,
2022-04-07 13:13:01 +07:00
Name : "InvalidPolicy" ,
2022-01-21 18:05:53 +07:00
Clients : [ ] schema . OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration {
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
2022-01-21 18:05:53 +07:00
ID : "client-1" ,
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
Secret : "a-secret" ,
Policy : "a-policy" ,
RedirectURIs : [ ] string {
"https://google.com" ,
} ,
} ,
2022-01-21 18:05:53 +07:00
} ,
2022-04-07 13:13:01 +07:00
Errors : [ ] string { fmt . Sprintf ( errFmtOIDCClientInvalidPolicy , "client-1" , "a-policy" ) } ,
2022-01-21 18:05:53 +07:00
} ,
2022-04-07 13:13:01 +07:00
Name : "ClientIDDuplicated" ,
2022-01-21 18:05:53 +07:00
Clients : [ ] schema . OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration {
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
2022-01-21 18:05:53 +07:00
ID : "client-x" ,
Secret : "a-secret" ,
Policy : policyTwoFactor ,
RedirectURIs : [ ] string { } ,
} ,
ID : "client-x" ,
Secret : "a-secret" ,
Policy : policyTwoFactor ,
RedirectURIs : [ ] string { } ,
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
} ,
2022-01-21 18:05:53 +07:00
} ,
2022-04-07 13:13:01 +07:00
Errors : [ ] string { errFmtOIDCClientsDuplicateID } ,
2022-01-21 18:05:53 +07:00
} ,
2022-04-07 13:13:01 +07:00
Name : "RedirectURIInvalid" ,
2022-01-21 18:05:53 +07:00
Clients : [ ] schema . OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration {
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
ID : "client-check-uri-parse" ,
Secret : "a-secret" ,
2021-08-03 16:55:21 +07:00
Policy : policyTwoFactor ,
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
RedirectURIs : [ ] string {
"http://abc@%two" ,
} ,
} ,
2022-01-21 18:05:53 +07:00
} ,
2022-04-07 13:13:01 +07:00
Errors : [ ] string {
fmt . Sprintf ( errFmtOIDCClientRedirectURICantBeParsed , "client-check-uri-parse" , "http://abc@%two" , errors . New ( "parse \"http://abc@%two\": invalid URL escape \"%tw\"" ) ) ,
2022-01-21 18:05:53 +07:00
} ,
} ,
2022-04-07 13:13:01 +07:00
Name : "RedirectURINotAbsolute" ,
2022-01-21 18:05:53 +07:00
Clients : [ ] schema . OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration {
2021-07-15 18:02:03 +07:00
ID : "client-check-uri-abs" ,
Secret : "a-secret" ,
2021-08-03 16:55:21 +07:00
Policy : policyTwoFactor ,
2021-07-15 18:02:03 +07:00
RedirectURIs : [ ] string {
"google.com" ,
} ,
} ,
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
} ,
2022-04-07 13:13:01 +07:00
Errors : [ ] string {
fmt . Sprintf ( errFmtOIDCClientRedirectURIAbsolute , "client-check-uri-abs" , "google.com" ) ,
} ,
} ,
2022-04-08 14:38:38 +07:00
Name : "ValidSectorIdentifier" ,
Clients : [ ] schema . OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration {
ID : "client-valid-sector" ,
Secret : "a-secret" ,
Policy : policyTwoFactor ,
RedirectURIs : [ ] string {
"https://google.com" ,
} ,
SectorIdentifier : mustParseURL ( "example.com" ) ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
Name : "ValidSectorIdentifierWithPort" ,
Clients : [ ] schema . OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration {
ID : "client-valid-sector" ,
Secret : "a-secret" ,
Policy : policyTwoFactor ,
RedirectURIs : [ ] string {
"https://google.com" ,
} ,
SectorIdentifier : mustParseURL ( "example.com:2000" ) ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
2022-04-07 13:13:01 +07:00
Name : "InvalidSectorIdentifierInvalidURL" ,
Clients : [ ] schema . OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration {
ID : "client-invalid-sector" ,
Secret : "a-secret" ,
Policy : policyTwoFactor ,
RedirectURIs : [ ] string {
"https://google.com" ,
} ,
SectorIdentifier : mustParseURL ( "https://user:pass@example.com/path?query=abc#fragment" ) ,
} ,
} ,
Errors : [ ] string {
fmt . Sprintf ( e rrFmtOIDCClientInvalidSectorIdentifier , "client-invalid-sector" , "https://user:pass@example.com/path?query=abc#fragment" , "example.com" , "scheme" , "https" ) ,
fmt . Sprintf ( errFmtOIDCClientInvalidSectorIdentifier , "client-invalid-sector" , "https://user:pass@example.com/path?query=abc#fragment" , "example.com" , "path" , "/path" ) ,
fmt . Sprintf ( errFmtOIDCClientInvalidSectorIdentifier , "client-invalid-sector" , "https://user:pass@example.com/path?query=abc#fragment" , "example.com" , "query" , "query=abc" ) ,
fmt . Sprintf ( errFmtOIDCClientInvalidSectorIdentifier , "client-invalid-sector" , "https://user:pass@example.com/path?query=abc#fragment" , "example.com" , "fragment" , "fragment" ) ,
fmt . Sprintf ( errFmtOIDCClientInvalidSectorIdentifier , "client-invalid-sector" , "https://user:pass@example.com/path?query=abc#fragment" , "example.com" , "username" , "user" ) ,
fmt . Sprintf ( errFmtOIDCClientInvalidSectorIdentifierWithoutValue , "client-invalid-sector" , "https://user:pass@example.com/path?query=abc#fragment" , "example.com" , "password" ) ,
} ,
} ,
Name : "InvalidSectorIdentifierInvalidHost" ,
Clients : [ ] schema . OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration {
ID : "client-invalid-sector" ,
Secret : "a-secret" ,
Policy : policyTwoFactor ,
RedirectURIs : [ ] string {
"https://google.com" ,
} ,
SectorIdentifier : mustParseURL ( "example.com/path?query=abc#fragment" ) ,
} ,
} ,
Errors : [ ] string {
fmt . Sprintf ( errFmtOIDCClientInvalidSectorIdentifierHost , "client-invalid-sector" , "example.com/path?query=abc#fragment" ) ,
2022-01-21 18:05:53 +07:00
} ,
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
} ,
2022-01-21 18:05:53 +07:00
for _ , tc := range testCases {
t . Run ( tc . Name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
validator := schema . NewStructValidator ( )
config := & schema . IdentityProvidersConfiguration {
OIDC : & schema . OpenIDConnectConfiguration {
HMACSecret : "rLABDrx87et5KvRHVUgTm3pezWWd8LMN" ,
IssuerPrivateKey : "key-material" ,
Clients : tc . Clients ,
} ,
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
2022-01-21 18:05:53 +07:00
ValidateIdentityProviders ( config , validator )
2022-04-07 13:13:01 +07:00
errs := validator . Errors ( )
require . Len ( t , errs , len ( tc . Errors ) )
for i , errStr := range tc . Errors {
t . Run ( fmt . Sprintf ( "Error%d" , i + 1 ) , func ( t * testing . T ) {
assert . EqualError ( t , errs [ i ] , errStr )
} )
2022-01-21 18:05:53 +07:00
} )
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
feat(oidc): add additional config options, accurate token times, and refactoring (#1991)
* This gives admins more control over their OIDC installation exposing options that had defaults before. Things like lifespans for authorize codes, access tokens, id tokens, refresh tokens, a option to enable the debug client messages, minimum parameter entropy. It also allows admins to configure the response modes.
* Additionally this records specific values about a users session indicating when they performed a specific authz factor so this is represented in the token accurately.
* Lastly we also implemented a OIDC key manager which calculates the kid for jwk's using the SHA1 digest instead of being static, or more specifically the first 7 chars. As per https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key#section-8.1.1 the kid should not exceed 8 chars. While it's allowed to exceed 8 chars, it must only be done so with a compelling reason, which we do not have.
2021-07-04 06:44:30 +07:00
func TestShouldRaiseErrorWhenOIDCClientConfiguredWithBadScopes ( t * testing . T ) {
validator := schema . NewStructValidator ( )
config := & schema . IdentityProvidersConfiguration {
OIDC : & schema . OpenIDConnectConfiguration {
HMACSecret : "rLABDrx87et5KvRHVUgTm3pezWWd8LMN" ,
IssuerPrivateKey : "key-material" ,
Clients : [ ] schema . OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration {
ID : "good_id" ,
Secret : "good_secret" ,
Policy : "two_factor" ,
Scopes : [ ] string { "openid" , "bad_scope" } ,
RedirectURIs : [ ] string {
"https://google.com/callback" ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
ValidateIdentityProviders ( config , validator )
require . Len ( t , validator . Errors ( ) , 1 )
2022-02-28 10:15:01 +07:00
assert . EqualError ( t , validator . Errors ( ) [ 0 ] , "identity_providers: oidc: client 'good_id': option 'scopes' must only have the values 'openid', 'email', 'profile', 'groups', 'offline_access' but one option is configured as 'bad_scope'" )
feat(oidc): add additional config options, accurate token times, and refactoring (#1991)
* This gives admins more control over their OIDC installation exposing options that had defaults before. Things like lifespans for authorize codes, access tokens, id tokens, refresh tokens, a option to enable the debug client messages, minimum parameter entropy. It also allows admins to configure the response modes.
* Additionally this records specific values about a users session indicating when they performed a specific authz factor so this is represented in the token accurately.
* Lastly we also implemented a OIDC key manager which calculates the kid for jwk's using the SHA1 digest instead of being static, or more specifically the first 7 chars. As per https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key#section-8.1.1 the kid should not exceed 8 chars. While it's allowed to exceed 8 chars, it must only be done so with a compelling reason, which we do not have.
2021-07-04 06:44:30 +07:00
func TestShouldRaiseErrorWhenOIDCClientConfiguredWithBadGrantTypes ( t * testing . T ) {
validator := schema . NewStructValidator ( )
config := & schema . IdentityProvidersConfiguration {
OIDC : & schema . OpenIDConnectConfiguration {
HMACSecret : "rLABDrx87et5KvRHVUgTm3pezWWd8LMN" ,
IssuerPrivateKey : "key-material" ,
Clients : [ ] schema . OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration {
ID : "good_id" ,
Secret : "good_secret" ,
Policy : "two_factor" ,
GrantTypes : [ ] string { "bad_grant_type" } ,
RedirectURIs : [ ] string {
"https://google.com/callback" ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
ValidateIdentityProviders ( config , validator )
require . Len ( t , validator . Errors ( ) , 1 )
2022-02-28 10:15:01 +07:00
assert . EqualError ( t , validator . Errors ( ) [ 0 ] , "identity_providers: oidc: client 'good_id': option 'grant_types' must only have the values 'implicit', 'refresh_token', 'authorization_code', 'password', 'client_credentials' but one option is configured as 'bad_grant_type'" )
feat(oidc): add additional config options, accurate token times, and refactoring (#1991)
* This gives admins more control over their OIDC installation exposing options that had defaults before. Things like lifespans for authorize codes, access tokens, id tokens, refresh tokens, a option to enable the debug client messages, minimum parameter entropy. It also allows admins to configure the response modes.
* Additionally this records specific values about a users session indicating when they performed a specific authz factor so this is represented in the token accurately.
* Lastly we also implemented a OIDC key manager which calculates the kid for jwk's using the SHA1 digest instead of being static, or more specifically the first 7 chars. As per https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key#section-8.1.1 the kid should not exceed 8 chars. While it's allowed to exceed 8 chars, it must only be done so with a compelling reason, which we do not have.
2021-07-04 06:44:30 +07:00
func TestShouldRaiseErrorWhenOIDCClientConfiguredWithBadResponseModes ( t * testing . T ) {
validator := schema . NewStructValidator ( )
config := & schema . IdentityProvidersConfiguration {
OIDC : & schema . OpenIDConnectConfiguration {
HMACSecret : "rLABDrx87et5KvRHVUgTm3pezWWd8LMN" ,
IssuerPrivateKey : "key-material" ,
Clients : [ ] schema . OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration {
ID : "good_id" ,
Secret : "good_secret" ,
Policy : "two_factor" ,
ResponseModes : [ ] string { "bad_responsemode" } ,
RedirectURIs : [ ] string {
"https://google.com/callback" ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
ValidateIdentityProviders ( config , validator )
require . Len ( t , validator . Errors ( ) , 1 )
2022-02-28 10:15:01 +07:00
assert . EqualError ( t , validator . Errors ( ) [ 0 ] , "identity_providers: oidc: client 'good_id': option 'response_modes' must only have the values 'form_post', 'query', 'fragment' but one option is configured as 'bad_responsemode'" )
feat(oidc): add additional config options, accurate token times, and refactoring (#1991)
* This gives admins more control over their OIDC installation exposing options that had defaults before. Things like lifespans for authorize codes, access tokens, id tokens, refresh tokens, a option to enable the debug client messages, minimum parameter entropy. It also allows admins to configure the response modes.
* Additionally this records specific values about a users session indicating when they performed a specific authz factor so this is represented in the token accurately.
* Lastly we also implemented a OIDC key manager which calculates the kid for jwk's using the SHA1 digest instead of being static, or more specifically the first 7 chars. As per https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key#section-8.1.1 the kid should not exceed 8 chars. While it's allowed to exceed 8 chars, it must only be done so with a compelling reason, which we do not have.
2021-07-04 06:44:30 +07:00
2021-07-10 11:56:33 +07:00
func TestShouldRaiseErrorWhenOIDCClientConfiguredWithBadUserinfoAlg ( t * testing . T ) {
validator := schema . NewStructValidator ( )
config := & schema . IdentityProvidersConfiguration {
OIDC : & schema . OpenIDConnectConfiguration {
HMACSecret : "rLABDrx87et5KvRHVUgTm3pezWWd8LMN" ,
IssuerPrivateKey : "key-material" ,
Clients : [ ] schema . OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration {
ID : "good_id" ,
Secret : "good_secret" ,
Policy : "two_factor" ,
UserinfoSigningAlgorithm : "rs256" ,
RedirectURIs : [ ] string {
"https://google.com/callback" ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
ValidateIdentityProviders ( config , validator )
require . Len ( t , validator . Errors ( ) , 1 )
2022-02-28 10:15:01 +07:00
assert . EqualError ( t , validator . Errors ( ) [ 0 ] , "identity_providers: oidc: client 'good_id': option 'userinfo_signing_algorithm' must be one of 'none, RS256' but it is configured as 'rs256'" )
2021-07-10 11:56:33 +07:00
feat(oidc): add additional config options, accurate token times, and refactoring (#1991)
* This gives admins more control over their OIDC installation exposing options that had defaults before. Things like lifespans for authorize codes, access tokens, id tokens, refresh tokens, a option to enable the debug client messages, minimum parameter entropy. It also allows admins to configure the response modes.
* Additionally this records specific values about a users session indicating when they performed a specific authz factor so this is represented in the token accurately.
* Lastly we also implemented a OIDC key manager which calculates the kid for jwk's using the SHA1 digest instead of being static, or more specifically the first 7 chars. As per https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key#section-8.1.1 the kid should not exceed 8 chars. While it's allowed to exceed 8 chars, it must only be done so with a compelling reason, which we do not have.
2021-07-04 06:44:30 +07:00
func TestValidateIdentityProvidersShouldRaiseWarningOnSecurityIssue ( t * testing . T ) {
validator := schema . NewStructValidator ( )
config := & schema . IdentityProvidersConfiguration {
OIDC : & schema . OpenIDConnectConfiguration {
HMACSecret : "abc" ,
IssuerPrivateKey : "abc" ,
MinimumParameterEntropy : 1 ,
Clients : [ ] schema . OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration {
ID : "good_id" ,
Secret : "good_secret" ,
Policy : "two_factor" ,
RedirectURIs : [ ] string {
"https://google.com/callback" ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
ValidateIdentityProviders ( config , validator )
assert . Len ( t , validator . Errors ( ) , 0 )
require . Len ( t , validator . Warnings ( ) , 1 )
2021-08-03 16:55:21 +07:00
assert . EqualError ( t , validator . Warnings ( ) [ 0 ] , "openid connect provider: SECURITY ISSUE - minimum parameter entropy is configured to an unsafe value, it should be above 8 but it's configured to 1" )
feat(oidc): add additional config options, accurate token times, and refactoring (#1991)
* This gives admins more control over their OIDC installation exposing options that had defaults before. Things like lifespans for authorize codes, access tokens, id tokens, refresh tokens, a option to enable the debug client messages, minimum parameter entropy. It also allows admins to configure the response modes.
* Additionally this records specific values about a users session indicating when they performed a specific authz factor so this is represented in the token accurately.
* Lastly we also implemented a OIDC key manager which calculates the kid for jwk's using the SHA1 digest instead of being static, or more specifically the first 7 chars. As per https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key#section-8.1.1 the kid should not exceed 8 chars. While it's allowed to exceed 8 chars, it must only be done so with a compelling reason, which we do not have.
2021-07-04 06:44:30 +07:00
2021-07-15 18:02:03 +07:00
func TestValidateIdentityProvidersShouldRaiseErrorsOnInvalidClientTypes ( t * testing . T ) {
validator := schema . NewStructValidator ( )
config := & schema . IdentityProvidersConfiguration {
OIDC : & schema . OpenIDConnectConfiguration {
HMACSecret : "hmac1" ,
IssuerPrivateKey : "key2" ,
Clients : [ ] schema . OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration {
ID : "client-with-invalid-secret" ,
Secret : "a-secret" ,
Public : true ,
Policy : "two_factor" ,
RedirectURIs : [ ] string {
"https://localhost" ,
} ,
} ,
ID : "client-with-bad-redirect-uri" ,
Secret : "a-secret" ,
Public : false ,
Policy : "two_factor" ,
RedirectURIs : [ ] string {
oauth2InstalledApp ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
ValidateIdentityProviders ( config , validator )
require . Len ( t , validator . Errors ( ) , 2 )
assert . Len ( t , validator . Warnings ( ) , 0 )
assert . EqualError ( t , validator . Errors ( ) [ 0 ] , fmt . Sprintf ( errFmtOIDCClientPublicInvalidSecret , "client-with-invalid-secret" ) )
assert . EqualError ( t , validator . Errors ( ) [ 1 ] , fmt . Sprintf ( errFmtOIDCClientRedirectURIPublic , "client-with-bad-redirect-uri" , oauth2InstalledApp ) )
func TestValidateIdentityProvidersShouldNotRaiseErrorsOnValidPublicClients ( t * testing . T ) {
validator := schema . NewStructValidator ( )
config := & schema . IdentityProvidersConfiguration {
OIDC : & schema . OpenIDConnectConfiguration {
HMACSecret : "hmac1" ,
IssuerPrivateKey : "key2" ,
Clients : [ ] schema . OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration {
ID : "installed-app-client" ,
Public : true ,
Policy : "two_factor" ,
RedirectURIs : [ ] string {
oauth2InstalledApp ,
} ,
} ,
ID : "client-with-https-scheme" ,
Public : true ,
Policy : "two_factor" ,
RedirectURIs : [ ] string {
"https://localhost:9000" ,
} ,
} ,
ID : "client-with-loopback" ,
Public : true ,
Policy : "two_factor" ,
RedirectURIs : [ ] string {
"" ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
ValidateIdentityProviders ( config , validator )
assert . Len ( t , validator . Errors ( ) , 0 )
assert . Len ( t , validator . Warnings ( ) , 0 )
feat(oidc): add additional config options, accurate token times, and refactoring (#1991)
* This gives admins more control over their OIDC installation exposing options that had defaults before. Things like lifespans for authorize codes, access tokens, id tokens, refresh tokens, a option to enable the debug client messages, minimum parameter entropy. It also allows admins to configure the response modes.
* Additionally this records specific values about a users session indicating when they performed a specific authz factor so this is represented in the token accurately.
* Lastly we also implemented a OIDC key manager which calculates the kid for jwk's using the SHA1 digest instead of being static, or more specifically the first 7 chars. As per https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key#section-8.1.1 the kid should not exceed 8 chars. While it's allowed to exceed 8 chars, it must only be done so with a compelling reason, which we do not have.
2021-07-04 06:44:30 +07:00
func TestValidateIdentityProvidersShouldSetDefaultValues ( t * testing . T ) {
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
validator := schema . NewStructValidator ( )
config := & schema . IdentityProvidersConfiguration {
OIDC : & schema . OpenIDConnectConfiguration {
HMACSecret : "rLABDrx87et5KvRHVUgTm3pezWWd8LMN" ,
IssuerPrivateKey : "../../../README.md" ,
Clients : [ ] schema . OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration {
ID : "a-client" ,
Secret : "a-client-secret" ,
RedirectURIs : [ ] string {
"https://google.com" ,
} ,
} ,
2021-07-10 11:56:33 +07:00
ID : "b-client" ,
Description : "Normal Description" ,
Secret : "b-client-secret" ,
2021-08-03 16:55:21 +07:00
Policy : policyOneFactor ,
2021-07-10 11:56:33 +07:00
UserinfoSigningAlgorithm : "RS256" ,
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
RedirectURIs : [ ] string {
"https://google.com" ,
} ,
Scopes : [ ] string {
"groups" ,
} ,
GrantTypes : [ ] string {
"refresh_token" ,
} ,
ResponseTypes : [ ] string {
"token" ,
"code" ,
} ,
feat(oidc): add additional config options, accurate token times, and refactoring (#1991)
* This gives admins more control over their OIDC installation exposing options that had defaults before. Things like lifespans for authorize codes, access tokens, id tokens, refresh tokens, a option to enable the debug client messages, minimum parameter entropy. It also allows admins to configure the response modes.
* Additionally this records specific values about a users session indicating when they performed a specific authz factor so this is represented in the token accurately.
* Lastly we also implemented a OIDC key manager which calculates the kid for jwk's using the SHA1 digest instead of being static, or more specifically the first 7 chars. As per https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key#section-8.1.1 the kid should not exceed 8 chars. While it's allowed to exceed 8 chars, it must only be done so with a compelling reason, which we do not have.
2021-07-04 06:44:30 +07:00
ResponseModes : [ ] string {
"form_post" ,
"fragment" ,
} ,
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
} ,
} ,
} ,
ValidateIdentityProviders ( config , validator )
feat(oidc): add additional config options, accurate token times, and refactoring (#1991)
* This gives admins more control over their OIDC installation exposing options that had defaults before. Things like lifespans for authorize codes, access tokens, id tokens, refresh tokens, a option to enable the debug client messages, minimum parameter entropy. It also allows admins to configure the response modes.
* Additionally this records specific values about a users session indicating when they performed a specific authz factor so this is represented in the token accurately.
* Lastly we also implemented a OIDC key manager which calculates the kid for jwk's using the SHA1 digest instead of being static, or more specifically the first 7 chars. As per https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key#section-8.1.1 the kid should not exceed 8 chars. While it's allowed to exceed 8 chars, it must only be done so with a compelling reason, which we do not have.
2021-07-04 06:44:30 +07:00
assert . Len ( t , validator . Warnings ( ) , 0 )
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
assert . Len ( t , validator . Errors ( ) , 0 )
feat(oidc): add additional config options, accurate token times, and refactoring (#1991)
* This gives admins more control over their OIDC installation exposing options that had defaults before. Things like lifespans for authorize codes, access tokens, id tokens, refresh tokens, a option to enable the debug client messages, minimum parameter entropy. It also allows admins to configure the response modes.
* Additionally this records specific values about a users session indicating when they performed a specific authz factor so this is represented in the token accurately.
* Lastly we also implemented a OIDC key manager which calculates the kid for jwk's using the SHA1 digest instead of being static, or more specifically the first 7 chars. As per https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key#section-8.1.1 the kid should not exceed 8 chars. While it's allowed to exceed 8 chars, it must only be done so with a compelling reason, which we do not have.
2021-07-04 06:44:30 +07:00
// Assert Clients[0] Policy is set to the default, and the default doesn't override Clients[1]'s Policy.
2021-08-03 16:55:21 +07:00
assert . Equal ( t , policyTwoFactor , config . OIDC . Clients [ 0 ] . Policy )
assert . Equal ( t , policyOneFactor , config . OIDC . Clients [ 1 ] . Policy )
feat(oidc): add additional config options, accurate token times, and refactoring (#1991)
* This gives admins more control over their OIDC installation exposing options that had defaults before. Things like lifespans for authorize codes, access tokens, id tokens, refresh tokens, a option to enable the debug client messages, minimum parameter entropy. It also allows admins to configure the response modes.
* Additionally this records specific values about a users session indicating when they performed a specific authz factor so this is represented in the token accurately.
* Lastly we also implemented a OIDC key manager which calculates the kid for jwk's using the SHA1 digest instead of being static, or more specifically the first 7 chars. As per https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key#section-8.1.1 the kid should not exceed 8 chars. While it's allowed to exceed 8 chars, it must only be done so with a compelling reason, which we do not have.
2021-07-04 06:44:30 +07:00
2021-08-03 16:55:21 +07:00
assert . Equal ( t , "none" , config . OIDC . Clients [ 0 ] . UserinfoSigningAlgorithm )
assert . Equal ( t , "RS256" , config . OIDC . Clients [ 1 ] . UserinfoSigningAlgorithm )
2021-07-10 11:56:33 +07:00
feat(oidc): add additional config options, accurate token times, and refactoring (#1991)
* This gives admins more control over their OIDC installation exposing options that had defaults before. Things like lifespans for authorize codes, access tokens, id tokens, refresh tokens, a option to enable the debug client messages, minimum parameter entropy. It also allows admins to configure the response modes.
* Additionally this records specific values about a users session indicating when they performed a specific authz factor so this is represented in the token accurately.
* Lastly we also implemented a OIDC key manager which calculates the kid for jwk's using the SHA1 digest instead of being static, or more specifically the first 7 chars. As per https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key#section-8.1.1 the kid should not exceed 8 chars. While it's allowed to exceed 8 chars, it must only be done so with a compelling reason, which we do not have.
2021-07-04 06:44:30 +07:00
// Assert Clients[0] Description is set to the Clients[0] ID, and Clients[1]'s Description is not overridden.
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
assert . Equal ( t , config . OIDC . Clients [ 0 ] . ID , config . OIDC . Clients [ 0 ] . Description )
assert . Equal ( t , "Normal Description" , config . OIDC . Clients [ 1 ] . Description )
feat(oidc): add additional config options, accurate token times, and refactoring (#1991)
* This gives admins more control over their OIDC installation exposing options that had defaults before. Things like lifespans for authorize codes, access tokens, id tokens, refresh tokens, a option to enable the debug client messages, minimum parameter entropy. It also allows admins to configure the response modes.
* Additionally this records specific values about a users session indicating when they performed a specific authz factor so this is represented in the token accurately.
* Lastly we also implemented a OIDC key manager which calculates the kid for jwk's using the SHA1 digest instead of being static, or more specifically the first 7 chars. As per https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key#section-8.1.1 the kid should not exceed 8 chars. While it's allowed to exceed 8 chars, it must only be done so with a compelling reason, which we do not have.
2021-07-04 06:44:30 +07:00
// Assert Clients[0] ends up configured with the default Scopes.
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
require . Len ( t , config . OIDC . Clients [ 0 ] . Scopes , 4 )
assert . Equal ( t , "openid" , config . OIDC . Clients [ 0 ] . Scopes [ 0 ] )
assert . Equal ( t , "groups" , config . OIDC . Clients [ 0 ] . Scopes [ 1 ] )
assert . Equal ( t , "profile" , config . OIDC . Clients [ 0 ] . Scopes [ 2 ] )
assert . Equal ( t , "email" , config . OIDC . Clients [ 0 ] . Scopes [ 3 ] )
feat(oidc): add additional config options, accurate token times, and refactoring (#1991)
* This gives admins more control over their OIDC installation exposing options that had defaults before. Things like lifespans for authorize codes, access tokens, id tokens, refresh tokens, a option to enable the debug client messages, minimum parameter entropy. It also allows admins to configure the response modes.
* Additionally this records specific values about a users session indicating when they performed a specific authz factor so this is represented in the token accurately.
* Lastly we also implemented a OIDC key manager which calculates the kid for jwk's using the SHA1 digest instead of being static, or more specifically the first 7 chars. As per https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key#section-8.1.1 the kid should not exceed 8 chars. While it's allowed to exceed 8 chars, it must only be done so with a compelling reason, which we do not have.
2021-07-04 06:44:30 +07:00
// Assert Clients[1] ends up configured with the configured Scopes and the openid Scope.
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
require . Len ( t , config . OIDC . Clients [ 1 ] . Scopes , 2 )
assert . Equal ( t , "groups" , config . OIDC . Clients [ 1 ] . Scopes [ 0 ] )
assert . Equal ( t , "openid" , config . OIDC . Clients [ 1 ] . Scopes [ 1 ] )
feat(oidc): add additional config options, accurate token times, and refactoring (#1991)
* This gives admins more control over their OIDC installation exposing options that had defaults before. Things like lifespans for authorize codes, access tokens, id tokens, refresh tokens, a option to enable the debug client messages, minimum parameter entropy. It also allows admins to configure the response modes.
* Additionally this records specific values about a users session indicating when they performed a specific authz factor so this is represented in the token accurately.
* Lastly we also implemented a OIDC key manager which calculates the kid for jwk's using the SHA1 digest instead of being static, or more specifically the first 7 chars. As per https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key#section-8.1.1 the kid should not exceed 8 chars. While it's allowed to exceed 8 chars, it must only be done so with a compelling reason, which we do not have.
2021-07-04 06:44:30 +07:00
// Assert Clients[0] ends up configured with the default GrantTypes.
require . Len ( t , config . OIDC . Clients [ 0 ] . GrantTypes , 2 )
assert . Equal ( t , "refresh_token" , config . OIDC . Clients [ 0 ] . GrantTypes [ 0 ] )
assert . Equal ( t , "authorization_code" , config . OIDC . Clients [ 0 ] . GrantTypes [ 1 ] )
// Assert Clients[1] ends up configured with only the configured GrantTypes.
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
require . Len ( t , config . OIDC . Clients [ 1 ] . GrantTypes , 1 )
assert . Equal ( t , "refresh_token" , config . OIDC . Clients [ 1 ] . GrantTypes [ 0 ] )
feat(oidc): add additional config options, accurate token times, and refactoring (#1991)
* This gives admins more control over their OIDC installation exposing options that had defaults before. Things like lifespans for authorize codes, access tokens, id tokens, refresh tokens, a option to enable the debug client messages, minimum parameter entropy. It also allows admins to configure the response modes.
* Additionally this records specific values about a users session indicating when they performed a specific authz factor so this is represented in the token accurately.
* Lastly we also implemented a OIDC key manager which calculates the kid for jwk's using the SHA1 digest instead of being static, or more specifically the first 7 chars. As per https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key#section-8.1.1 the kid should not exceed 8 chars. While it's allowed to exceed 8 chars, it must only be done so with a compelling reason, which we do not have.
2021-07-04 06:44:30 +07:00
// Assert Clients[0] ends up configured with the default ResponseTypes.
require . Len ( t , config . OIDC . Clients [ 0 ] . ResponseTypes , 1 )
assert . Equal ( t , "code" , config . OIDC . Clients [ 0 ] . ResponseTypes [ 0 ] )
// Assert Clients[1] ends up configured only with the configured ResponseTypes.
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
require . Len ( t , config . OIDC . Clients [ 1 ] . ResponseTypes , 2 )
assert . Equal ( t , "token" , config . OIDC . Clients [ 1 ] . ResponseTypes [ 0 ] )
assert . Equal ( t , "code" , config . OIDC . Clients [ 1 ] . ResponseTypes [ 1 ] )
feat(oidc): add additional config options, accurate token times, and refactoring (#1991)
* This gives admins more control over their OIDC installation exposing options that had defaults before. Things like lifespans for authorize codes, access tokens, id tokens, refresh tokens, a option to enable the debug client messages, minimum parameter entropy. It also allows admins to configure the response modes.
* Additionally this records specific values about a users session indicating when they performed a specific authz factor so this is represented in the token accurately.
* Lastly we also implemented a OIDC key manager which calculates the kid for jwk's using the SHA1 digest instead of being static, or more specifically the first 7 chars. As per https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key#section-8.1.1 the kid should not exceed 8 chars. While it's allowed to exceed 8 chars, it must only be done so with a compelling reason, which we do not have.
2021-07-04 06:44:30 +07:00
// Assert Clients[0] ends up configured with the default ResponseModes.
require . Len ( t , config . OIDC . Clients [ 0 ] . ResponseModes , 3 )
assert . Equal ( t , "form_post" , config . OIDC . Clients [ 0 ] . ResponseModes [ 0 ] )
assert . Equal ( t , "query" , config . OIDC . Clients [ 0 ] . ResponseModes [ 1 ] )
assert . Equal ( t , "fragment" , config . OIDC . Clients [ 0 ] . ResponseModes [ 2 ] )
// Assert Clients[1] ends up configured only with the configured ResponseModes.
require . Len ( t , config . OIDC . Clients [ 1 ] . ResponseModes , 2 )
assert . Equal ( t , "form_post" , config . OIDC . Clients [ 1 ] . ResponseModes [ 0 ] )
assert . Equal ( t , "fragment" , config . OIDC . Clients [ 1 ] . ResponseModes [ 1 ] )
assert . Equal ( t , false , config . OIDC . EnableClientDebugMessages )
assert . Equal ( t , time . Hour , config . OIDC . AccessTokenLifespan )
assert . Equal ( t , time . Minute , config . OIDC . AuthorizeCodeLifespan )
assert . Equal ( t , time . Hour , config . OIDC . IDTokenLifespan )
assert . Equal ( t , time . Minute * 90 , config . OIDC . RefreshTokenLifespan )
2021-05-05 05:06:05 +07:00
2022-01-21 18:05:53 +07:00
// All valid schemes are supported as defined in https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8252#section-7.1
func TestValidateOIDCClientRedirectURIsSupportingPrivateUseURISchemes ( t * testing . T ) {
conf := schema . OpenIDConnectClientConfiguration {
ID : "owncloud" ,
RedirectURIs : [ ] string {
"https://www.mywebsite.com" ,
"http://www.mywebsite.com" ,
"oc://ios.owncloud.com" ,
// example given in the RFC https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8252#section-7.1
"com.example.app:/oauth2redirect/example-provider" ,
} ,
t . Run ( "public" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
validator := schema . NewStructValidator ( )
conf . Public = true
validateOIDCClientRedirectURIs ( conf , validator )
assert . Len ( t , validator . Warnings ( ) , 0 )
assert . Len ( t , validator . Errors ( ) , 0 )
} )
t . Run ( "not public" , func ( t * testing . T ) {
validator := schema . NewStructValidator ( )
conf . Public = false
validateOIDCClientRedirectURIs ( conf , validator )
assert . Len ( t , validator . Warnings ( ) , 0 )
assert . Len ( t , validator . Errors ( ) , 2 )
assert . ElementsMatch ( t , validator . Errors ( ) , [ ] error {
2022-02-28 10:15:01 +07:00
errors . New ( "identity_providers: oidc: client 'owncloud': option 'redirect_uris' has an invalid value: redirect uri 'oc://ios.owncloud.com' must have a scheme of 'http' or 'https' but 'oc' is configured" ) ,
errors . New ( "identity_providers: oidc: client 'owncloud': option 'redirect_uris' has an invalid value: redirect uri 'com.example.app:/oauth2redirect/example-provider' must have a scheme of 'http' or 'https' but 'com.example.app' is configured" ) ,
2022-01-21 18:05:53 +07:00
} )
} )