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package suites
import (
type OIDCScenario struct {
secret string
func NewOIDCScenario() *OIDCScenario {
return &OIDCScenario{
RodSuite: new(RodSuite),
func (s *OIDCScenario) SetupSuite() {
browser, err := StartRod()
if err != nil {
s.RodSession = browser
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second)
defer func() {
s.collectScreenshot(ctx.Err(), s.Page)
s.Page = s.doCreateTab(s.T(), HomeBaseURL)
s.secret = s.doRegisterAndLogin2FA(s.T(), s.Context(ctx), "john", "password", false, AdminBaseURL)
func (s *OIDCScenario) TearDownSuite() {
err := s.RodSession.Stop()
if err != nil {
func (s *OIDCScenario) SetupTest() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
defer func() {
s.collectScreenshot(ctx.Err(), s.Page)
s.Page = s.doCreateTab(s.T(), fmt.Sprintf("%s/logout", OIDCBaseURL))
s.doVisit(s.T(), s.Context(ctx), HomeBaseURL)
s.verifyIsHome(s.T(), s.Context(ctx))
func (s *OIDCScenario) TearDownTest() {
func (s *OIDCScenario) TestShouldAuthorizeAccessToOIDCApp() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second)
defer func() {
s.collectScreenshot(ctx.Err(), s.Page)
s.doVisit(s.T(), s.Context(ctx), OIDCBaseURL)
s.verifyIsFirstFactorPage(s.T(), s.Context(ctx))
s.doFillLoginPageAndClick(s.T(), s.Context(ctx), "john", "password", false)
s.verifyIsSecondFactorPage(s.T(), s.Context(ctx))
s.doValidateTOTP(s.T(), s.Context(ctx), s.secret)
s.waitBodyContains(s.T(), s.Context(ctx), "Not logged yet...")
// Search for the 'login' link.
err := s.Page.MustSearch("Log in").Click("left")
assert.NoError(s.T(), err)
s.verifyIsConsentPage(s.T(), s.Context(ctx))
err = s.WaitElementLocatedByID(s.T(), s.Context(ctx), "accept-button").Click("left")
assert.NoError(s.T(), err)
// Verify that the app is showing the info related to the user stored in the JWT token.
rUUID := regexp.MustCompile(`^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}$`)
rInteger := regexp.MustCompile(`^\d+$`)
rBoolean := regexp.MustCompile(`^(true|false)$`)
rBase64 := regexp.MustCompile(`^[-_A-Za-z0-9+\\/]+([=]{0,3})$`)
testCases := []struct {
desc, elementID, elementText string
pattern *regexp.Regexp
{"welcome", "welcome", "Logged in as john!", nil},
{"at_hash", "claim-at_hash", "", rBase64},
{"jti", "claim-jti", "", rUUID},
{"iat", "claim-iat", "", rInteger},
{"nbf", "claim-nbf", "", rInteger},
{"rat", "claim-rat", "", rInteger},
{"expires", "claim-exp", "", rInteger},
{"amr", "claim-amr", "pwd, otp, mfa", nil},
{"acr", "claim-acr", "", nil},
{"issuer", "claim-iss", "", nil},
{"name", "claim-name", "John Doe", nil},
{"preferred_username", "claim-preferred_username", "john", nil},
{"groups", "claim-groups", "admins, dev", nil},
{"email", "claim-email", "", nil},
{"email_verified", "claim-email_verified", "", rBoolean},
var text string
for _, tc := range testCases {
s.T().Run(fmt.Sprintf("check_claims/%s", tc.desc), func(t *testing.T) {
text, err = s.WaitElementLocatedByID(t, s.Context(ctx), tc.elementID).Text()
assert.NoError(t, err)
if tc.pattern == nil {
assert.Equal(t, tc.elementText, text)
} else {
assert.Regexp(t, tc.pattern, text)
func (s *OIDCScenario) TestShouldDenyConsent() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second)
defer func() {
s.collectScreenshot(ctx.Err(), s.Page)
s.doVisit(s.T(), s.Context(ctx), OIDCBaseURL)
s.verifyIsFirstFactorPage(s.T(), s.Context(ctx))
s.doFillLoginPageAndClick(s.T(), s.Context(ctx), "john", "password", false)
s.verifyIsSecondFactorPage(s.T(), s.Context(ctx))
s.doValidateTOTP(s.T(), s.Context(ctx), s.secret)
s.waitBodyContains(s.T(), s.Context(ctx), "Not logged yet...")
// Search for the 'login' link.
err := s.Page.MustSearch("Log in").Click("left")
assert.NoError(s.T(), err)
s.verifyIsConsentPage(s.T(), s.Context(ctx))
err = s.WaitElementLocatedByID(s.T(), s.Context(ctx), "deny-button").Click("left")
assert.NoError(s.T(), err)
s.verifyIsOIDC(s.T(), s.Context(ctx), "access_denied", "")
errorDescription := "The resource owner or authorization server denied the request. Make sure that the request " +
"you are making is valid. Maybe the credential or request parameters you are using are limited in scope or " +
"otherwise restricted."
s.verifyIsOIDCErrorPage(s.T(), s.Context(ctx), "access_denied", errorDescription, "",
func TestRunOIDCScenario(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("skipping suite test in short mode")
suite.Run(t, NewOIDCSuite())