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title: "Documentation"
description: "Information on contributing documentation to the Authelia project."
lead: "Authelia has great documentation however there are always things that can be added. This section describes the contribution process for the documentation even though it's incredibly easy."
2022-06-28 12:27:14 +07:00
date: 2022-06-15T17:51:47+10:00
draft: false
images: []
parent: "prologue"
weight: 130
toc: true
## Introduction
The website is built on [Hugo] using the [Doks] theme. [Hugo] is a powerful website building tool which allows several
simple workflows for developers as well as numerous handy features like [Shortcodes] which allow building reusable
parameterized sections of content.
## Making a Change
Anyone can simply edit the [Markdown] of the relevant document which shares a path with the website URL under the
[docs folder on GitHub]. In most if not all pages there is a link included at the very bottom which links directly to
the [Markdown] file responsible for the document.
## Viewing Changes
It's relatively easy to run the __Authelia__ website locally to test out the changes you've made.
### Requirements
* [git] *(though this can be skipped if you just download the repository)*
* [Node.js] and npm *(bundled with [Node.js])*
### Directions
The following steps will allow you to run the website on the localhost and view it live in your browser:
1. Run the following commands:
git clone
cd authelia/docs
npm run install
npm run start
2. Visit [http://localhost:1313/](http://localhost:1313/) in your browser.
3. Modify pages to see the effects live in your browser.
## Front Matter
Most documents come with a front matter that looks similar to this:
title: "A Page Title"
description: "This is a description of the page."
lead: "This is a page lead."
date: 2022-03-19T04:53:05+00:00
draft: false
parent: "prologue"
weight: 100
toc: true
The front matter controls several aspects about how the page is displayed and varying other aspects.
### Open Graph Protocol
First of all it's important to understand the [Open Graph Protocol]. This is a protocol developed by Meta / Facebook
which is utilized by most social media platforms to display a preview of a website. This is done by customizing special
HTML `<meta />` tags.
### Fields
This section documents each of the fields that we commonly use.
#### title
String. Configures the `<title />` element, the first `<h1 />` element, and the [Open Graph Protocol] `og:title` value.
#### description
String. Configures the and the [Open Graph Protocol] `og:description` value.
#### lead
String. Configures the first paragraph of a page which occurs directly after the [title](#title).
#### date
Timestamp. Configures the [Open Graph Protocol] `og:article:published_time` value. Also used in the [Blog](../../blog).
#### draft
Boolean. Configures the visibility of a page. If it's set to `true` it is invisible.
#### menu
Dictionary. Configures the menu linkage.
#### weight
Integer. Configures the position in the menu and the order in which pagination occurs.
#### toc
Boolean. Enables or disables the Table of Contents or `On This Page` section.
#### community
Boolean. Enables or disables the Community page header. This value only has an effect in the Integration section at this
[docs folder on GitHub]:
[Open Graph Protocol]: