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package storage
import (
// SQLMockProvider is a SQLMock provider.
type SQLMockProvider struct {
// NewSQLMockProvider constructs a SQLMock provider.
func NewSQLMockProvider() (*SQLMockProvider, sqlmock.Sqlmock) {
provider := SQLMockProvider{
name: "sqlmock",
sqlUpgradesCreateTableStatements: sqlUpgradeCreateTableStatements,
sqlUpgradesCreateTableIndexesStatements: sqlUpgradesCreateTableIndexesStatements,
sqlGetPreferencesByUsername: fmt.Sprintf("SELECT second_factor_method FROM %s WHERE username=?", userPreferencesTableName),
sqlUpsertSecondFactorPreference: fmt.Sprintf("REPLACE INTO %s (username, second_factor_method) VALUES (?, ?)", userPreferencesTableName),
sqlTestIdentityVerificationTokenExistence: fmt.Sprintf("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM %s WHERE token=?)", identityVerificationTokensTableName),
sqlInsertIdentityVerificationToken: fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (token) VALUES (?)", identityVerificationTokensTableName),
sqlDeleteIdentityVerificationToken: fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE token=?", identityVerificationTokensTableName),
sqlGetTOTPSecretByUsername: fmt.Sprintf("SELECT secret FROM %s WHERE username=?", totpSecretsTableName),
sqlUpsertTOTPSecret: fmt.Sprintf("REPLACE INTO %s (username, secret) VALUES (?, ?)", totpSecretsTableName),
sqlDeleteTOTPSecret: fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE username=?", totpSecretsTableName),
sqlGetU2FDeviceHandleByUsername: fmt.Sprintf("SELECT keyHandle, publicKey FROM %s WHERE username=?", u2fDeviceHandlesTableName),
sqlUpsertU2FDeviceHandle: fmt.Sprintf("REPLACE INTO %s (username, keyHandle, publicKey) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", u2fDeviceHandlesTableName),
sqlInsertAuthenticationLog: fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (username, successful, time) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", authenticationLogsTableName),
sqlGetLatestAuthenticationLogs: fmt.Sprintf("SELECT successful, time FROM %s WHERE time>? AND username=? ORDER BY time DESC", authenticationLogsTableName),
sqlGetExistingTables: "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'",
sqlConfigSetValue: fmt.Sprintf("REPLACE INTO %s (category, key_name, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", configTableName),
sqlConfigGetValue: fmt.Sprintf("SELECT value FROM %s WHERE category=? AND key_name=?", configTableName),
db, mock, err := sqlmock.New()
if err != nil {
provider.log.Fatalf("Unable to create SQL database: %s", err)
provider.db = db
We do initialize in the tests rather than in the new up.
return &provider, mock