540 lines
14 KiB
540 lines
14 KiB
* Implements a terminal emulator. We use terminal.js for the
* dirty work of parsing the escape sequences, but implement our
* own TermState, with some quirks when compared to a standard
* terminal emulator:
* - Lines and characters are created on demand. The terminal
* starts out with no content. The reason being, you don't want
* empty lines to be immediately pushed to your Telegram chat
* after starting a command.
* - Allows lines of length higher than the column size. The extra
* characters are appended but the cursor keeps right at the edge.
* Telegram already wraps long lines, having them wrapped by the
* terminal would be ugly.
* - Graphic attributes not implemented for now (would not be used
* for Telegram anyways).
* - Doesn't have an alternate buffer for now (wouldn't make much
* sense for Telegram rendering...) FIXME
* The terminal emulator emits events when lines get inserted, changed,
* removed or go out of view, similar to the original TermState.
var util = require("util");
var Terminal = require("terminal.js");
//FIXME: investigate using a patched palette for better support on android
var GRAPHICS = {
'`': '\u25C6',
'a': '\u2592',
'b': '\u2409',
'c': '\u240C',
'd': '\u240D',
'e': '\u240A',
'f': '\u00B0',
'g': '\u00B1',
'h': '\u2424',
'i': '\u240B',
'j': '\u2518',
'k': '\u2510',
'l': '\u250C',
'm': '\u2514',
'n': '\u253C',
'o': '\u23BA',
'p': '\u23BB',
'q': '\u2500',
'r': '\u23BC',
's': '\u23BD',
't': '\u251C',
'u': '\u2524',
'v': '\u2534',
'w': '\u252C',
'x': '\u2502',
'y': '\u2264',
'z': '\u2265',
'{': '\u03C0',
'|': '\u2260',
'}': '\u00A3',
'~': '\u00B7'
function TermState(options) {
if (!options) options = {};
this.rows = options.rows || 24;
this.columns = options.columns || 80;
this.defaultAttributes = {
fg: null,
bg: null,
bold: false,
underline: false,
italic: false,
blink: false,
inverse: false,
util.inherits(TermState, require("events").EventEmitter);
TermState.prototype.reset = function reset() {
this.lines = [];
this.cursor = [0,0];
this.savedCursor = [0,0];
this.modes = {
cursor: true,
cursorBlink: false,
appKeypad: false,
wrap: true,
insert: false,
crlf: false,
mousebtn: false,
mousemtn: false,
reverse: false,
graphic: false,
mousesgr: false,
this.attributes = Object.create(this.defaultAttributes);
this._charsets = {
"G0": "unicode",
"G1": "unicode",
"G2": "unicode",
"G3": "unicode",
this._mappedCharset = "G0";
this._mappedCharsetNext = "G0";
this.metas = {
title: '',
icon: ''
this.leds = {};
this._tabs = [];
function getGenericSetter(field) {
return function genericSetter(name, value) {
this[field + "s"][name] = value;
this.emit(field, name);
TermState.prototype.setMode = getGenericSetter("mode");
TermState.prototype.setMeta = getGenericSetter("meta");
TermState.prototype.setAttribute = getGenericSetter("attribute");
TermState.prototype.setLed = getGenericSetter("led");
TermState.prototype.getMode = function getMode(mode) {
return this.modes[mode];
TermState.prototype.getLed = function getLed(led) {
return !!this.leds[led];
TermState.prototype.ledOn = function ledOn(led) {
this.setLed(led, true);
return this;
TermState.prototype.resetLeds = function resetLeds() {
this.leds = {};
return this;
TermState.prototype.resetAttribute = function resetAttribute(name) {
this.attributes[name] = this.defaultAttributes[name];
return this;
TermState.prototype.mapCharset = function(target, nextOnly) {
this._mappedCharset = target;
if (!nextOnly) this._mappedCharsetNext = target;
this.modes.graphic = this._charsets[this._mappedCharset] === "graphics"; // backwards compatibility
TermState.prototype.selectCharset = function(charset, target) {
if (!target) target = this._mappedCharset;
this._charsets[target] = charset;
this.modes.graphic = this._charsets[this._mappedCharset] === "graphics"; // backwards compatibility
/* Move the cursor */
TermState.prototype.setCursor = function setCursor(x, y) {
if (typeof x === 'number')
this.cursor[0] = x;
if (typeof y === 'number')
this.cursor[1] = y;
this.cursor = this.getCursor();
return this;
/* Get the real cursor position (the logical one may be off-bounds) */
TermState.prototype.getCursor = function getCursor() {
var x = this.cursor[0], y = this.cursor[1];
if (x >= this.columns) x = this.columns - 1;
else if (x < 0) x = 0;
if (y >= this.rows) y = this.rows - 1;
else if (y < 0) y = 0;
return [x,y];
/* Get the line at specified position, allocating it if necessary */
TermState.prototype.getLine = function getLine(y) {
if (typeof y !== "number") y = this.getCursor()[1];
if (y < 0) throw new Error("Invalid position to write to");
// Insert lines until the line at this position is available
while (!(y < this.lines.length))
this.lines.push({ str: "", attr: null });
return this.lines[y];
/* Replace the line at specified position, allocating it if necessary */
TermState.prototype.setLine = function setLine(y, line) {
if (typeof y !== "number") line = y, y = this.getCursor()[1];
this.lines[y] = line;
return this;
/* Write chunk of text (single-line assumed) beginning at position */
TermState.prototype._writeChunk = function _writeChunk(position, chunk, insert) {
var x = position[0], line = this.getLine(position[1]);
if (x < 0) throw new Error("Invalid position to write to");
// Insert spaces until the wanted column is available
while (line.str.length < x)
line.str += " ";
// Write the chunk at position
line.str = line.str.substring(0, x) + chunk + line.str.substring(x + (insert ? 0 : chunk.length));
//TODO: add attribute
this.emit("lineChanged", position[1]);
return this;
/* Remove characters beginning at position */
TermState.prototype.removeChar = function removeChar(n) {
var x = this.cursor[0], line = this.getLine();
if (x < 0) throw new Error("Invalid position to delete from");
// Insert spaces until the wanted column is available
while (line.str.length < x)
line.str += " ";
// Remove characters
line.str = line.str.substring(0, x) + line.str.substring(x + n);
this.emit("lineChanged", this.cursor[1]);
return this;
TermState.prototype.eraseInLine = function eraseInLine(n) {
var x = this.cursor[0], line = this.getLine();
switch (n || 0) {
case "after":
case 0:
line.str = line.str.substring(0, x);
case "before":
case 1:
var str = "";
while (str.length < x) str += " ";
line.str = str + line.str.substring(x);
case "all":
case 2:
line.str = "";
this.emit("lineChanged", this.cursor[1]);
return this;
TermState.prototype.eraseInDisplay = function eraseInDisplay(n) {
switch (n || 0) {
case "below":
case "after":
case 0:
this.removeLine(this.lines.length - (this.cursor[1]+1), this.cursor[1]+1);
case "above":
case "before":
case 1:
for (var y = 0; y < this.cursor[1]; y++) {
this.lines[y].str = "";
this.emit("lineChanged", y);
case "all":
case 2:
this.removeLine(this.lines.length, 0);
return this;
TermState.prototype.removeLine = function removeLine(n, y) {
if (typeof y !== "number") y = this.cursor[1];
if (n <= 0) return this;
if (y + n > this.lines.length)
n = this.lines.length - y;
if (n <= 0) return this;
this.emit("linesRemoving", y, n);
this.lines.splice(y, n);
return this;
TermState.prototype.insertLine = function insertLine(n, y) {
if (typeof y !== "number") y = this.cursor[1];
if (n <= 0) return this;
if (y + n > this.rows)
n = this.rows - y;
if (n <= 0) return this;
this.removeLine((this.lines.length + n) - this.rows, this.rows - n);
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
this.lines.splice(y, 0, { str: "", attr: null });
this.emit("linesInserted", y, n);
return this;
TermState.prototype.scroll = function scroll(n) {
if (n > 0) { // up
if (n > this.lines.length) n = this.lines.length; //FIXME: is this okay?
if (n > 0) this.emit("linesScrolling", n);
this.lines = this.lines.slice(n);
} else if (n < 0) { // down
n = -n;
if (n > this.rows) n = this.rows; //FIXME: is this okay?
var extraLines = (this.lines.length + n) - this.rows;
if (extraLines > 0) this.emit("linesScrolling", -extraLines);
this.lines = this.lines.slice(0, this.rows - n);
this.insertLine(n, 0);
return this;
/** HIGH LEVEL **/
TermState.prototype._graphConvert = function(content) {
// optimization for 99% of the time
if(this._mappedCharset === this._mappedCharsetNext && !this.modes.graphic) {
return content;
var result = "", i;
for(i = 0; i < content.length; i++) {
result += (this.modes.graphic && content[i] in GRAPHICS) ?
GRAPHICS[content[i]] :
this._mappedCharset = this._mappedCharsetNext;
this.modes.graphic = this._charsets[this._mappedCharset] === "graphics"; // backwards compatibility
return result;
TermState.prototype.write = function write(chunk) {
chunk.split("\n").forEach(function (line, i) {
if (i > 0) {
// Begin new line
if (this.cursor[1] + 1 >= this.rows)
this.mvCursor(0, 1);
if (!line.length) return;
if (this.getMode("graphic")) this.getLine().code = true;
line = this._graphConvert(line);
this._writeChunk(this.cursor, line, this.getMode("insert"));
this.cursor[0] += line.length;
return this;
TermState.prototype.resize = function resize(size) {
if (this.lines.length > size.rows)
this.scroll(this.lines.length - size.rows);
this.rows = size.rows;
this.columns = size.columns;
this.emit("resize", size);
return this;
TermState.prototype.mvCursor = function mvCursor(x, y) {
var cursor = this.getCursor();
return this.setCursor(cursor[0] + x, cursor[1] + y);
TermState.prototype.toString = function toString() {
return this.lines.map(function (line) { return line.str; }).join("\n");
TermState.prototype.prevLine = function prevLine() {
if (this.cursor[1] > 0) this.mvCursor(0, -1);
else this.scroll(-1);
return this;
TermState.prototype.nextLine = function nextLine() {
if (this.cursor[1] < this.rows - 1) this.mvCursor(0, +1);
else this.scroll(+1);
return this;
TermState.prototype.saveCursor = function saveCursor() {
this.savedCursor = this.getCursor();
return this;
TermState.prototype.restoreCursor = function restoreCursor() {
this.cursor = this.savedCursor;
return this.setCursor();
TermState.prototype.insertBlank = function insertBlank(n) {
var str = "";
while (str.length < n) str += " ";
return this._writeChunk(this.cursor, str, true);
TermState.prototype.eraseCharacters = function eraseCharacters(n) {
var str = "";
while (str.length < n) str += " ";
return this._writeChunk(this.cursor, str, false);
TermState.prototype.setScrollRegion = function setScrollRegion(n, m) {
return this;
TermState.prototype.switchBuffer = function switchBuffer(alt) {
if (this.alt !== alt) {
this.alt = alt;
return this;
TermState.prototype.getBufferRowCount = function getBufferRowCount() {
return this.lines.length;
* moves Cursor forward or backward a specified amount of tabs
* @param n {number} - number of tabs to move. <0 moves backward, >0 moves
* forward
TermState.prototype.mvTab = function(n) {
var x = this.getCursor()[0];
var tabMax = this._tabs[this._tabs.length - 1] || 0;
var positive = n > 0;
n = Math.abs(n);
while(n !== 0 && x > 0 && x < this.columns-1) {
x += positive ? 1 : -1;
if(this._tabs.indexOf(x) != -1 || (x > tabMax && x % 8 === 0))
* set tab at specified position
* @param pos {number} - position to set a tab at
TermState.prototype.setTab = function(pos) {
// Set the default to current cursor if no tab position is specified
if(pos === undefined) {
pos = this.getCursor()[0];
// Only add the tab position if it is not there already
if (this._tabs.indexOf(pos) != -1) {
* remove a tab
* @param pos {number} - position to remove a tab. Do nothing if the tab isn't
* set at this position
TermState.prototype.removeTab = function(pos) {
var i, tabs = this._tabs;
for(i = 0; i < tabs.length && tabs[i] !== pos; i++);
tabs.splice(i, 1);
* removes a tab at a given index
* @params n {number} - can be one of the following
* <ul>
* <li>"current" or 0: searches tab at current position. no tab is at current
* position delete the next tab</li>
* <li>"all" or 3: deletes all tabs</li>
TermState.prototype.tabClear = function(n) {
switch(n || "current") {
case "current":
case 0:
for(var i = this._tabs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if(this._tabs[i] < this.getCursor()[0]) {
this._tabs.splice(i, 1);
case "all":
case 3:
this._tabs = [];
function createTerminal(options) {
var state = new TermState(options);
var term = new Terminal({});
term.state = state;
return term;
exports.TermState = TermState;
exports.createTerminal = createTerminal;