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"Accept": "同意",
"Access your email addresses": "訪問您的電子郵件地址",
"Access your group membership": "訪問您的群組資訊",
"Access your profile information": "訪問您的個人資料",
"An email has been sent to your address to complete the process": "驗證信已寄至您的信箱,請至信箱收取驗證信",
"Authenticated": "已認證",
"Cancel": "取消",
"Client ID": "Client ID: {{client_id}}",
"Consent Request": "同意請求",
"Contact your administrator to register a device": "請聯絡您的管理員來註冊裝置",
"Could not obtain user settings": "無法取得使用者設定",
"Deny": "拒絕",
"Done": "已完成",
"Enter new password": "輸入新的密碼",
"Enter one-time password": "輸入OTP驗證碼",
"Failed to register device, the provided link is expired or has already been used": "註冊失敗,此連結已過期或已使用",
"Hi": "嗨",
"Incorrect username or password": "帳號或密碼錯誤",
"Loading": "讀取中",
"Logout": "登出",
"Lost your device?": "遺失裝置?",
"Methods": "方法",
"Must be at least {{len}} characters in length": "長度至少要有 {{len}} 個字元",
"Must have at least one UPPERCASE letter": "至少要有一個大寫字母",
"Must have at least one lowercase letter": "至少要有一個小寫字母",
"Must have at least one number": "至少要有一個數字",
"Must have at least one special character": "至少要有一個特殊字元",
"Must not be more than {{len}} characters in length": "長度不能超過 {{len}} 個字元",
"Need Google Authenticator?": "需要 Google Authenticator?",
"New password": "新密碼",
"No verification token provided": "未提供驗證令牌",
"OTP Secret copied to clipboard": "OTP驗證碼已複製",
"OTP URL copied to clipboard": "OTP連結已複製",
"One-Time Password": "OTP驗證碼",
"Password has been reset": "密碼已重設",
"Password": "密碼",
"Passwords do not match": "密碼不一致",
"Push Notification": "推播通知",
"Register device": "註冊裝置",
"Register your first device by clicking on the link below": "點選以下連結來註冊您的第一台裝置",
"Remember Consent": "記住此設定",
"Remember me": "記住我",
"Repeat new password": "再次輸入密碼",
"Reset password": "重設密碼",
"Reset password?": "重設密碼?",
"Reset": "重設",
"Scan QR Code": "掃描 QR Code",
"Secret": "密錀",
"Security Key - WebAuthN": "Security Key - WebAuthN",
"Select a Device": "選擇裝置",
"Sign in": "登入",
"Sign out": "登出",
"The above application is requesting the following permissions": "上述應用程式正在請求以下權限",
"The password does not meet the password policy": "密碼不符合規範",
"The resource you're attempting to access requires two-factor authentication": "您嘗試訪問的資源需要雙重身份驗證.",
"There was a problem initiating the registration process": "註冊流程啟動時發生問題",
"There was an issue completing the process. The verification token might have expired": "完成註冊過程時發生問題,驗證令牌可能已過期",
"There was an issue initiating the password reset process": "啟動重設密碼時出現問題",
"There was an issue resetting the password": "重設密碼時發生問題",
"There was an issue signing out": "登出時發生問題",
"This saves this consent as a pre-configured consent for future use": "同意將此設定儲存為預設設定,以便在未來使用",
"Time-based One-Time Password": "基於時間的OTP驗證碼",
"Use OpenID to verify your identity": "使用 OpenID 驗證您的身份",
"Username": "帳號",
"You must open the link from the same device and browser that initiated the registration process": "註冊時請用同一個瀏覽器開啟此連結",
"You're being signed out and redirected": "您即將登出並重新導向",
"Your supplied password does not meet the password policy requirements": "密碼不符合規範"